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How to Choose the Right Email Marketing Platform for Your Business?

Written by: Maria-Paz Hornisch, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


The biggest mistake I see entrepreneurs making when they choose their email marketing platform is that they try to go for either the cheapest option or don’t do enough research beforehand, so they end up using a tool that doesn’t fit their business.

This can be very frustrating, especially for solo entrepreneurs trying to do all the things in their businesses. It can lead to wrong strategic decisions, such as not wanting to use email marketing because “it’s hard” or “I don’t have the tech skills for this.”

Email Marketing can be simple! With the right guidance and knowing the exact steps to take, you’ll be able to use this fantastic and helpful tool in your business and implement the strategies your business needs to grow even further.

To choose the right Email Marketing Platform for your business, you need to ask yourself the following key questions:

1. What’s the current stage of my business?

There are many email marketing platforms out there, but you need to make sure to use the one that fits your business. Are you a solo entrepreneur just starting? Are you using several platforms you want to integrate with email marketing? Have you been in business for years and need to change your email marketing platform to implement new and sophisticated marketing strategies?

2. Do I have a product or service-based business?

Suppose you’re selling products within different categories and shipping methods. In that case, you need to use a sophisticated email marketing platform that can integrate to your website (or at least be able to connect them with an external provider, such as Zapier) and be able to send automated emails depending on the purchase or action a customer did on your website. On the other hand, if you have a service-based business and want to send out newsletters, deliver your freebies, and create automated email sequences, then a regular email marketing tool will do the work.

3. What’s the use I’m going to give to my email marketing platform?

Make a list of all the requirements you and your business have for an email marketing platform, so you are precise when looking for all the options available. Do you want to send only email marketing campaigns and newsletters? Do you want to use it also as a CRM (customer relationship management) tool? Do you want to create automated workflows? Do you want to segment your subscribers? Add tags? Need to send post-purchase emails?

4. Which email marketing platform fits my needs?

Take a look at the email marketing platforms out there and check if they offer the features you have written in your list (either in their free or paid plans). You’ll have a clearer view of the investment you need to make, and by comparing it to your budget, you can make a better and informed decision.

Do you want to learn the best Email Marketing strategies and the great things it can help accomplish in your business? Register to my Free Masterclass.

For more info, follow Maria-Paz on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn or visit her website. Read more from Maria-Paz!


Maria-Paz Hornisch, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine Maria-Paz Hornisch is the Business Coach & Digital Marketing Strategist behind The Digital Madl, dedicated to helping ambitious mompreneurs with branding and digital marketing strategies to create a rock-solid presence online and skyrocket sales. Maria-Paz is a bachelor in Business Administration and holds an MBA in Luxury Business from ISC Paris École de Commerce. For twelve years, she developed her career in Chile, France, and Germany, working for a Spanish multinational commercial bank and two German luxury and fashion e-commerce companies. Originally from Santiago de Chile, she now lives in Munich, Germany.


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