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What Does It Truly Mean To Be Human?

Written by: Kim Conway, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


Are you caught up in the endless stream of thoughts in your head directing you and often discouraging you?

The ego mind plays an important role in your human life, challenging you in ways that move you further and further away from your hidden gem and truth. Being human includes more than just our conscious mind, it includes our divinity, our soul.

The human mind Is the place you shall find

The only lies Your self will tell

That makes you feel Quite unwell

While deep inside

There does hide

The truth of you

Perfect and true

Completely healthy And able to overcome

All that life throws at you Making you feel undone…

Have you noticed that when we speak of the mind, body, and soul, we always place the “mind” first? Why is the soul always last!

There is a mistake most make as humans, and that is listening to the mind and allowing it to define who we are. This is further enhanced by what others say to you, beliefs you have been taught and life’s experiences. The ego mind uses this to block you from your hidden gem, your soul. The ego mind knows it only has this one short life to exist, and it makes the most of it! The soul is eternal and is soft, loving and patient. It is difficult to hear the guidance from your soul over the loud voice of the ego.

How would your life be different, if you identified with your soul as your true self?

Have you ever experienced a moment when you had a gut feeling about something so strong that even though there was no evidence to back it up, you knew it was true? Did you listen? This is the voice of your soul, your intuition. The voice of your soul only speaks with kindness and with your best interest at heart. It knows what you need better than any other part of you. If you placed the steering wheel with your soul, rather than your ego mind, it would be much more difficult to believe the negative self-talk in your head, negativity from others about you and you would move through life with a belief of “I am worthy”, rather than “I am not worthy”. Imagine how wonderful this would feel! To be fully human, you must include your soul as part of you.

Tip on how to shift closer to your soul:

Create a new mantra for yourself! Begin each day with the affirmation, “I am my powerful soul”, this will shift your beliefs about yourself into something much more loving, powerful, and kind. This simple tool of using an affirmation is the beginning of shifting who you are and stepping into the role of fully being human: Soul + Mind + Body! Listen to Kim’s inspired writing and talks on YouTube.

If you would like to try guided meditation, try my meditation album, Soul Journeys, on Spotify, iTunes and YouTubeMusic.

For more info, follow me on Facebook, Instagram and visit my website!


Kim Conway, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Kim Conway, LICSW, Coach, Medium, Reiki Master. Kim believes we all have the capacity to overcome our struggles and that our souls are the most powerful healers and our greatest guides. Her approach is spiritual, helping clients develop a relationship with their souls, which support us in every aspect of our lives and help us heal, evolve, and grow. She incorporates intuitive work, energy healing, and education in her soul coaching program to help you discover and know your soul for personal development, guidance, and healing.

Kim is a LICSW, developed spiritual medium, and Reiki Master Teacher who offers soul coaching, mediumship, intuitive and Oracle card readings, meditations, energy healing, and spiritual and intuitive development classes. You can listen to her Podcast, Soul Inspirations,

and meditation album: Soul Journeys, for inspiration and healing. Kim is the Entrepreneuress of Kim Conway, LLC.

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