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Your Job And Purpose – Stay Put, Pack Up, Or Re-Pack?

Written by: David Lutes, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


This paper is a Discussion Starter…an outline for Stimulating Thought about you/us finding meaning, direction, and purpose in our careers and lives. It is in 12 Parts and is based on a belief that, regardless of where we stand spiritually or religiously, at certain times, in different places, and in a variety of contexts, at some moment in time, we will Awaken to a new reality about ourselves and our purpose and place in the world. It may come in ‘dawning phases’ or because of circumstances and life-altering events, but it will come. Whatever the reason or motivating ‘force,’ at some point during our journey, a light somewhere inside comes on and we will decide it's time to 'stop' or to 'begin'; or to change direction, to speed up or slow down – or to get a new map.

man hand on the lake holding a compass
Discovering Your Career Path and Personal Wholeness (and Sanity in the Process) ‒ David Lutes

Maybe it’s time to unpack– or re-pack.

I happen to come at this ‘discussion’ from a committed and dedicated Christian perspective and a place of strong belief – that God is personal, knowable (through Jesus Christ) and all-loving-intentional about connecting with, knowing, and guiding His children. If we have truly and personally hung a sign around our ‘heart-neck’ that reads, ‘Under New Management,’ then we can be assured and ‘know in our knowers’ that he cares deeply about us and will be directly and pro-actively involved and stay involved, in shaping the direction of our lives and careers. That said, please know that I’m not trying to convert anyone here! My purpose is to encourage you to appreciate and accept that you are not defined, and your future is not shaped or determined only by where you’ve been, by what you’ve done, by what you dream, or by where you stand…but also by where you wish and think you are going/the direction you are headed in – and how you are trying to get ‘there’.

We can change. We can choose.

We are not defined by our past mistakes or even our successes. We are much more than the sum of our ups and downs, our highs and lows or our wrong and right turns. Society is Merciless– You, Not Others, Must Define What Success Looks Like for Your Career

“Even if you’re on the right track, you'll get run over if you just sit there.” (Will Rogers)

The street of unfulfilled dreams can be very difficult and lonely.

This 12-Part Paper will hopefully, take you on a journey of self-discovery and hard-truth honesty about who you are, what values tend to shape you, who you want to become and what you want to do with your life – in business, work, family, and community – and even church.

And maybe you will even discover whether or not you have been gifted with a Follower’s or Leader’s Servant Heart and have a purpose and ‘calling’ to help others discover their Personal and Career ‘Wholeness’, Sanity and Peace as well – and whether you can be an agent for positive change – somewhere, anywhere – now or in the future.

We can be.

From a self-discovery and purpose point of view, there are general themes about us as humans, created by God, that we need to be aware of. This article will help you ‘unpack’ and ‘deal’ with some of those themes. The twelve sections are NOT a checklist of Do’sand Don’ts or a Step-by-Step formula for success. The sections are NOT anything like the ‘7 Habits of Highly Effective People’ or the ‘5 Secret Ingredients for a Rich, Long and Happy Life – WithoutHard Work or Sweating’. No, it is more like a ‘Heart and Gut-check Thermometer.’ Like any thermometer, it won’t make you better – but it may give you an indication of where you’re not as healthy mentally, emotionally, spiritually, socially, and ‘directionally’ – life and career path-wise – as you could be.

“We are so much more than just the sum of our ups and downs, wins and losses, successes and ‘failures’ — and regrets and hopes. We are unique in our calling, purpose, and destiny — no matter how ‘small’ or ‘big.’ It is ours, uniquely.”

(David Lutes – Your Dose of Motivation – Become Who You Are – Discover the Authentic You)

Part 1

Should be/Should do

“The two most important days in your life are the day you were born and the day you find out why.” (Mark Twain)

This section is most definitely NOT ABOUT obeying rules and regulations to get on in the world (as good and right as that can and should be). Nor is it about judging others – and it is also absolutely NOT ABOUT judging yourself. We are the ‘product’ of both ‘nature’ (more later) and ‘nurture.’ Your parents, society, upbringing context, rules, regulations, social norms, surroundings, geography, limitations, relatives, schooling, diet, and nutrition, etc. – all have contributed to your belief foundation stones, opinions and impressions about, and responses to, the world around us. We all know this, but far too often we do not take the time to evaluate, re-assess and do a heart and gut-check – mainly because we are so caught up in living, achieving, building, accumulating, performing, doing stuff – and even surviving. Part One is starting from ‘SHOULD’ because the following issues and questions challenge how we view the world, ourselves, others, as well as shape the rules of life’s ‘game’ that we have chosen to ‘play’ by. I would encourage you to try to journal your thoughts and answers to the following guidance points. Personal Foundations. Be brutally honest with yourself…what are your true values, principles, and beliefs about...

1. People (their Nature, Worth, Integrity, Diversity, Origins)

e.g., Do you believe people are basically and essentially, by nature, ‘good’ or ‘bad’ – or a bit of both? Do you believe that they (everyone or only certain ‘someones’) have worth, value, a right to be treated with equity, etc. – some deserve more or less because of who they are or where they’re from or what they’ve done or not done?

2. Grace, Acceptance, Love, Sin, Forgiveness

e.g., Do you believe grace (underserved mercy and forgiveness), unconditional acceptance, pure love, etc., exist and are available to people regardless of who they are or what they may have done or not done? Are these things relative and conditional – or even possible?

3. Economics, Government and Business (Capitalism, Socialism, Marxism, Democracy, ‘Blended’, ‘My Rights-ism’, Other-ism)

e.g., Are there aspects and teachings of society, government, order, etc. that you embrace and hold on to carefully, purposefully, and dearly in your head and heart?

4. Leadership (Styles)

e.g., Do you endorse or respect or aspire to a particular style of leading – e.g., military, coaching, parental, pastoral, instructional, democratic, servant, etc.? Do you know why?

Doubt kills more dreams than failure ever will!

5. Goal-achievement (What does ‘winning’ or ‘success’ – and ‘losing’/’failure’ really mean to you?)

e.g., How do you define what it means to ‘win’/or ‘lose’? What needs to happen or not happen for you to feel you have succeeded/or failed? How important is the goal itself – or is ‘how’ you reach it more important? Does someone or something need to ‘lose’ for you to win?

6. Truth, Integrity, Honesty, Transparency, Openness

e.g., Do you believe it is imperative to never, ever, lie – about anything? Do you believe it is critical to be yourself and to live a life of honesty and integrity? Or is it ok, depending on the circumstances and/or maybe the person, to adjust, justify or compromise these things for some good or – or even a selfish – reason, or even ‘higher’ purpose?

7. What is in Your Personal Values Statement?

e.g., If you were asked to write a Personal/Life Values Statement, what would be your Top 3 immovable, unshakable, uncompromisable Values – the things that govern the way you plan, work, see and treat others, view the world…and live your life generally?

“The greatest danger for most of us is not that our aim is too high and we miss it, but that is too low and we reach it.” (Michaelangelo)

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David Lutes, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

David Lutes is a global talent management, organizational development and leadership coach, consultant and trainer. A former church pastor, he is radically and passionately committed to helping people discover their meaning, purpose and direction for their life and career. He has been described as a 'gift and latent skill detector and developer', as he helps people and the organizations they work in discover the wealth and richness within their people.


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