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The Epic Search For Purpose – Unleashing Your Inner Trailblazer

Written by: Cristiana Blasutta, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.

Executive Contributor Cristiana Blasutta

Life is a treasure hunt, and we're here to embark on a thrilling adventure to identify our true purpose. So put on your metaphorical explorer hat, grab a cup of coffee (or tea, if you prefer), and let's dive right in!

person holding magnifying glass during sunset

Unmasking your purpose

Picture this: you wake up every morning with a fire in your belly, a spring in your step, and an unwavering sense of purpose. Sounds dreamy, right? Well, it's not just a pipe dream! The first step is to unravel the unique tapestry of your core values, strengths, and interests. Let me be your guide. :)

1. Value vortex

Grab colorful pens and paper, and let's start! Jot down the things that truly matter to you (your values!). Is it freedom, compassion, or innovation? Imagine these values as the GPS guiding your every decision. Take your time, allow yourself to truly get in touch with them and write feely. When you’re done, read them out loud and circle the ones that ignite a spark within you.

Congratulations! You've got a sneak peek into your value vortex.

2. Superpower activation

Discovering our strengths is like finding hidden superpowers within ourselves. Think about the things you effortlessly excel at, the skills that make you feel unstoppable. The things that for you are natural and normal, but they’re just something you’re gifted with!

Are you an excellent communicator, a master organizer, or a problem-solving guru? It’s time to embrace those superpowers like a superhero with a cape!

3. Curiosity quest

Curiosity is your secret weapon, oh yes! It's time to unleash your inner detective and explore your interests. What subjects or activities make your heart skip a beat? Dive into the realms of art, science, literature, or even underwater basket weaving (hey, no judgment!). Trust your curiosity—it often leads us to unexpected places. And it can be so much fun!

Aligning purpose with daily life

Now that we've unearthed the hidden treasures, let's bridge the gap between purpose and daily life. After all, what good is a treasure if it stays buried?

1. Mission statement mania

Craft a mission statement that aligns your values, strengths, and interests. It doesn't need to be fancy or formal. Think of it as your personal compass, guiding your decisions and actions. Embrace the quirks and humor that make you, well, you!

2. Decision decoder

When faced with life's crossroads, go back to your mission statement. Will this opportunity or decision bring you closer to your purpose? Will it align with your values and allow your strengths to shine? Let your mission statement be your trusty decision decoder, helping you navigate the twists and turns of life.

3. Reflection revelry

Take time for reflection on a regular basis. Ask yourself meaningful questions (BTW, questions are my secret tool to live an epic life 😉): How have my values, strengths, and interests influenced my recent choices? What steps can I take to further integrate my purpose into my daily life? Allow yourself to evolve and adapt as you gain new insights along the way.

Remember that this journey is a marathon, not a sprint. Embrace the detours, laugh at the hiccups, and celebrate each step forward. Your purpose awaits, and with every discovery you make, your life will transform into the vibrant tapestry you've always dreamed of. So, keep exploring, stay curious, and embrace the thrilling ride that is uncovering your purpose. Onward, my fellow adventurers!

Now, go forth and conquer your purposeful destiny!

If you want support in creating your beautiful tapestry, send me an email here, after all I’m the Master Weaver of Transformation and weaving tapestry is my superpower!

Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and visit my website for more info!

Cristiana Blasutta Brainz Magazine

Cristiana Blasutta, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Cristiana is the Master Weaver of Transformation. She loves working with powerhouse women who know that they are meant for more. She helps them reignite their passion, find their purpose, and finally give themselves permission to seek and feel pleasure so that they can live the epic life they deserve. Cristiana stopped calling herself a “coach” and fully embodied being a Weaver, someone who is able to look at the messy parts in your life, untangle all the pieces, and weave them back together in a way that’s truly aligned with your passion, purpose, and pleasure so that your life is authentic to you.


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