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5 Must-Do Spring Cleaning Tips to Activate Your Mind for the New Year

Written by: Debra Abraham, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise


The new year has dawned and is ready to serve us new challenges, opportunities for growth and success! Be poised and ready to respond to your calling with these 5 Mind Clearing Tips to sharpen your mind and stay committed to your goals for the new year.

(I recommend doing this activity on your own, but you can also do this with your spouse or someone you consider an accountability partner.)

1. Take stock of your business and life events. Write down significant business and life events you have experienced in the year that has passed. Events that resulted in positive or negative outcomes and even those that remain unresolved. As you traversed through these events then, analyze the measures you undertook, assess the efficacy of your decisions, and if your expectations were met. Also, analyze if these best practices can be duplicated for the new year, or do you need to tweak and make adjustments?

2. Take stock of significant conversations and discussions you have had with people you have met, podcasts you have listened to, vlogs you have watched and books, blogs and articles you have read, once again from the year that has passed. Were you particularly inspired by the ideas featured and want to incorporate these ideas and recommendations into your business/life journey this year? Write down items that piqued your interest, made you think/rethink your choices, and those that inspired you to improve any area of your business and life or seek out a new pursuit.

3. Recall forgotten aspirations - Write down activities, you have constantly wanted to explore, but due to the cares of life, have thrown in the backseat. Whether it is learning a new musical instrument, or writing a book, write it down.

4. Identify and zero in - From the previous activity, you should have an interesting list of things you would like to explore and build upon in the new year and those you would like to discard. Which new pursuits or personal journeys would you like to embark on in the coming year? List down one goal for each area of your life i.e self-improvement, family, health, relationships, finance, business, spiritual etc. Having too many goals at one go can be stressful and overwhelming so go easy on yourself!

5. Reflect on your goals and assess if these truly resonate with your being. Ensure that all your goals are helping you to become the person you want to be and not due to external pressures. Stay true to yourself!

Prepare, activate and be ready to execute!

“Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe." - Abraham Lincoln

Spend time to sharpen your mind and be ready to seize the new year by storm!

Follow Rockstarzstudios on Facebook, Instagram and visit Debra's Instagram!


Debra Abraham, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Debra Abraham, founder of Rockstarz Performing Arts Studios, has been coaching students of all ages to find their identities and be empowered through music. She leads a team of instructors who are skilled at providing music education in a nurturing & student-centered environment, allowing students to boldly express themselves. Currently working on building her online singing community, she believes in empowering people to pursue their dreams, free themselves of limiting beliefs and inspire others through their journey. She aspires to inspire small business owners in the areas of mindset & personal development, which will lead towards positive transformation of themselves and their businesses.


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