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My Meditation Journey As A Widow –From Monkey Brain To OM

Written by: Marie Scott, Senior Level Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.

Executive Contributor Marie Scott

Meditation? Never thought it was my cup of tea. Sure, I had a few apps installed on my phone for years before Dave, my husband of thirty years passed away, but I rarely tuned in, and never for the whole length of the mediation. How could I possibly ever quiet my very busy Monkey Brain and the constant chatter in my head?

Photo of a woman relaxing.

As I began my health transformation and underwent some testing, the first and most alarming diagnosis was chronic stress, along with many other things. My doctor put me at ease by saying, “It’s OK, what we can measure we can fix!” My personal research kept pointing to meditation as the most effective way to deal with stress. Someone told me, “If you do something for 30 days it becomes a habit!” So I tried an online course for 30 days, where a video was sent to me each morning and I stuck with it for the whole month.

The emotions my early practice brought up were raw and scary, but I pushed through during my grief journey, and it became a life saver. The work I did helped heal me and helped me visualize “life part 2” which manifested into what and who I am today: an Author, Speaker, and certified FM Wellness Coach. This was after a 30-year career in technology – what a life transformation!

Today meditation is a non-negotiable part of my morning routine. Whether it’s sitting outside in the sun (the picture above is from the dock at our place in Maine) or listening to a guided meditation upon rising, my practice has evolved and strengthened.

Breathing goes hand in hand with meditation – I’ll never forget the first time my chiropractor taught me to breathe deeply by putting a hand on my chest and a hand on my belly. I never realized I was such a shallow breather until that point in my life. I learned many different types of breathing as my meditation practice became a daily habit. From box breathing, 4-7-8 breaths, or fire breathing (yes, it’s a thing!) breathwork helped me with stress, grief, anxiety and even road frustration while stuck in traffic.

One day after meditating, it occurred to me that the journal I was keeping, writing down and reliving memories of my life with Dave, could be a book! After another meditation, the 12 chapters of the book came to me. Meditation helped me reinvent my life as a Health Coach and brought me peace finally in dealing with the overwhelming, devastating grief.

Give it a try! Here’s some tips to help you start your own meditation practice.

Find your zen zone

Find a cozy nook – whether it's your sacred bedroom space, your comfy couch, or even a patch of grass in nature free from disturbances. You can assume the meditation position of your choice: feet on the ground in a chair, folded legs under you, or on a cushion. I will even lie in bed in the morning and tune in to a ten-minute guided meditation.

Eyes shut mind open

Close your peepers and tune into the sounds and feels of your breath. Take a few deep lungful’s of air, and then let your breath do its thing. Put a gentle smile on your lips and just breathe.

Start small, dream big

Begin with bite-sized meditation sessions. I started with 3 minutes of deep breathing, then discovered a whole world of guided meditations by so many pros, from Vishen to Wayne to Joe to Abraham. A few minutes a day is all it takes to kickstart your meditation journey. You can increase your time as you reap the benefits of meditation.

Do you meditate as a widow? Want a kick start on that journey? Join the retreat in Punta Gorda this December where we'll meditate, explore breathwork, and experience gentle yoga every single morning! Find more info here.

Feel free to book a complimentary 1/2-hour call with me (worth $30!) Tell me where you're at and how you're doing in your grief journey. Here’s my calendar link.

Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, YouTube, and visit my website for more info!

Marie Scott Brainz Magazine

Marie Scott, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Creator and Founder of Happy and Healthy After Widowhood. A best selling author, keynote speaker, and Functional Medicine Health Coach, Marie is on a mission to help widows and widowers rediscover how to live well, laugh more and perhaps even find love again.


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