Written by: Dorothy M. Neddermeyer, Ph.D., Executive Contributor
Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.

The old adage that "There is a silver lining in every cloud" during any upheaval or drama is showing itself to be true. Many people have more clearly recognized that an 8 to 5 income is more tenuous than many people realized. What prompted people to recognize this bitter truth is the mandates that required some businesses to stop operating during a medical storm. Some businesses entered bankruptcy within weeks of the shutdown. All employees were without income. Unemployment was a scramble because of an unprecedented occurrence.

The adage "It sometimes takes a crisis to make a point" has shown up. In an increasingly interconnected world, crises throw up profound questions for us all. A crisis often brings out the best in you and you discover qualities that you never knew existed within. It wakes you up to what you are capable of or not.
The Mesopotamian shekel – the first known form of currency – emerged nearly 5,000 years ago. The earliest known mints date to 650 and 600 B.C. in Asia Minor, where the elites of Lydia and Ionia used stamped silver and gold coins to pay armies.
How you interpret, react and bounce back from the crises of today are what will define how you manage the vicissitudes of tomorrow.
Is this true for you too?
Today's Moral of the Economic Success Story is those who are providing the necessities in life are the ones who have control of everything. Yet, from birth to death the majority of people believe that the system is in place for the betterment of everyone. Nope, the system is for the pharaohs* betterment and their slaves and customers create it for them.
And that is why when companies such as Avon and Amway came into being the kingpins of modern society fought tooth and nail to denigrate them and abolish them. It is amazing that the majority of people still believe Network Marketing – a.k.a. MLM companies are a scourge in society. Little do they know that all companies that manufacture goods are MLM companies, except the difference is instead of allowing the 'slaves' to participate and benefit from their labor, they are relegated as 'slaves' and the kingpins, for example, Jeff Bezos, owner of Amazon or Bill Gates, owner of Microsoft become billionaires on the backs of the slaves they hire for minimum wage.
*As ancient Egyptian rulers, pharaohs were both the heads of state and the religious leaders of their people. The word “pharaoh” means “Great House,” a reference to the palace where the pharaoh resides. While early Egyptian rulers were called “kings,” over time, the name “pharaoh” stuck.
Some people recognized the economic reality of creating wealth wasn't working 8 to 5 for someone else. Many 8 to 5 workers are engaging in a business driven by Network Marketing – a.k.a MLM
I chose Avon, to illuminate the economic success story because it is the oldest Network Marketing business in the world and still going strong. Approximately 1000 network marketing companies currently have headquarters in the USA, and more than 2,500 network marketing companies operate in the world.

Some people refer to Network Marketing companies as a pyramid scheme that also recruits people to expand their businesses. However, in a pyramid – a.k.a. Ponzi scheme, there are no actual products or investments, and payments are made when they bring in downline members, who continue to bring in new members. Note that pyramid scheme businesses are illegal.
Network Marketing Companies are legal.
Avon was founded in 1886 by David McConnell. David started out as a traveling book salesman. He decided to offer free fragrance samples to his female customers, and he quickly discovered that they enjoyed the perfume much more than the books. He also discovered that they couldn’t wait to tell their friends about the perfume.
With that in mind, McConnell decided to start a perfume company and recruit the ladies as salespeople. He mixed the first fragrances himself in his small office in New York, and the California Perfume Company was started. Mrs. P.F.E. Albee is hired as the company’s first sales representative. The company’s first product was a five-fragrance set of perfumes.
Approximately, ten years after its founding, the company created and distributed its first brochure. The company expanded internationally into Canada in 1914, and the Avon name was established and used on a cosmetics line. The name resonated with the uniqueness of the product and its distribution to customers, and the company was officially renamed Avon in 1939.
Lisa M. Wilbur is currently the number 5 money earner in the United States with Avon Products, Inc. and has a team of nearly 3,000 Representatives who sold more than $8 million in 2016.
With cumulative earnings of over $4 1/2 million dollars, Lisa is referred to by Avon as the best-known Avon Representative in the world.
In 1959 Amway became the second multi-level marketing company in the U.S. that sells health, beauty, and home care products. Amway was founded by Jay Van Andel and Richard DeVos and is based in Ada, Michigan. Amway and its sister companies under Alticor reported sales of $8.4 billion in 2019. Sunny Hsu & Debra Hsieh. Sunny Hsu and Debra Hsieh are a power couple from Taiwan and are currently one of the top earners of the MLM leader Amway. At a time when everyone thought of networking marketing as a fraud business, Sunny Hsu and Debra Hsieh began their journey by door-to-door selling.
The Network Marketing industry has approximately 125.4 million independent representatives in the U.S. Grand View Research reported the size of the Network Marketing industry stood at $189.71 billion at the end of 2021. The industry is set to compound annually at an average rate of 6.1% during the 2022 to 2028 period to reach a size of $286.7 billion. There are several Network Marketing companies on The New York Stock Exchange. In addition to Herbalife Nutrition Ltd (NYSE: HLF), Amway, Natura & Co, and Vorwerk there are also some of the biggest Network Marketing companies in the world. Top ten largest Network Marketing companies. Ten U.S. Network Marketing companies on the New York Stock Exchange. Eight Network Marketing companies are listed on the National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotation (NASDAQ)
The global network Marketing – a.k.a. MLM industry has a market size of $189.6 Billion based on a 2020 report
Network marketing a.k.a. Multi-level marketing is considered to be one of the best ways to create a business. The Network Marketing – a.k.a. MLM business roots are by means of human connections and relationships – therefore the business grows as the network spreads. Many in the world have already proven this as the best strategy and earned a fortune out of their business. Epixel MLM Solutions have done the research from the available resources and come up with this list of the top 100 earners in multi-level marketing. Earners on this list had amazing leadership skills, connecting people, and incredible vision, and it changed their lives as well as their network. They followed the success tips and strategies for a successful network marketing and earned large benefits and profits. You can too.

How you react and bounce back from the day-to-day vicissitudes will define how you manage the upheavals of tomorrow.
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Dorothy M. Neddermeyer, Ph.D., Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine
Dorothy M. Neddermeyer, Ph.D. is a successful influencer in the public and private sectors, as a consultant, coach, and keynote speaker. She has 30 plus years of global experience in leadership development, behavioral change, and enhancing human potential ‒ i.e. you can achieve more than you think. Dr. Dorothy is passionate about developing great leaders. She works with senior and emerging executives to amplify their leadership skills and drive viable/sustainable organizations with relevant, adaptable, centered, and authentic skills. Her areas of expertise are:
Leadership/Sales Development
Behavioral Change
Business Strategy
Communication Skills
Diversity Coaching
C-Suite, Senior, and High Potential