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Mindset Shift – Start Saying Yes To Everything And Watch Your Life Unfold Blissfully

Written by: Sarai Shivana, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


One of the key phrases I continue to write down every day to myself as a reminder is “Start Saying Yes To Everything And Watch Your Life Unfold Blissfully”

This has helped me push through any and all barriers and help Shatter the Negative Notion of Direct Sales and Social Commerce

People’s perception of something they are unfamiliar with is due to their belief system and values. We are here to help each other evolve to attract and generate opportunities.

The biggest misconception people have about the industry of Network Marketing is due to their lack of knowledge or willingness to understand the concept of what the industry is. If it is unfamiliar territory they are conditioned to judge, resent, and be an “expert” in critical acclaim. Get educated enough to what it is before you make an uneducated decision and cost yourself millions!

I speak from experience being in the Direct-to-Consumer business for 3 years plus. Coming from a Corporate America background for over 15 years as a former Fashion Executive and Hospitality Manager, I have evolved my mindset into saying YES to opportunities to get educated about them before I say a HARD NO!

Here are my tips and a few tweetable quotes that have helped many individuals shift to open their mindset which has created a path of opportunities they never dreamt existed for them.

1. Never squander an opportunity presented to you; just roll with it, it may not work out, even if it doesn’t work out for you, you might serve someone else with it.

2. If you are not mentally ready to be open to that opportunity, you are not going to see the value in it – Start saying YES to everything, and things will come to you.

3. Direct sales might not be for everyone, there is a certain entrepreneurial mindset you will need to develop within direct sales or any startup business.

4. Re-frame the investment term, there will always be an investment in working for yourself and it doesn’t necessarily mean a monetary investment.

5. In any kind of venture, you are into, even for yourself, there will always be a start-up cost.

You are building something for yourself based on your skill sets to help add value to other people and solve a solution.

“You need to constantly challenge your mind, for it to grow." – Sarai Shivana

“Start to appreciate what it is at the moment in time because God will not give you more than what you’re ready for." – Sarai Shivana

Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and visit my website for more info!


Sarai Shivana, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Sarai Shivana is a result-oriented and competitive entrepreneur. She is an expert in sales and brand partnerships through the work of personal development.

She has built two careers simultaneously in luxury retail operations management and hospitality, her expertise in these fields has allowed her to help consult and strategize for other businesses that need restructuring and team development.

She is a certified Neuro-Linguistic Practitioner and is currently working on her Cognitive Behavioral Therapy certification.

Sarai is a global ambassador for the Nourish the Children foundation, which helps feed undernourished children around the world.

Sarai connects great people to great opportunities, a core value she is implementing in her new company PLATINUM PowHERs “A Collaborative Business Culture”


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