Written by: Tugce Ozdeger, Executive Contributor
Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.

We all human beings have a passion for being a service to others with our competencies and expertise. The more we feel confident about ourselves and our unique talents, the more we will grow in our careers no matter where we are currently in our careers. We can serve
others in the extent we respect, accept and strive for being the best version ourselves and therefore, personal development has a direct impact on your career, business and finances as well.

It’s very essential to give ourselves time and care to get to know ourselves, the things that make us excited, our values, the things that matter to us, our unique gift(s) we were born with, and foremost, why we are on this beautiful planet, the Earth. Everything we experienced in our career, the promotions, failures, the learnings, praises, everything mirrors how we feel inside.
The more we are aware of our shadow and light and love ourselves anyway, our career will exponentially grow and people around us will notice the energetic shift, the inner work we are committed to unleashing our full potential in life and in whatever we choose to do in order to contribute to the development of this planet.
We all have a tendency to hide ourselves and think whatever we experienced only happened to us because we think we are lacking e.g. skills, education, degree, money etc. In fact, everything in life happened for us to grow and take the next leap in our life and career.
Having someone beside you who has already gone the path you are seeking to create will make a big difference in your career and that’s what a mentor’s intention is to guide you to look into your life and your career from a different angle.
The question “Do we allow us to get all the support and help we need to take the leap”?

There is an obvious difference between doing a job because you have to, and you choose to be on a mission to accomplish something that is aligned with your values and who you are at the core. Everything we desire in our life and career is to take the courage to decide what our next step will be in our life and career. Would you like to stay in your comfort zone and continue what you are used to with comfort and leave your comfort zone and explore what it is that you can co-create with the universe and let the universe express itself through your unique gifts and story.
I hope you chose the latter :)

Tugce Ozdeger, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine
Tugce Ozdeger, is a Senior Software Engineer and a Career Acceleration Mentor for Women in Tech. After a long corporate career, Tugce created strategies to level up her tech career
on her own terms. She has since dedicated her life to helping women to unleash their full potential by defining a lucrative career that allows them to experience the life of their dreams in tech. She is the founder of Heart-Centric Tech Mentoring, an online tech career mentoring academy with students from many different countries. Tugce was featured on various digital publications and podcasts. She was a speaker at SweTugg which is one of the prestigious tech conferences in Stockholm. Tugce was also the project leader for one of the most appreciated IT-Conferences for Women in Tech in Sweden which was arranged completely digital. Her mission: More women in tech.