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Functional Exercise – Helpful For MS, But OptimalBody Training Offers More

Written by: David Lyons, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.

Executive Contributor David Lyons

Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is a chronic disease that disrupts communication between the brain and body, leading to symptoms like fatigue, weakness, impaired coordination, and more. While functional exercise offers benefits for MS, it may not fully address the complex challenges and limitations MS patients face. This is where a specialized approach like OptimalBody Training offers greater advantages.

David NBC Fitness

Limitations of functional exercise for MS

  • Focus on movements: Functional workouts often emphasize movement with less attention to strength-building and brain-muscle processes. MS, however, affects brain-to-muscle connections and muscle strength, leading to muscle atrophy. This creates a need for exercises that specifically target strength, mind-body connection, coordination, and functional movement patterns.

  • Exacerbation of fatigue: Long, drawn-out workouts can worsen fatigue, a hallmark symptom of MS. This can lead to frustration, reduced adherence to exercise routines, and potentially cause symptom exacerbations and MS flare-ups.

  • Doesn't directly address cognitive challenges: MS can also impact cognitive function. Functional exercise may not sufficiently target areas like attention, focus, and memory, which require a hyper-focused element within the exercise program.

How OptimalBody training differs

OptimalBody Training is a holistic methodology focused on improving the overall function of the body and mind for those with MS. It targets the core processes essential for overcoming MS limitations:

  • Brain-to-Muscle Connection: Exercises are specifically designed to strengthen the communication pathways between the brain and muscles, essential for coordination and movement efficiency.

  • Muscle Fiber Activation: Training methods aim to activate a greater number of muscle fibers, resulting in improved strength and control.

  • Neuroplasticity: The program stimulates the brain's ability to rewire and create new neural pathways, potentially leading to improvements in function despite MS damage.

  • Acetylcholine Production: OptimalBody Training can promote the production of acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter crucial for muscle contraction, memory, and learning.


Why OptimalBody training produces better results

By focusing on these fundamental processes, OptimalBody Training will yield greater benefits for MS patients:

  • Functional improvements: Enhanced ability to perform daily tasks and greater independence.

  • Reduced fatigue: Pacing and energy conservation strategies contribute to better overall energy levels.

  • Improved cognitive function: Potential for improvements in areas like attention, processing speed, and memory.

  • Symptom management: Mind-body practices will help manage stress and reduce the severity of some MS symptoms.

  • Increased motivation: The personalized approach and focus on meaningful outcomes can promote greater adherence to the exercise program.

Important considerations

It's vital to consult a healthcare professional and a qualified OptimalBody trainer experienced in working with MS patients before starting any exercise program. OptimalBody Training isn't a replacement for medical treatment but a complementary approach that can maximize overall well-being.


Functional exercise remains a valuable tool in managing MS. However, OptimalBody Training's focus on essential physiological processes like brain-to-muscle connection, muscle fiber activation, neuroplasticity, and acetylcholine production offers the potential for greater improvements in functional ability, cognitive health, and overall well-being for individuals living with MS.

Disclaimer: The information provided here is for educational purposes only. Always consult with your doctor before starting any new fitness program, particularly if you have a chronic condition like MS.


As a leading fitness expert for chronic conditions such as MS, you can join me at OptimalBody to get an effective fitness program for overcoming limitations and challenges.



For more info, follow David on Facebook, LinkedIn and visit his website!

David Lyons Brainz Magazine

David Lyons, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

David Lyons is a leading fitness expert in chronic conditions, MS, and anti-aging. Using his unique OptimalBody Training Methods, that create the most important processes in the body to overcome limitations, he has transformed thousands of lives worldwide. David is the Founder of the MS Fitness Challenge charity and a National Fitness Hall of Fame inductee. He is the only fitness professional with MS to receive the Lifetime Achievement Award from Arnold Schwarzenegger.


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