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Life Coach Gabriella DeLorenze on How Her Healing Journey Began

Gabby is an intuitive embodiment coach for coaches. She is an athletic trainer with a MED in Biomechanics, a life coach and an E-RYT/YACEP. Gabby has over a decade of experience healing 500+ souls and 1000’s of hours teaching the mind-body connection through coaching, anatomy, and movement/yoga rehabilitation. Through mindset coaching and facilitating healing of your emotional and physical bodies, Gabby will teach you to melt your stress and anxieties so you can start living your healthiest and happiest life. Together, we will find tangible tools to heal old relationships, cultivate self-love and create the space for an abundant life.

Gabriella DeLorenze
Gabriella DeLorenze

You are a speaker, life coach and a yoga specialist. When did you get interested in these topics, and do you consider any subject to be more "primary" than the others, or is it all connected?

I have always been fascinated with how the body works. I was a 3 sport athlete growing up and played rugby in college – injuries were always my friend! So, I set out to learn how to heal the body. Once I started learning how the body works and how to help it, I realized that the physical body holds all of the answers we’re all searching for mentally and spiritually and needed to share that with the world.

I was raped back in 2014, that is when my true healing journey began. Not wanting to live within my physical body anymore, I went inward. I began my yoga teacher training journey, meditation and spirituality practices. After much trial and error, I was not only able to heal my emotional and spiritual state but that nagging back pain following my assault went with it. I was able to cure my headaches, need for excess caffeine and my irritable bowel syndrome through mind-body connection.

It’s all connected, of course. I have made it my mission to share this with my clients (& really anyone who will listen!) We all deserve to feel like the best version of ourselves in all our bodies (energetic, emotional, mental, spiritual and physical). If you don’t know what the best version is, we will try a few different versions! It’s like Cinderella, let’s find the perfect fit aka blend of healing modalities for you!

Who should hire/work with you, and why? 

I predominantly help female coaches uncover areas of energetic blockage. We attract what we are. If you are seeking fame, your first 6 figure year, to be of service to “x” amount of people….if you’re not living a high vibrational life, your launches will fail, you won’t attract any new clients nor will you feel successful. I help womxn heal stress, anxiety, relationships and self-sabotage so that they can catapult into the best version of themselves and truly step into their power and into an abundant life. 

What are your ambitions in life? Where do you see yourself in 10 years?

In 10 years I will be giving another Ted Talk, hosting international events with hundreds of womxn helping them find pure bliss and happiness in all areas of life. I will have an online subscription plan for those searching for healing offering sliding scale life/biz coaching, teaching meditation, healing movement and overall wellness.

My goal is to be of service to as many womxn as possible – helping them learn to receive love in all forms & fashions.

If I'm feeling stressed or anxious, what are your top 3 tips I can do by myself at home?

  1. DANCE! Move your body! Stress is a low vibrational emotion. Want to feel better? Change your energy state! Energy can never be created nor destroyed but it sure can be altered! Move your hips, your shoulders, your spine and just let it feel good!

  2. BREATHE! My favorite: square breath. Inhale for 4 seconds, hold your breath for 4 seconds, exhale 4 seconds, hold 4 seconds, repeat 4x

  3. GRATITUDE! For something as simple as waking up, hot coffee, or the mess your children left. Finding gratitude in the smallest (or big) things will attract more gratitude into your life! What are 3 things you’re grateful for right now?

We are all so much the same. Different people with all of the same pain points: stress is too high, we’re “too busy”, we want more money and/or more love.

  • Rule No.1: Remember you are only EVER in charge of yourself and your actions, you will NEVER be able to control anyone else

  • Rule No.2: You attract what you are. If you want to feel more positive, fill your day with more positive people, positive quotes, movies, songs, podcasts…

  • Rule No.3: Surrender the “how”. Spirit/God/Mother Nature whatever you believe in that is bigger than yourself will always provide. Ask for what you want. Surrender how it will come to you. If it’s meant for you, it will come. Trust. Surrender. And Believe in yourself. 

Follow Gabby on FacebookInstagrammy Facebook-group and visit her website.


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