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5 Tips To Thrive Abroad Today

Written by: Veerle Beelen, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


Whether you’re planning your move abroad or are living abroad right now, this article is for you if you want to find out how to overcome your challenges so that you can make the most of your time in a new country. I share 5 tips that you can implement right now to help you thrive abroad.

In my years of living in various countries around the world, working with expats professionally, and with my experience as a Living Abroad Coach, I can tell you that there is one thing that many of us often forget to focus on. In my view, this missing part, is the most important thing to pay attention to when moving somewhere new.

It’s your MINDSET.

Why is this so important to thrive abroad?

Because everything else depends on it! Whether you’re preparing for your move and feel overwhelmed and stressed, or whether you’re transitioning into a new country and have to deal with culture shock, loneliness, or homesickness. Focusing on your mindset can be the tool to make sure you can really thrive and feel at home wherever you are.

The next thing you may be wondering right now is how to focus on your mindset and overcome the challenges you are facing when moving abroad.

There are many tools and exercises for this, that I often use in coaching sessions with my clients, but let me give you 5 tips that you can implement right now.

5 Tips to Thrive Abroad Today

1. Look for solutions, not problems.

Moving abroad comes with challenges and obstacles and not everything is always in your control. However, what you do have control over is how you deal with the things that come your way. Do you get stuck in the problem itself or are you applying a positive mindset and try to find solutions? The choices you make in how to deal with challenging situations make a big difference in how you experience your living abroad experience and whether it becomes a success story.

2. Have patience.

Patience is a key skill to develop when preparing your move and when transitioning into a new country. During the preparation phase your patience will often get challenged when you have to go through the logistics of your move. Arranging your admin and finances, and waiting for your visa to be approved, just to name a few. Then, when you finally arrive at your new destination, your patience will be challenged as well. Adjusting to a new country takes time. On average, people need about 6 months to 1 year to feel like they settle in a new place. Therefore, have patience and don’t expect yourself to feel comfortable and at home right from the first day of arrival.

3. Be open-minded.

Many things change when you move abroad. Whether you have to adjust to a new language, other culture, different climate, food, new city and new place to live, new job, meeting new people or all of these factors combined, there is a lot of change in your life when you move somewhere new! Make sure you don’t shut yourself off to these new experiences because of fear for the unknown, but instead, be open-minded to take it all in and embrace everything that is new to you. Being open to whatever comes your way in your new country will make the transition not only easier but more enjoyable as well.

4. Be brave.

I know that you are a brave person reading this, because either you are thinking of a move abroad or you have moved already. Taking this step is very brave. Many of us dream of moving somewhere new but never find the courage to actually take the leap. So, first of all, I want to celebrate you for that. The next question I want to ask you though is; are you applying this braveness as well to do the things that scare you while being abroad? Taking the step to move is one thing, but most challenges show up once you’re actually in the midst of it all. While living abroad your comfort zone get stretches all the time. From meeting new people to speaking a new language, to finding your way in a next city and being far away from your usual support system of family and friends back home. Whenever you feel a fear or doubt coming up, remind yourself of how brave you are for embarking on this new journey.

5. Stay connected with yourself.

When everything around you changes, it easy to feel lost or lonely. This is very common for many of us who are living abroad. The key to overcome these feelings is to stay connected with yourself (or re-connect again if needed). When you build a strong foundation for yourself, you can always fall back on this base whenever you need to. People have different ways to ground themselves and it’s a journey to find out what works for you. If you’re not sure what works for you, I recommend you to try one or more of these activities; meditation, dancing (on your favourite song!), journaling, breathing techniques, spending time in nature, and scheduling more me-time in your daily routine.

The above tools are just a few tips that can help you to thrive abroad. There is a lot more to cover, but if you start by implementing these simple, yet effective, approaches into your day, you will notice a positive change right away. The most important takeaway is that focusing on your mindset is really a key differentiator between living a stressed, overwhelmed, disconnected life abroad or having an enriching experience that will change your life and makes you feel fulfilled.

If you’re curious to know more about how you can overcome your challenges abroad or would like to dive deeper into these topics in a personal coaching session, I invite you to schedule a free Discovery Call with me and take action today.

For more info, follow me on Facebook, Instagram and visit my website!


Veerle Beelen, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Veerle Beelen is an Internationally recognized Certified Travel Coach. As a Travel Coach, she empowers travelers to have transformative travel experiences and focus on their “Travel Mindset.” Her goal is to help expats, and other travelers transform their personal lives and careers through their travel experiences, guide them through the preparation process of moving abroad and coach them through the transition process of living in a new country. Besides that, Veerle inspires people to use travel as a tool for personal growth, self-awareness, reflection, and to boost their overall wellbeing. She has been featured in various online media publications and guides her clients during their journey through her eBook, blog, online videos, articles, and personalized coaching sessions.


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