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Apply These Powerful Strategies To Get Coaching Clients And Make 6 Figures

Written by: Sharon Lee, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise


Is it really possible to make 6 figures as a coach? We see this touted around the internet like it’s a badge of honor and if you don’t make this amount of money, in your coaching practice, well you’re just not in the cool kid’s club.

Listen, some so-called “Gurus” out there will tell you that you only need TWO things to get coaching clients: Content and Action.

I am here to tell you this is FALSE! We’d all like it to be this simple but don’t fall for this. Let me give you the real scoop so you can get clients and grow your coaching practice the right way.

Now before I do, I want to say that creating content IS important and action. yeah, that’s a no-brainer but it doesn’t make any sense at all to say that this will be all you need.

Honestly, it’s just ridiculous because it’s a bit more in-depth than this.

Building your 6-figure coaching business IS simple but I don’t want you to be led down the wrong path so let’s break down the strategies that will help you to reach your goals if making 6 figures is what’s on your radar for your coaching business.

1. Create Your Signature Package. If you’ve already got your package or program then just skip this one unless you want to double-check you’re not missing something.

First off, have you done your market research to determine that people will buy your service? This is one aspect of building a business no one wants to do but it’s important because you need to know WHO you’re selling to, and WHY they would want it.

You have to determine what your zone of genius is and what your ideal client is struggling with. You MUST know what they’re wringing their hands over or crying about that they don’t have that they so desperately want.

2. Create Your Marketing Plan. This is far more simple than most people realize. People get very turned off with the idea of marketing but it’s super simple.

Here’s a quick exercise: Write down 10 ways you can get in front of people who might be your ideal client. This can be online or offline, it doesn’t matter. You’ll want it to be a way that feels most aligned to you and your personality.

Another thing you’ll want to practice, yes, I do mean practice figuring out ways to talk about what you do. This is important because you will be using this when you’re building relationships and connecting.

It’s critical in your call to action (CTA’s) if you’re using social media and creating content. The bottom line is, that you need to be really comfortable telling people what you do.

Aspects of your marketing plan:

  • Building relationships

  • Adding value to your prospect’s lives (i.e. social media posts, emails, group coaching, etc.)

  • Positioning yourself as an expert

  • Building trust with your tribe

3. Learn To Sell. The word, selling seems like a naughty word to so many people and it’s such a shame. This is where the magic happens and it’s most certainly a bottleneck for so many coaches and consultants out there trying to make money in the online space.

You’re learning about positioning yourself with free offers, paid offers, CTA’s and just learning to believe in yourself.

Then there’s the actual discovery call. dun, dun, dun.

You want to know how to get them through your marketing efforts

You want to know how to believe in YOURSELF to keep going

You want to know how to confidently “close” them on the call to hear, “cha-ching”!

When you can master your marketing message and your discovery call process, this is when REAL money will be flowing into your bank account.

This is how you’ll make CONSISTENT income, year in and year out.

4. Millionaire Mindset Makeover. The money blocks are a reality for most entrepreneurs and coaches who are out there in the online space. If you’re constantly creating and posting content and deal with imposter syndrome as well as limiting beliefs, this is what causes so many of us to want to give up on our businesses.

If you could train your brain each day to think high-dollar thoughts, you’d have confidence running through your veins. You’d give up on doubting and second-guessing your marketing plan or your ability to hold a successful discovery call.

As much as strategy will have a major role in a coach’s business, it’s truly the mindset that will catapult you into the kind of success that you dream of. It’s your mindset that will help you to do the uncomfortable actions and eliminate procrastination to ultimately hit your financial goals!

All of the “how” questions that plague you in running your business will finally leave your mind to make room for high-level thoughts that lead to MAJOR success.

Now if you’re ready to get out there and take some action to be seen and KNOWN for your zone of genius then grab the Complete Online Business Content Planner. Once you've created your content plan and truly know what your target audience needs, you will increase your income tenfold and serve your ideal clients better so that you become the expert that they need and hire.

Follow me on LinkedIn, and visit my website for more info!


Sharon Lee, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Sharon Lee is a top international business coach, and high-performing life coach for entrepreneurs. Having spent many years in poverty and even homelessness, Sharon has uncovered powerful secrets to guide people out of a mediocre state of mind to help transform them into a high-performing mental state to create more success. Sharon has created systems and introduced strategies for underperforming entrepreneurs to unleash their potential. She founded Fearless Pursuits to help entrepreneurs upgrade their minds so they can unlock a life on fire. Her clients benefit from her many programs such as "The Daily Shift", and "Sales and Confidence Mastery" as well as her top-rated podcast, "Fearless Pursuits Podcast: Breakthrough To Success". Her mission is to help entrepreneurs create more potential and success through their minds and high-performing strategies.


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