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10 Tips To Build Connection And Culture In A Remote First Workforce

Written by: Marty Wightman, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


With more and more companies moving to remote workforces, building connections and a strong culture can be a challenge. Here are 10 tips to help you build connection and culture in a remote-first workforce.

group business people working remotely video conference calling and meeting online

1. Communicate regularly

In a remote work environment, communication is key. Regular communication can help employees feel connected and engaged with the company and their colleagues. Make sure to schedule regular check-ins with team members, and use a variety of communication channels such as email, instant messaging, video conferencing, and phone calls.

2. Use video conferencing

While email and instant messaging can be effective communication tools, they lack the personal touch that comes with face-to-face communication. Video conferencing can help bridge the gap by allowing team members to see and hear each other in real time. Encourage the use of video conferencing for meetings, one-on-ones, and team-building activities.

3. Set clear expectations

In a remote work environment, it's important to set clear expectations around work hours, response times, and communication channels. Make sure to communicate these expectations clearly to all team members and hold everyone accountable for meeting them.

4. Foster a sense of community

In a remote work environment, it's easy for team members to feel isolated and disconnected from their colleagues. To combat this, create opportunities for team members to connect and socialize outside of work-related activities. This can include virtual happy hours, team-building games, and other social activities.

5. Celebrate milestones and achievements

Recognizing and celebrating milestones and achievements is important in any workplace, but it can be especially meaningful in a remote work environment. Make sure to celebrate big wins and important milestones and recognize individual achievements with public shoutouts or personalized rewards.

6. Emphasize collaboration

In a remote work environment, it's easy for team members to feel like they're working in silos. To foster a sense of collaboration, create opportunities for team members to work together on projects and initiatives. This can include virtual brainstorming sessions, collaborative document editing, and team-based performance coaching.

7. Provide opportunities

Just because team members are working remotely doesn't mean they should miss out on opportunities for professional development. Make sure to provide opportunities for training, skill-building, and career growth, such as online courses or mentorship programs.

8. Encourage feedback

In any workplace, it's important to have open lines of communication between team members and leadership. In a remote work environment, it's even more critical. Encourage team members to provide feedback and ideas, and make sure to listen and respond to their suggestions.

9. Focus on employee well-being

Remote work can be challenging for many reasons, including the lack of social interaction and the blurring of work-life boundaries. To support employee well-being, provide resources and support for mental and physical health, such as access to virtual counseling or wellness programs.

10. Lead by example

Finally, as a leader in a remote work environment, it's important to lead by example. Make sure to model the behaviors and practices that you want to see in your team members, such as regular communication, a focus on collaboration, and a commitment to employee well-being.

So, building connections and a strong culture in a remote-first workforce requires intentional effort and a commitment to communication, collaboration, and employee well-being. By following these 10 tips, you can create a remote work environment that fosters connection, engagement, and success for all team members.

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Marty Wightman, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Marty qualified as a coach in 2007 when he set up his practice in London, UK. He holds a Masters's degree in Psychology, and he graduated from the University of East London. In addition to his academic qualifications, he is a member of the Association for Coaching, a Senior Member of the ACCPH, and trained by Stanford University Professors Bill Burnett and Dave Evans in Life Design. Marty takes a cognitive-behavioral, rational emotive behavior, and solution-focused approach to psychological coaching and its application to life/personal, health, performance, business, and executive coaching.


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