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When You Hear A Knock On Your Door

Written by: Dragana Favre, Executive Contributor

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Executive Contributor Dragana Favre

The Unconscious sometimes screams. Then, it should not be ignored. It sends signals, rages, breaks through the controls of the Conscious. Most often, it sends dreams, nightmares, or those unpleasant recurring dreams. And then these dreams give no peace. And then they should be listened to. To what chases us, do not turn our back but ask it what it seeks and what it expects from us. To who breaks through our walls, open the door and ask: "What now?“ When we fall, look down to see into what we are falling. It’s hard, often painful. What we most commonly do is to flee, ignore, or our Conscious filters everything with the help of convenient forgetfulness.

Two girls in costume standing in front of red door knocking

The Unconscious does not have the same relationship with Chronos as the Conscious does. It loses its linearity in it. It observes it from the outside. The Unconscious is driven by the force of individuation, to the extent the Conscious allows, and the Unconscious insists. It’s important to listen then. The call of the Unconscious can be bypassed, but the cost of these new adjustments (just like when GPS encounters a street under construction) increases, and often gets stuck. We try hard to become deaf. The branch of the comfort zone has its mufflers. But, then, once, we listen to the call. And it’s hard to forget it once it tickles the Conscious. Change arises from the Unconscious. It doesn’t mean we should submit to it or let it lead us. The only thing to do is to listen to it, and then engage something even more important than calling the call fate, utilize our wonderful gift: free will – and choose. The call is a tickle, not a command.

Embarking on this voyage of inward listening is akin to navigating through a dense forest, where each step uncovers both shadows and illuminations. The path is not always clear, and the terrain can shift unexpectedly beneath our feet. Yet, it is within these shadows that the seeds of transformation are sown. By daring to illuminate the darker corners of our psyche, we allow for a conversation between our deepest fears and our highest aspirations. This dialogue is not for the faint of heart. It demands a relentless pursuit of self-awareness, a willingness to confront what lies beneath the surface. The Unconscious, in its infinite wisdom, does not shout to drown out the noise of our daily lives; rather, it whispers, waiting patiently for us to silence the din and listen. It is in these moments of quiet introspection that we discover the strength to face our inner turmoil and the wisdom to navigate it. Simple friendship with intuition helps.

As we heed the call of the Unconscious, we must also recognize the role of the Conscious in sculpting our destiny. The dance between these two realms is delicate, a perpetual balancing act that guides our journey towards wholeness. The Conscious, with its grip on reality, serves as the craftsman of our lives, shaping our experiences with the tools of logic and reason. Yet, without the raw materials provided by the Unconscious—our dreams, our fears, our unspoken desires—the creations of the Conscious would lack depth and vitality. Thus, to live fully, we must embrace both the chaos of the Unconscious and the order of the Conscious. It is this integration, this harmonious blending of opposites, that carves the path to our true selves and our own chaos-order danse. Through this union, we uncover the courage to change, to step into the unknown with the confidence that our inner compass will guide us towards our authentic selves, beyond the constraints of fear and the allure of complacency. We trust the entropy.

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Dragana Favre Brainz Magazine

Dragana Favre, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Dr. Dragana Favre is a psychiatrist, psychotherapist, and a seeker of the human psyche's mysteries. With a medical degree and extensive neuroscience education from prestigious institutions like the Max Planck Institute and Instituto de Neurociencias, she's a seasoned expert. Her unique approach combines Jungian psychotherapy, EMDR, and dream interpretation, guiding patients towards self-discovery and healing. Beyond her profession, Dr. Favre is passionate about science fiction, nature, and cosmology. Her ex-Yugoslavian roots in the small town of Kikinda offer a rich backdrop to her life's journey. She is dedicated to helping people find their true selves, much like an alchemist turning lead into gold.


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