Written by: Karina Rosi, Executive Contributor
Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.

Probably the biggest lesson and self-realisation of my life I have had in my late 20s.
Every time I settle for something or someone that is NOT a full package, a hell-yes addition to my amazing life, my WHOLE BEING pays the price. It would always catch up with me in one way or another.
At first, I felt like I wasn’t really aware of it. It either happens with or without your full awareness.

In the second scenario, there is definitely a lack of self-awareness, an overwhelm of emotions and excitement, thinking “THIS IS IT!’’. The immediate attachment of the idea of it takes over.
In the first scenario, you already know, you hear your intuition, you can sense it, deep down you feel like it is a bad decision and you do it anyway, the fear wins. The benefit wins! We settle for the benefits, it feels a little uncomfortable to admit but who doesn’t like benefits, everyone does! Maybe it's some type of convenience, financial, emotional or physical. It is nice to have and nice to rely on it. This is the moment when you disconnect with your divine wisdom and self-trust.
Your intuition will not stop there because it wants the best for you. She knows your potential and she knows you are worthy of everything that you want. Your inner voice will keep knocking until you open the door.
You think it’s fine, it’s just for now until I find something better. Whether it’s something materialistic, a friend, a partner or a job, deep down you know it is not in your best interest. Moreover, what you might not realise is that by saying YES to that thing, you are expressing your desire, you are taking action to get it and be in it, you are clearly making yourself unavailable for anything better accessing your life. Your focus and energy are taken away. You are in the process of developing a new pattern of settling and staying in the comfort of blocking new opportunities coming your way.
As your intuitive signs intensify, you feel like you sacrifice your own feelings, there is this negative energy formed and stored in your body, waiting to hit you hard when you least expect it.
Have you ever thought to yourself: Wait a minute, am I settling for this without being aware of it? Or maybe I have accepted the fact that this is the best it can get?
Let’s have a look for a second at the definition from the dictionary:
“Settle for less – you agree to a deal on the basis that you receive less money than you had asked for. ”
Of course, money! You are accepting less money for what you are worth. Money is the easiest analogy but it does not matter, what matters is that the exchange of energy and the value is not equal, it is out of balance, it is wrong, it is a fear fuelled BS.
It is the way you allow others to treat you but also the way you relate to yourself. There is SO MUCH to unpack here but today I want you to focus on looking at yourself from a different perspective and believing in yourself more. Thinking that this is all you can do and all you deserve is intentionally putting a tap on what is possible for you and your happiness.
The truth is that you are unlimited, I am unlimited, we are all unlimited, we can grow and master anything we want in our life. The more you work on yourself, your self-awareness and your relationship with yourself, the better your life gets. Everything is a relationship when you think about it. It is never-ending work but the most rewarding one.
Another question we ask is why do we allow for this trade to happen knowing or maybe not fully realising that we compromised ourselves for less?
It is FEAR, it is always fear of not getting anything at all. The fearful ego persuading that better-this-than-nothing approach is safer. The fear will never go away, but you can learn how to be friends with it, understand it, see the world beyond it so it does not hinder you. The more you practise connecting to your intuitive voice and tuning into yourself, the better you get at it.
You are not here to accept anything or anyone that doesn't meet your standards and conditions because if you do, it is giving up! It is giving up on who you are. It is compromising your precious health. You are not here to give up and betray yourself, EVER!
We have the whole life to get better every day at whatever we want to pursue or attract, you can always start over and redirect. This is the best thing about life, you are not ever stuck, you make yourself stuck by allowing the negative thoughts to affect you.
You are here to be the ever-evolving version of yourself and you cannot do that when you settle for less out of convenience or fear.
Here is another question, what if you accept something that is not fully aligned with you in exchange for something that you REALLY WANT?
We are all driven and ambitious, fearless and unstoppable, but ARE YOU willing to take a hit for what you want to achieve? Is it what doing whatever it takes actually means?
It can mean many different things to many different women, you can take a moment to think about what it means to you.
Am I betraying myself in the process because I do not see any better option right now or am I going the extra mile to get what I want? Is it just fear selling me short or a necessary sacrifice that is a part of the process?
Be honest with yourself. Trust yourself. You are the only person who knows the answer. You already know.
There is always a choice and there is always another option. I know for myself that every time I made a decision out of fear, the price I paid in the end, was way TOO HIGH regardless of the outcome.
I empower all my clients to practise their intuitive skills, leading them to their own wisdom is the base of the work we do together. Now is the time to expand your intuitive superpower, practise it, listen to it and really OWN IT.
When you are fully connected to your own voice and feelings, you make the right decisions in every area of your life, you choose the right people to enter your life and you build your life around self-trust and self-confidence making sure settling for less is not even an option for you.

Karina Rosi, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine
Karina Rosi, B.Sc, certified in Master Wellness & Nutrition Coaching. After spending 5 years in the corporate biotech industry and going through her personal heartbreak, she went on her own self-discovery journey pursuing her passion of dance, fitness and healthy lifestyle. She now inspires other women to rebuild their relationships with themselves, reconnect with their self-worth and create the life that they are in love with.