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5 Business Lessons From The Stage

Written by: Oriel Ross McKinney, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


My reign as Ms. Majestic International 2021 - 2022 has begun. It's a thrilling time but with an adrenaline rush, the reality is just as potent. Most people I engage with understand my journey of business growth and entrepreneurship. It's about leadership, consultation, and securing the next investment, but I am excited to share another layer, pageantry. Believe it or not, pageantry and my international platform draw many parallels. There is a range of pageants available that align with personal and global missions. The lessons I gathered from the stage, from sponsors, from my community of supporters emphasize the marrying of pageantry and business is beneficial to many.

1. Leverage your relationships - Let's face it. Fruitful relationships are the cornerstone of success. Nurture all relationships. Understand the connectivity you afford others is of mutual benefit. Keep your thumb on the pulse of industries where you interact. Be of service. Initiate communication. Listen earnestly.

2. Nail the interview - The interview is one of the most highly valued categories in a pageant. In business, you are being interviewed every day. You are called upon to explain what you do, how you solve problems, and how your past experience matters today. Perpetual readiness is an asset.

3. Preparation - It may take you a year to prepare for your crowning moment. You don't get discouraged; you do the work. Day by day you understand you're working toward a moment of success, a foundation to springboard your vision. It looks like mock interviews, community engagement, presentation selections, understanding your platform and who can use it, strategizing on any advantage you can offer. Your laser focus pays off.

4. Be resilient - Competition gets tough. You watch some contestants with a full camp of support and others arrive solo. You will encounter all of what you imagine but you don't focus of hindrances. Focus on your mission, your why, and your goals. Focus on the value you bring, the influence you have manufactured and will further during your reign. No matter how focused and prepared, there are disruptors. The answer is in creating useful habits. Practice gratitude. Guard your space. Honor your time. Refocus your mind. Help others. And lastly, sometimes you just have to laugh.

5. Building Legacy - True legacy will cement your life's work. Dare to create a project where influence meets impact. Don't be misled into thinking legacy has to be full of prestige. True legacy is anything that makes a meaningful difference in others. It is work that can be continued because of the foundation you set.

A moment can redefine your life. Don't wait for the stage to be prepared for you; create your moment and build your platform. Success is waiting for you.

For appearances or to start your pageant experience, click here!

For more info, follow me on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and visit my website!


Oriel Ross McKinney, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Oriel Ross McKinney is a renowned Business Strategist, Author, and Speaker. Known as The Small Biz Engine®, her experience includes a successful 20-year tenure in Business Strategy and Development, Finance, Non-Profit Management, and Entrepreneurship.

As the mastermind behind several success stories, brands, and businesses, she methodically assesses her projects and delivers profit-driven strategies again and again. Oriel hones in on business & socially conscious topics while unveiling success in a brilliant way. For those looking to transition from corporate workplaces to entrepreneurship, read her anchor chapter in the anthology, Soaring Beyond the 9 to 5, or tap into one of her signature F.U.E.L.® Academy courses.

On a personal level, Oriel's biggest challenge and gift are being a mom to two children who were born prematurely. In her spare time, she supports preemie babies and their families in any way she can. Her motto is “You’re your greatest asset; invest in yourself.”


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