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How To Make Scary Life Changes

Georgina Hudson is a Transpersonal Therapist and Strategic Life Coach. She’s helped hundreds of clients move from stuck and insecure to unleashed and unfolded. Her unique method is infused with Eastern and Western Psychology, Transformational and Empowerment Coaching, Neuroscience and Mindfulness.

Executive Contributor Georgina Hudson M.Sc

Have you ever stood on the precipice of change, feeling both exhilarated and terrified by the prospect of taking the leap into the unknown? Whether it's a career shift, a relationship transition, or a personal transformation, embarking on a new chapter of life can stir up a whirlwind of emotions. 

Sporty man running and jumping

As humans, we are wired to seek comfort and stability, a default setting deeply ingrained in our brains. This inclination towards the familiar stems from the brain's natural tendency to conserve energy and avoid potential threats. However, while seeking comfort and stability is understandable, it's essential to recognize its potential drawbacks. 

By remaining within the confines of familiarity, we risk stagnation and missed opportunities for growth and fulfillment. Recognizing this paradox allows us to confront our fears and embrace change as a catalyst for personal transformation and self-discovery. Only by daring to step outside our comfort zones can we truly unlock our fullest potential and navigate the complexities of life with courage and resilience.

3 fears that hold us back

Understanding the source of our fear is the first step towards overcoming it. Our apprehensions often manifest in various forms, with three primary fears standing out: fear of failure, fear of rejection, and fear of the unknown.

1. Fear of failure

This fear stems from our innate desire for success and achievement. We worry that if we take a leap of faith and fall short of our expectations, it will validate our deepest insecurities and shortcomings. The fear of failure can paralyze us, preventing us from taking risks and pursuing our dreams. However, it's essential to recognize that failing at something is not a reflection of our worth or abilities but rather an inevitable part of the learning process. Embracing mistakes as stepping stones towards growth allows us to cultivate resilience and perseverance in the face of adversity.

2. Fear of rejection

The fear of rejection is rooted in our need for acceptance and belonging. We fear that if we deviate from the expectations of others or express our authentic selves, we will face criticism, judgment, or abandonment. This fear often leads us to prioritize external validation over our inner truth, compromising our values and suppressing our true desires. Yet, by embracing vulnerability and authenticity, we open ourselves up to genuine connections and meaningful relationships. Rejection becomes less daunting when we recognize that our worth is not contingent on the other people’s approval but rooted in our inherent value as individuals.

3. Fear of the unknown

The fear of the unknown is perhaps the most pervasive and primal of all fears. It's the fear of venturing into uncharted territory, where outcomes are uncertain and risks are high. We fear losing control, stability, and security, preferring the safety of the familiar over the unpredictability of change. However, it's essential to remember that growth and transformation occur outside our comfort zones. Embracing the unknown as an opportunity for exploration and discovery allows us to expand our horizons and tap into our innate potential. Instead of viewing uncertainty as a threat, we can reframe it as a doorway to new possibilities and experiences.

Recognizing these underlying fears allows us to confront them head-on and reclaim our power to shape our destiny. 

Signs it is time to make a change in your life

Persistent discontent

This refers to a chronic sense of dissatisfaction or lack of fulfillment in one's current circumstances. It's that nagging feeling that something is missing or not quite right, despite outward appearances of success or stability. Persistent discontent can manifest in various aspects of life, including career, relationships, personal development, and overall life satisfaction. It often serves as a signal from our inner selves that change is needed, prompting us to explore what truly brings us joy and fulfillment.

Repetitive patterns

Repetitive patterns or cycles are behaviors, thoughts, or actions that we find ourselves repeatedly engaging in, often without conscious awareness. These patterns may have served us in the past but no longer align with our values, goals, or desired outcomes. They can manifest in various areas of life, such as unhealthy relationship dynamics, self-sabotaging behaviors, or career stagnation. Recognizing and breaking free from these patterns is essential for personal growth and transformation, as it allows us to create new, more empowering ways of living and being.

Inner calling

An inner calling or longing refers to a deep-seated sense of purpose or direction that emanates from within us. It's that inner voice urging us to explore new possibilities, pursue our passions, or align our actions with our values. This inner calling often arises when we feel disconnected from our authentic selves or when our lives lack meaning and fulfillment. Trusting and heeding this inner voice is essential for living a purpose-driven life, as it guides us towards activities, relationships, and experiences that align with our true essence and contribute to our overall well-being.

External triggers

External triggers are events or circumstances outside of ourselves that serve as catalysts for change. These triggers can range from major life events such as job loss, divorce, or illness to more subtle shifts in our environment or relationships. While initially disruptive or challenging, external triggers provide an opportunity for introspection, growth, and reevaluation of our priorities and direction in life. They prompt us to question the status quo, challenge our assumptions, and make necessary adjustments to align our lives with our evolving values and goals.

8 ways to handle life changes

1. Cultivate self-awareness

Take time to reflect on your values, passions, and aspirations. Journaling, meditation, or seeking guidance from a coach or therapist can deepen your self-awareness and clarify your goals.

2. Break it down

Break down your larger goal into smaller, manageable steps. Focus on taking consistent action towards your vision, celebrating each milestone along the way and readjusting what’s necessary.

3. Seek positive support

Surround yourself with a supportive network of friends, family, mentors, and like-minded individuals who uplift and encourage your growth.

4. Embrace uncertainty

Embrace the uncertainty inherent in change as an opportunity for growth and self-discovery. Cultivate a mindset of curiosity and resilience, viewing obstacles as stepping stones towards your desired outcome.

5. Seek different perspectives

Talk to trusted friends, family members, or coaches about your situation and seek their input and perspective. They may offer valuable insights or alternative viewpoints that can help you navigate the change more effectively.

6. Physical exercise

Engage in regular physical exercise to reduce stress, boost mood, and increase resilience. Whether it's going for a walk, practicing yoga, or hitting the gym, find activities that help you release tension and improve your overall well-being.

7. Setting boundaries

Establish clear boundaries to protect your time, energy, and emotional well-being during times of change. Learn to say no to commitments that don't align with your priorities and focus on activities that support your growth and resilience.

8. Learning and growth

View the change as an opportunity for learning and personal growth. Seek out resources such as books, podcasts, or workshops that can help you develop new skills, gain knowledge, and expand your perspective on the situation.

And…before you make the leap, journal about these questions:

  • What is driving my desire for change?

  • What am I willing to sacrifice or risk for this change?

  • What resources or support do I need to navigate this transition successfully?

  • Am I prepared to face setbacks or challenges along the way? When they happen, what am I going to remind myself of?

  • What is the potential impact of this change on myself and those around me?

In conclusion, taking the leap into the unknown can be daunting, but it is often the catalyst for personal and professional growth. By understanding our fears, recognizing the signs of change, and embracing the journey with courage and resilience, we can transform our lives in profound and meaningful ways. Are you now ready to take the leap?


Georgina Hudson is a Transpersonal Therapist and Strategic Life Coach. She’s helped hundreds of clients move from stuck and insecure to unleashed and unfolded. Her unique method is infused with Eastern and Western Psychology, Transformational and Empowerment Coaching, Neuroscience and Mindfulness. Her mission: helping clients obtain results beyond their wildest imagination. Georgina has contributed to numerous prestigious publications and hosts her own podcast helping listeners to raise their consciousness about emotional wellbeing and guiding them to tap into their inner wisdom and infinite potential.


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