Written by: Star Hayward, Executive Contributor
Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.
Would you agree that being a heart-centered entrepreneur takes consistent courage, confidence, clarity and resilience to show up for your business and achieve the freedom and fulfillment you desire through your Soul-aligned work?
So often, business owners bump up against negative emotions, like fear and self-doubt, that require mindset tools to overcome again and again. Mindset plays an important role in creating ease and flow in your business, but wouldn't you like to get to the heart of the issue so you can be done with the habitual patterns that hold you in the cycle of self-minimizing,
self-sabotaging behaviors, like procrastination and hiding out?
If you're in this cycle right now, then you know it feels like perpetually taking two steps forward and one step back, which makes it difficult to build upon your momentum.
Having mentored many women entrepreneurs, I know that anyone stuck in emotional sabotage and "not-enoughness" is looking for a way out. Read on to learn a few tools to empower you to break free of the negative emotional patterns that are impeding your ability to stay in ease, flow, and forward progress for your business.
Emotional sabotage often shows up when you're about to make a change, as in anything that’s pushing you outside of your comfort zone!
When this happens, it means that a subconscious belief such as "I'm not worthy," or "I'm not good enough," sneaks in to keep you safe by producing self-minimizing thoughts and negative emotions, which triggers patterns & behaviors that have you creating the same results over and over again.
For example, if you could put words behind avoidance behaviors like procrastination, hiding out, and holding yourself back, you would you likely find yourself saying something like:
“I’m not good enough to..."
"I'm not successful enough to..."
“I don’t know enough to...”
“I’m not smart enough to...”
“I’m not strong enough to...”
“I’m not pretty enough to..."
We all have these thoughts from time to time, but when you get stuck here, it can keep you from taking any action at all (avoidance), or the actions you take aren't aligned with the outcome you really desire because they’re out of alignment with a positive state of being. This is what we call “mis-creating.” So the work is to shift back into a positive, loving state where you can take aligned, inspired action. We also want to take care of the root cause along the way by raising your frequency with some self-love and self-acceptance tools.
Step 1: RECONNECT with who you really are.
We’re always manifesting something through our focused attention, so the questions to ask yourself are what do you desire to manifest and what state are you manifesting from? The Universal Law of Attraction tells us that everything is energy, like attracts like, and our reality is created through our point of attraction. Manifestation is bringing into your reality that which already exists. We do this by aligning our vibration to match the frequency of our desires, and take aligned action with the outcome we desire while broadcasting that frequency.
If you're broadcasting fear and doubt, the Universe responds by giving you more of that. If you're broadcasting love and abundance, the Universe delivers you love and abundance. The Universe always responds to your energy signal,
so you want to be very deliberate with the signal you're giving.
When you're stuck in negative emotions, it means that your subconscious beliefs and habitual patterns have succeeded in pulling you energetically out of alignment
with who you really are, which is by nature pure, positive, loving energy to your core, which you have access to at all times.
“Universal Energy is Love Energy, where there is no separation, only Love & Abundance.”
In the Divine Feminine sense, Universal Energy is what we call Universal Oneness, which houses unconditional love and your emotions. Connecting with the feminine, Universal Oneness energy will help you become realigned in your heart and in your emotions.
Visualization, meditation, and affirmations are effective ways to connect and align. After reading the Power Statements below, close your eyes and feel your way into who you are. Use this exercise to focus on opening your heart, opening to pure love, and accepting yourself fully.
Reconnect with what you have to offer the world that makes you truly unique and special. See yourself as the person you need to be to fulfill your business vision.
"I am a divine being who is eternally abundant and a powerful creator of my life."
"As a spirit being in a human body, an extension of Universal Source
energy, I'm unconditionally loving and limitless."
"I'm exactly who I chose to be for my life mission, with my human personality
and my Soul gifts that are unique only to me."
STEP 2: RELEASE blame, shame, and judgment.
We all have a story. Negative emotions often surface as a result of who you're being in a story that you've written around a given circumstance in your life, past or present, that supports an identity of "I'm not worthy of love," or "I'm not enough," for example.
The story that holds yourself and others as a victim, disconnects you from who you really are, which is why it doesn't feel very good!
Blame, shame, and judgment only keep us from being in our divine essence through separation consciousness- making a circumstance, ourselves, or others right or wrong.
However, there’s a reason for everything, and in fact, your Soul chose each and every experience you’ve had in your life for the purpose of achieving the expansion, growth, and evolution you came here for.
With this understanding, you can then begin to change your story from one that holds you as a victim into one that empowers you.
When you see the purpose in all things and take responsibility for your response to the conditions of your life, you can then release the negative emotional charge from your story. When you do this, you no longer have the emotional triggers that trip you into negative emotions, which sabotage your ability to take aligned action.
How to release negative emotions and change your story:
A: Identify who you’re blaming, shaming, or judging- yourself and others. Awareness and being honest with yourself is the first step! It's OK, you're human and perfectly imperfect.
Take a few slow deep breaths and feel your heart fill up with pure, loving, white light.
Then project this light to who you're blaming, shaming, and judging, including yourself, with forgiveness and compassion. As you breathe in, fill up with love and acceptance. As you breathe out, release blame, shame and judgment.
By doing this, you're connecting with Universal Oneness Energy, and raising your heart frequency with self-love and self-acceptance.
Now you're ready to change the story that holds you and others as a victim, and replace it with a new story that empowers you. To do this, journal about the story you've been using to justify the identity that you're being, such as "I'm not worthy of love," or, "I'm not good enough."
B: Look for the silver lining. There’s a reason for everything, whether or not you consciously choose your experiences or circumstances. My school of empowered thought is that if it wasn’t meant to happen, it wouldn’t have. This allows us to take radical self-responsibility as the creator of our lives.
You might ask yourself these powerful questions:
What did I learn from my circumstances?
How has my story (experiences & circumstances) molded me into who I am today?
How are they serving me in my life and business now?
C: Now, write a new story that would serve you in where you want to be in your life and in your business right now. Who do you want to be in your new story? Take some time to journal your new story and the identity or role you’re playing in your story.
Fully releasing negative emotions in your story can take time and deep healing work. This exercise can help you begin the process by inviting you into the practice of forgiveness, compassion and understanding for the circumstances that helped curate who you are. By transforming your story, you're closer to embodying limitless, unconditional love and acceptance as your birthright.
STEP 3: RECOMMIT to your intentions and take INSPIRED action
Every manifestation begins with intention. Your business was born from an intention to follow through on a creative vision or innovative idea that inspired you. When we're connected to our intentions and take action from the inspiration they give us, we have the ability to generate incredible momentum!
However, when we get derailed by negative emotions, it can cause confusion, cloud our vision, and can even cause a momentary memory loss for what we're doing and why.
“Everything begins with intention.”
When you're stuck in negative emotions like self-doubt, fear, self-pity, feeling insecure, inadequate, and generally not feeling good about yourself, recommitting to your intentions is a powerful way to gain clarity, realign, raise your frequency, and get re-inspired!
Here's how to recommit to your intention and take inspired action... Ask yourself:
a) What is my intention at this moment? (Ex: to love myself more today than I did yesterday and create my business from that energy.)
b) What choice can I make right now that will be recommitting to my intention? (Ex: to refocus my priorities on what I will feel good about accomplishing today.)
c) What action can I take to follow through with this choice? (Ex: networking/creating connections; send email marketing; make a social media post; self-care.)
And then take that action!!
Your intention could simply be to feel better at the moment; it could be for self-care to generate more daily energy; it might be to show up and serve more consistently; enroll more clients; expand your team, or simply to be in a state of gratitude.
When you recommit to your intentions with conscious awareness and thought, it pulls your vibration and focus back into alignment and you'll be creating from a higher frequency once again. It doesn't matter how big or small your action is, what matters is that you take an action that is aligned with your clear intention.
There you have it! Let's recap on the 3 Steps to Emotional Alignment So You Can Create with Ease & Flow in Your Business:
1) RECONNECT with who you really are so you can create from Universal Oneness Energy, ready to serve from your high heart frequency!
2) RELEASE the story that isn’t serving you and change your story to empowering so you can love and accept yourself and others unconditionally.
3) RECOMMIT to your intentions and make a choice to take inspired action so you can shift your state and refresh your momentum.
All of these steps can be practiced daily. The more you do them, the more your
confidence, courage, and resilience will grow and you'll enjoy more
ease and flow in your business and in your life!
I'm Star Hayward, Spiritual Business & Leadership Coach, and founder of Ascending Heart Academy. I have over 20 years combined experience as an Entrepreneur, Business Coach, Spiritual Mentor, and Transformation Expert. I work with visionary women who are ready to grow their wealth & impact as empowered, confident, fulfilled feminine leaders in their business –with freedom and ease!
If this article resonated with you and you want to learn more about my unique process of becoming a leader in your Soul-aligned business through your divine feminine power and self-Love mastery, then feel free to reach out so we can connect.
I’d also love to hear how these steps are working for you in overcoming your habitual emotional patterns and back into inspired momentum for your business!
Star Hayward, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine
Star Hayward is a Spiritual Business Coach, public speaker, and writer. She specializes in guiding visionary women to become confident, fulfilled, feminine leaders in their business through radical self-love, emotional mastery, and magnetic business strategy. She has over 20 years of combined experience as a healing practitioner, spiritual mentor, entrepreneur, and coach. Star incorporates her training as a Reiki Master-Teacher and Certified Integrative Wellness & Life Coach to create deep transformations for her clients and help them step into a new depth of leadership, expansion, and impact. Her business growth strategies are designed to align her client’s highest vision with products and services that will create a prospering, legacy brand and lasting ripple effect.