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The Reason You Feel Stuck – And How To Clear Your Path Toward Success

Thibaut Ottomer is an expert in empowering the mind, boosting self-esteem & building courage. Instead of using his childhood trauma to feel small and guilty, he turned his pain into his purpose by helping people tap into their power with his unique liberation coaching methodology.

Executive Contributor Thibaut Ottomer

So many people find themselves feeling stuck in this fast-paced world with too many choices available for almost everyone at all times. Too many decisions to make, too many options to choose from. Indecisiveness and doubt as a result. Sounds familiar? Keep reading!

Photo of Thibaut Ottomer

As a mindset coach, I hear people almost daily saying they feel lost and not knowing how to change. It´s a real challenge to navigate through mental barriers that hinder our growth but it´s yet another challenge we can overcome as well.

Discover the root cause

Feeling stuck usually comes from a lack of clarity about our desires and goals. It's easy to get caught up in societal expectations or seek approval from others, leading us further away from our authentic selves. This disconnect can affect our confidence and leave us feeling even further away from our path.

Marcus Aurelius said, “The obstacle is the way,” yet therefore, we need to open our eyes and become aware of what that real obstacle is in front of us (hint: it´s never someone or something else; it´s always within us). Taking full responsibility for our own lives is often the hardest thing to do. 

Bye-bye self-doubt – Hello self-acceptance

To break free from this passive and overthinking cycle, it's essential to confront our fears and self-doubt head-on. Many of us hold back from fully embracing our potential due to a fear of success. We worry about appearing arrogant or undeserving, failing to recognize that self-belief is the only real way, not a flaw. Typically a trait for people pleasers.

Shifting perspectives: Embracing growth opportunities

Instead of fixating on limitations, focus on the many possibilities that already are in front of you. Learn to take on a growth mindset that sees challenges as chances to learn and grow. It´s always 10% what is happening and 90% the meaning you give to it so embrace new experiences that push you beyond your comfort zone. When you are being pushed around, there is always a lesson to be learned. Growth is always on the other side of comfort. What is it that you choose?

Taking back your power: Act & explore to success

It's time to take the initiative and provoke that so-wanted change. Don't wait for the perfect moment that will never come; instead, start seeing imperfection as a pathway to progress. Take small, conscious steps aligned with your values and goals. Through this journey of self-discovery, you'll come across your hidden passions and create a path that reflects the truest version of yourself. Isn´t that exciting?!

Self-reflection along the way

As you move along this transformative journey, ask yourself: What actionable steps can I take today to fill up the gap between where I am right now and where I want to be? And add some fun to the mix!

Remember, getting unstuck is an ongoing process of growth and self-realization. Honor your uniqueness, believe in your abilities, and clear the path for others to do the same. 

Dream big, take bold action, and witness the magic that unfolds as you step into your big self.

Enjoy being all of you.

Read more from Thibaut Ottomer


Thibaut Ottomer, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Thibaut Ottomer is an expert in empowering the mind, boosting self-esteem & building courage. Instead of using his childhood trauma to feel small and guilty, he turned his pain into his purpose by helping people tap into their power with his unique liberation coaching methodology. He is the Founder & Mindset Coach of Liberty Coaching and has coached people all over the world. His mission: to free as many people as possible from their blocks so they can courageously be their amazing Selves.


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