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Five Unique Steps to Self-Love

Written by: Aimmee Odom, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


Are you going through life feeling depleted? Do you give all your love, energy, and time to everyone else, and you’re exhausted by the end of the day? If so, this is for you!

What is self-love? Self-love is the highest regard for your wellbeing and happiness. You are accepting your flaws and weakness. It’s a state of appreciation of your own body, mind, and spirit. Self-love is about NOT settling for less than you deserve because you understand and respect your own needs. When you commit to self-love, you are most dedicated to your spiritual awakening. It’s the first step on a spiritual path. Self-love and spiritual awakening go hand and hand. When you love yourself, you act from a place of authenticity and compassion. This action aligns you with your purpose, and in turn, you have the drive to follow through whatever your heart desires. Remember that self-love is NOT a destination but a journey—a journey of ongoing self-growth, acceptance, and kindness to be the very best versions of ourselves. When we fully accept that we are imperfectly perfect, unique, and full of flaws, our compassion for others will grow beyond measure. The saying is true: You can not love another person as much as you love yourself. Love is an inside job, our job. This gift of self-love is the most precious gift we can give to ourselves. Self-love opens the door to endless possibilities, magic, and beauty. The wild thing is we are the only ones who can provide this magnificent gift. Remember, the heavens specially made you. You, my friend, are one-of-a-kind. Embrace your unique, beautiful self and love it like there is no tomorrow! How do you want to love yourself? There are many ways to do so. Here are some examples; choose which ones feel in alignment with you. 1. Positive self-talk: Talk to yourself with love, acceptance, kindness, and appreciation. Every morning, a fantastic way to do so when you look in the mirror, say something uplifting or something you always wanted to hear. Look into your eyes and express appreciation. This exercise is so compelling. 2. Setting healthy boundaries: When you set boundaries, you are making yourself the priority. You are knowing and understanding your limits. This invisible line is putting yourself first! When you protect yourself, you are the keeper of your mind, body, and soul. 3. Forgiving yourself: When you forgive yourself, have self-compassion and kindness. Look for guilt-ridden mind chatter and release it. Know that we are human, and we all make mistakes. Show yourself the same grace you would to a friend or family member. A wonderful ritual is to be gentle, kind, compassionate, and patient. Adding a practice like this every day will set you free. 4. Trust yourself: You are this vast being. The more you love and understand yourself, your intuition will flow with an abundance of wisdom. Trust that knowing, trust that gut feeling. 5. Self-care: To love is to self-care. When we care for our sacred body, we radiate LOVE. This action is how I started my love journey. People call it Aimmee’s upkeep. I am always looking for unique ways to self-love. Self-care is an action-oriented way to send love. Here are some examples: Massage/facial, acupuncture, working out, eating healthy, getting out in nature, colonic, healing or reiki, meditation, cryotherapy, breath work, rebounding, spending time alone, the list can on and on. Whichever action-oriented ritual calls to you, go for it! Another great way to send ourselves self-love is by saying the mantra “I love you.” I say this all the time. Say it with love, tenderness, and kindness. Like you are speaking to a child, in all honestly, you are! You directly speak to that little girl or boy who resides in you, your beautiful inner child. Finally, the MOST crucial relationship you will ever have is with your magnificent, vibrant, out-of-this-world, fantastic self. Love yourself like there is no tomorrow! “To fall in love with yourself is the first secret to happiness.” Robert Morley.

Want more info? Follow Aimmee on her Facebook, Instagram, and Youtube Channel. You can also visit her website to get in touch.


Aimmee Odom, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Aimmee Odom is on a mission to inspire people to tap into their own uniqueness. To live life to the fullest, we need to look within. After many hardships of life, including weight loss, divorce, and learning disabilities, Aimmee has unlocked the key to fulfillment! Her teachings are a pyramid of change through body, mind, and spirit. This pyramid of change will ignite your personal power, get clear on who you want to be, and learn how to listen to that little voice we call intuition. The most powerful key of all is LOVE. Love is the key to enlightenment, joy, and The Uniqueness of You!

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