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The Healing Power Of Plant Medicine – Exclusive Interview With Trinn Allen Hatch

Trinn Hatch is a pioneer of plant medicine who developed Synergy Enhanced Terpene Infusions. During his path to healing, Trinn experienced how our body's biochemistry is hardwired to the energetics of plants. Amchi Thubten Lekshe is a Lineage holding Master Tibetan Physician and Jampha's Spiritual Director & Formulator. Together, their enlightened understanding of plants and the life force energy expressed as terpenes create a new and advanced expression of Sowa Rigpa, a more than 2500-year-old Tibetan Healing Science. Trinn has devoted his life to sharing these ancient treasuries of knowledge with the world, igniting the primordial healing wisdom within all beings.

Image photo of Trinn Allen Hatch

Trinn Allen Hatch, CEO Jampha ‒ Loving Kindness

You discovered the healing power of plant medicine during a healing journey that took several years of your life. Can you tell me about that?

From a young age, I was concerned with the safety and welfare of others. I am large and strong in stature and soon found a unique skill set protecting others.

I owned a private security company specializing in personal bodyguards and armed security. One day, I was assaulted and broke my ankle to the point where my surgeons were convinced amputation was the only option.

Thanks to my mother’s insistence, the surgeons spent a long night piecing my ankle together with multiple plates and screws. I spent over three months in traction with external fixators holding my badly damaged and infected leg together.

After three surgeries, I had a list of hopeless medical diagnoses. In desperation, at my lowest point, when there seemed to be no reason to keep going, I called out to the universe and asked to find a path to healing.

At that same moment, I committed in my heart that if I were blessed with this, I would spend the rest of my life helping others who may also be feeling helpless find a path to healing.

Within two weeks, I was introduced to CBD and terpenes and began an exciting self-healing journey.I dove deep into the healing properties of cannabinoids and hemp terpenes.

Within two years, I was able to ween myself off 16 prescriptions and create the healing support my mind and body needed to find balance.

As you started sharing your botanical terpene formulas, you saw two of your family members experience miraculous results. Can you tell me about that?

At the same time that I was hitting rock bottom with my own mental and physical health, my mother was undergoing multiple brain surgeries to remove a tumor.

During this time, she had a stroke, died, and was brought back to life. She lost sight and would spend years in near darkness.

When I felt what CBD could do for me, I asked her to try it. She eventually agreed and has taken our products every day since. The results have been miraculous. She defied modern science and regained her sight. She suffered significant brain damage, but now she speaks and functions–you’d never know it.

My mother inspired our WhiteElephant, NeuroRegenerative Nootropic brain elixir. The regenerative and protective properties boost the body's inherent ability to establish a healing trajectory.

My mother, Mary, is now an ambassador of Loving Kindness. She shares her healing journey and personal and profound experience with the products to inspire others to their own path.

Carina, the co-founder of Jampha and my partner, broke her ankle on a business trip. Ironically, it’s the same ankle I broke. They verified the break with x-rays and scheduled her surgery nine days later.

Meanwhile, I put her onto a regiment of SETI (Synergy-Enhanced Terpene Infusions) and Topicals every four hours. When she went in for her next x-rays, the fracture had repaired enough that she didn’t need surgery!

No one was more shocked than Carina. She had been hearing from clients about their miraculous healing journey using Jampha products, but until then, she had no direct experience.

What would you say to people who think of plant medicine as too weak to impact health?

The easiest way to believe it is to try it for yourself. I have experienced what it can do and have seen it work for friends and clients time and time again.

The bottom line is that we each have our own master healer guidance system. It’s an innate primordial wisdom that knows what is needed for the complex intricacies of mind, body, and spirit to experience an intelligent and well-supported healing trajectory.

Healing takes time and patience. What took many years often to bring out of balance doesn't come back into balance overnight. Consider how easy it is to put on weight by overeating rich food. Now consider how difficult it is to lose that extra weight. It takes time and consistent action.

You can get the tummy tuck to address the symptom for temporary relief or make lifestyle changes that create lasting, long-term effects. The quick and easy route brings short-term relief but doesn’t resolve the cause or restore balance.

Restorative and sustainable healing alleviates symptoms but also can address the underlying causes, creating a new homeostasis that ripples out through a person’s body and life in remarkable ways. Plant medicine has been used with great success for many thousands of years.

How does the 'whole plant' effect differ from the isolated molecule effect?

The "whole plant" effect and the isolated molecule effect refer to using a plant in its natural state versus isolating specific molecules from that plant.

The whole plant contains a complex mixture of compounds, including cannabinoids, terpenes, flavonoids, and other phytochemicals that work together to produce a range of effects. This is known as the "entourage effect" because the different compounds work together to create more benefits than any individual compound would on its own. When specific molecules are isolated from the plant, studies show they don’t have the same effects as the whole plant. For example, when CBD is isolated from the plant, it may not create the same powerful results as when used with other cannabinoids and terpenes.

When you use the whole plant, your body benefits from a complex mixture of compounds that synergize and have a stronger effect. Isolated molecules can still be potent but can’t compete.

What is an herbal tincture, and how is it made? A herbal tincture is a water and or alcohol-based liquid preparation that suspends healing herbs, minerals, and terpenes, so they can be taken sublingually or added to food or beverage.

Pills need to be digested and aren’t always delivered to the target system in full potency. Tinctures, on the other hand, are fast acting. They begin working as soon as they enter your mouth.

Typically, when you dry a plant, it loses its terpenes. Tinctures preserve terpenes' effectiveness without evaporation.

Like a master chef infusing ingredients in a specific order to bring out the desired unified properties in an artful expression, tinctures are made with great care.

Ingredients are added in a specific order to maximize the enhanced synergy we infuse into every tincture. What was the inspiration behind the name Jampha? Jampha is a Tibetan word meaning Loving-Kindness. From a young age, I've had a natural affinity for monks. Through a few different experiences, I came to resonate with this name.

Two years after we created Jampha, we learned that Jampha is the Tibetan translation for the Buddha of Loving-Kindness, Maitreya. Jampha has become a living expression of the teachings of Maitreya Buddha.

We are not a religious company, but we are spiritual. We believe love and kindness are common ground and a sure foundation to build a society that respects each other's beliefs and honors our freedom to choose for ourselves.

Tell me about Jampha’s expression of Loving Kindness. We treat every being as we would our own mother, we are all part of the same whole, and when we treat each other in the light of this truth, the whole world changes for good.

We make our supportive healing elixirs available to all and do so through our loving kindness assistance program. We firmly believe that all beings deserve the support they need to heal, regardless of finances. We never say no, and this is one of the ways the hand of loving-kindness is always extended to all.

In simple terms, how would you explain Tibetan medicine’s approach and how it works?

Tibetan Medicine addresses the physical and spiritual imbalances that need healing. Instead of focusing on relieving symptoms, Tibetan medicine supports the innate healing systems already within. It provides the nutrients–botanical and mineral–needed for the body and mind to follow a healing trajectory.

Tibetan Medicine works in partnership with the botanical and mineral kingdoms with great respect and two-way communication. This means that nature's secrets can be shared in profound ways lost to western medicine.

After you and Carina had been runningJampha for a few years, you met Amchi Thubten Lekshe, who has over 50 years of experience in Tibetan medicine herbs and clinical application. How has your life and business changed since meeting Amchi?

Amchi Thubten Lekshecame when Carina and I had done everything we knew how to do. We understood terpenes and cannabinoids but very little of the botanical and mineral kingdoms. We prayed and set an intention to meet a master of Tibetan medicine, and two weeks later, Amchi appeared. It was that magical.

The magnetic attraction we felt to each other's work was exceeded only by a deep resonance within our hearts that our meeting was divinely appointed for a higher purpose.

Amchi has brought to life a new and advanced expression of Tibetan Medicine. He waited 45 years to create it. Early in his training, he realized terpenes were lost in herbal preparations, which meant plants lost much of the healing magic.

With Amchi, we went from being a CBD and hemp terpene company to being a full-service botanical and mineral formulation company with more than 2500 years of lineage through the practice of Sowa Rigpa (Tibetan medicine).

Amchi is one of the few living Sowa Rigpa lineage holders. All this knowledge and wisdom finds itself alive again in Jampha.

Why is quality plant medicine needed in the western world?

Our bodies and plants were made for each other. The way they work together is remarkable. Living plant essences enter our bodies and immediately begin an intelligent, balancing dance with our biochemistry.

Terpenes have been keeping nature balanced for millennia. They do the same for our bodies. As plant terpenes are reintroduced into traditional medical traditions, I see natural healing moving in a new and exciting direction that brings the living life force of nature to support our mind, body, and spirit directly.

What do you hope people will take away from your story?

Even the most desperate and hopeless situations become fertile soil for growth. Nothing is ever over. The infinite potential of our universe means there is always room to move and grow.

When you ask for help, offer the Universe something on the altar of sacrifice in an energetic exchange for what you are manifesting.

What is the most important thing you want to tell people in search of real and lasting healing?

Arm yourself with wisdom and knowledge, listen to the professionals but study and investigate the healing stories of those who have walked a similar path. Find the common threads of success.

Set an intention to heal and spend time listening to your internal guidance system for every choice you make. You are the only one who really knows what your body needs.

Learn how to muscle test. Kinesiology is a proven, efficient method to determine what your body needs to heal. Most of all, trust yourself, your intuition, and the


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