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The Road To Increasing Success – Exclusive Interview With Claire Atyeo

A rising star within the female coaching and spiritual communities. Claire has in recent years been trial blazing in her mission to help women step out from under the radar and become the powerful goddess warriors they were born to be. Her unique approach to coaching has gained a healthy following as women globally resonate with her sometimes brutal honesty and no messing approach.

They are attuning with her message that humanity is way out of balance, women’s strengths are underestimated and undervalued, and that resolution can only be achieved through deep transformative healing of both sexes.

Her mission: To realign and rebalance the fragmentation of humanity.

Claire Atyeo, Female Empowerment Coach

Claire, please Introduce yourself! Tell us about you and your life so are readers can get to know you better.

Wow – where do I start? The last of four children, from a middle-class family, and extremely fortunate that we were a loving, all be it, dysfunctional family. Which many of your readers will resonate with as most families are!

My life as a woman, mother, nurse, and entrepreneur has been full of challenges, traumas, and heartbreak, but most importantly, blessings.

I have been subjected to sexual assaults, psychological abuse, stalking, intellectual robbery, and betrayal. And yet although that sounds horrific, the sad reality is, it’s not extraordinary! Data shows that one-third of the female population experiences sexual assault and these are only the reported cases. And the data for psychological abuse is even worse.

I highlight this because it’s important to remember we are not our stories – Pain, trauma carries a massive amount of energy, which when addressed and nurtured correctly can be transformed into immense positive power.

My stories started weighing me down, drowning me in fact, to the point I no longer felt I had an identity of my own. It took another women’s observant eye and honesty to shake me into taking action. As most of my pain was emotional, I started with EFT – emotional freedom technique,

(Most people know it as tapping).

And so, the process of recalling all the fragmented pieces of my life began. A journey of healing, coaching, growing, and rebuilding my life, in the vision of what was important and aligned with me evolved. And it’s from those experiences and the subsequent healing journey that I now get to help other women and became an expert in my field.

I often laugh and think it ironic, that the very acts of aggression and dominancy designed to break the female spirit only serve to make us stronger.

What would you like to achieve for yourself and your business in the future?

Living my life by my heart’s desire or as many understand, one’s soul alignment. I set aside time every December specifically to listen to my inner calling. One of the questions I ask myself is what word best describes the coming year, what emotional state of being is it I need to create?

2021 gave me the word “dynamite” and that certainly set me up for an explosive year!

That year I had my first book published, which shot straight to number one. And many of what I call “tower moments”, your readers that know tarot will understand, it means drastic/ surprising but necessary change. A total overhaul of my business and its branding was implemented, conveying where I and the business are at present and encompassing the future vision. There were also some difficult personal adjustments necessary, so I could expand and grow.

Thankfully 2022 is a little more peaceful and that is exactly the word I was given…Peace

Not to say there are no new and exciting projects in the pipeline! I have a podcast being launched at the end of spring called All cards on the table. A dynamic program designed to facilitate honest communication and understanding between men and women. I am currently writing my next book, an in-depth exploration of female oppression and how that is adversely affecting both sexes. And another exciting project that I’ll keep under wraps for now.

As for the future…With the world returning to some relative normality post-COVID, I will be hosting physical retreat experiences again. And envisage a conscious, eco-sustainable community village to be fully functional by 2025.

What is your work inspired by?

A deep knowing that humanity has so much more potential than we currently exhibit!

With the advancement in quantum science, many amazing scientific discoveries are proving the existence of the energetic body and its connection to the cosmos. This opens a greater acceptance of The Power of Belief…

We have the potential just by thought alone to end hunger, poverty, illness, and disease – it’s massive! Obviously, we are not there yet and there’s still much work to be done. Beginning with educating ourselves, so we can identify the disempowering programs that hold us fixed. Releasing fear-based thinking, that perpetuates greed. But the movement toward a higher consciousness has started, is growing in momentum and that excites me.

“Lack is a human perception, that keeps us all locked in a cycle of fear. The universe is infinitely abundant we just need to believe.”

Lastly, if you could change anything about your industry, what would it be and why?

The get rich quick mentality within coaching that we have seen a massive surge in since COVID…

Can you make a regular six-figure income from coaching? – Absolutely!

But not from following someone else’s formula, or funnel. Not by taking a 3, 6, or even 12-week course. It comes from having a true desire to be of service and help your clients create positive change for themselves. These types of commercial-driven programs are making a mockery of and diluting the important impact that quality coaching creates.

The second would be the hijacking of spirituality, sometimes stemming from overzealousness, which we can all be guilty of at times. But there is also another hijacker with agenda… An agenda to retain control! Spirituality has no agenda, has no rules or restrictions – it’s a personal journey for which each of us holds ourselves responsible and accountable within the collective. It’s the deeper understanding, that we are all one – if we lie, we are lying to ourselves, if we steal, we are stealing from ourselves, if we withhold, we are withholding from ourselves.

When we take personal accountability and responsibility in this way, there is no need for governing bodies to control and regulate and that’s what scares governments, big corporations and established religious organizations.

Claire’s book Aligned Leaders: Sage wisdom from women choosing their soul’s mission over societal expectations with no regret, is available HERE!

You can also follow Claire on Facebook where she posts informative content three times a week. Not forgetting the up-and-coming podcast ALL CARDS ON THE TABLE which will be listed in all the top podcast directories.

Want to learn more from Claire? Follow her on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and visit her website.


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