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5 Things You Can Do To Get Your Mindset And Habits In Alignment With Your Goals

Written by: Carla Keibler, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


What are your dreams or goals? If I was sitting across the table from you drinking my caramel hot chocolate, would you be able to describe or express your dreams to me? If so, that is awesome. Do you believe you will achieve it in your lifetime? If you could not express your dreams, then it is time for you to reflect and search out your passion within you. Dreams are valuable and unique to each person. Your dreams can propel you, energize you, gives meaning and significance, and brings excitement to your spirit. A dream is the seed of possibilities planted within your very soul that births a unique journey and discovery of your purpose.

The difference between the ones whose dreams come true and for the ones that never experience their dreams and goals is - action. Action takers see results while the ones that don’t take action don’t. Having the right mindset and daily habits will either lead you toward taking action toward your goals and dreams or roll around in the distraction of life, not sure where you are going.

Having a goal, dream, and purpose is unique for each person, but there are common factors that can guide us in our journey.

I am sharing 5 ways that will help you become more effective and efficient and can create positive massive changes in clarity and focus toward your goal.

1. Distractions

Eliminate those shiny objects causing you to get off course that may detour you from your goal. Things such as social media, email, phone, noisy surroundings, or time spent on other things avoiding what needs to be done. Eliminating distractions will help bring focus and clarity into your mindset to get in alignment with what you want to achieve. We need to be aware of things to not cause extra headaches or self-sabotage.

Sometimes all it takes is planning activities at a different time period of your day or week, allowing you to enjoy times with friends and family to its fullest without added stress. I realized that I was wasting so much time chasing after shiny objects of distraction. When I became more focused on what I was really passionate about, things begin to change. I felt less stress, frustration and gained experience and knowledge that I would not have been able to experience otherwise. I don’t believe I would have been able to live my amazing life in accomplishing my goals and dreams if I had not changed my mindset of eliminating distractions that were stealing my time from my true passion and purpose.

2. Boundaries

This is when you allow other people to cross boundaries in using your time to rob you of what needs your focus, time, and energy. Setting boundaries helps relieve urgency or frustration in not having the time available to complete a task needing to be done. Establishing healthy boundaries are beneficial and helps you show up in your best version to enjoy the time you are sharing together.

I had one young lady share with me that she needed to have boundaries with her family once she moved out on her own as a young adult. Instead of talking with her family about it, she said she totally stopped being involved with them. As we talked, I let her know that having boundaries did not mean she shouldn’t be involved with her family. She agreed that was not the best way to handle it. She then discussed it with her family and was able to experience wonderful times together while still respecting boundaries. She was then able to do that in other areas of her relationships. As a result, she felt more centered in her life.

3. Meditation

This is a powerful source to incorporate into your daily life. What we think about greatly impacts the quality of our life. This source will bring clarity, focus, and insight. Taking the time to do this will allow calmness, refocus and helps to give yourself kindness to unwind and breathe. In addition, it can help with the ability to make clear, concise decisions.

If you feel overwhelmed at any time during your day, you can meditate to improve relaxation, relieve stress, or feeling overwhelmed. Just a few moments of this can change your mindset and actions into a positive effect.

This method has several benefits, such as mastering your emotions and thoughts and how you respond to your situation or people. It increases brain health, memory, and cognitive capabilities. Meditation mixed with gratitude is an unbeatable combination for a healthy mindset.

4.Time Management

This is an effective tool that will give you more time to focus on achieving your goal and spending time on things you enjoy. It helps to have a balanced and fulfilling life. Develop habits of prioritizing tasks, prepare your mindset for clarity, focus on getting things done instead of aimlessly trying to do many things and not getting results, eliminate or minimize distractions, and start with a purpose and plan and take action for the outcome. Whether it is simple or intense for managing your time, it is vital to get the most results in your day.

A lot of people waste time looking for things because of clutter or disorganized and could use that time to be more productive. Getting organized and de-cluttering can help with using time wisely and effectively.

5. Prioritize

By prioritizing, you can eliminate distractions, more energy of higher importance while managing your time to be more effective. A benefit all rolled into one.

Write your dream or goal at the top of a piece of paper. Write down your daily habits or actions that you do throughout your day. Write the number 1 beside the habits or actions that are beneficial toward achieving your goals. Write the number 2 beside the habits or actions that are not beneficial toward your goals.

Next, go through all the lists and do that same step again. Higher prioritizing what may or may not be necessary for reaching your goals. Do that again until you have only 5 things left on your list that are utmost in leading you toward the goals and dreams and the life you desire to live.

Your mindset is the foundation of all that you do in your life. It can be your launching pad to extraordinary things or hold you captive in inadequate negative thoughts.

The 5 tips I shared with you are things that you can start implementing immediately. No cost. Customize it to your life. Your mindset will shift, and your habits will be effective in taking the action you need toward those amazing goals and dreams that are ready to start showing up in your life.

Live your daily life with purpose and intentionality of getting the most amazing moments in your day. Your mindset creates your reality, so start creating the reality you desire to live. What reality do you want to see happen in your life? What does that look like? What do you need to adjust and pursue to make it happen?

Become unstoppable! Your mindset creates your reality! Start creating an extraordinary life!

For more info, follow me on Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, or visit my website!


Carla Keibler, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Carla Keibler is a leader in mindset awareness and revealing self-limiting beliefs. She also specializes in helping women discover their unique passion and purpose.

After struggling for many years in these areas, the pain she went through birthed a passion that has helped many women unveil their power and beauty within.

She is the Queen Visionary of Broken into Greatness and the President of Greatness Publishing. She is a dynamic speaker and a highly respected coach.

Her mission: to help women transform by converting their aspirations into their realities.


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