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I Just Need To Get My Shit Together

Louise has worked as a Mechanic for 7 years, becoming a field service technician and representing Australia at the world skills competition for heavy vehicle mechanics. She decided to become the person she wished she had.

Executive Contributor Louise Azzopardi

How often do we say to ourselves or here other people say – “I’ll get to that once I have my shit together” or “I just need to get my shit together”.

A woman sitting at a desk with papers scattered around.

The thing with this is:

One: what is the shit?

Two: how would you like it to come together?

I was coaching one of my amazing one on one clients and we were talking about money, they were going onto a rotating roster which meant the pay cycle will not be consistent but they wont know what it will look like for at least one month. They also said they didn’t know how much money they needed week to week so they didn’t know what they were budgeting for any way.

So they said, “well, if I just get my shit together then I will be fine”

Any my question was – “how do you plan to do that?”

And guess what, they had no idea, which is totally fine.

So what we need to do is work out what shit is, which in this context is what money is coming in and out. We agreed that tracking what comes in and out for one month was a reasonable first step.

Once we have that information and awareness then we shall be regrouping to make a plan.

So simply when you want to get your shit together you need to work out what shit is and then how you would like it to come together!


Louise Azzopardi, Speaker, Mentor and Coach for Tradeswomen

Louise has worked as a Mechanic for 7 years, becoming a field service technician and representing Australia at the world skills competition for heavy vehicle mechanics. She decided to become the person she wished she had. Louise is a life coach for Tradeswomen, coaching through anxiety and sexism to become the most confident person they can be. She speaks on issues that matter to the Tradeswomen community but not only the issues but the solutions as well!

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