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Studying An MBA In Malta – The Opportunity To Live, Work And Start A Business In Europe

Written by: Joaquín Pinto, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.

Executive Contributor Joaquín Pinto

Malta is a hidden treasure in the heart of the Mediterranean, and there is no doubt that studying for an MBA on this island has been the key to climbing my career ladder and creating a new life in Europe.

A photo of people somewhere in Malta.

When I decided to embark on the adventure to study for an MBA, I was looking for a place where I could receive a quality education, build a great network of contacts and immerse myself in an international environment.

Along the way, I discovered that Malta is a destination with unparalleled potential for up-and-coming professionals and entrepreneurs who want to live and work in Europe.

It is a migrant-friendly destination, with one in five inhabitants being foreign, and, nowadays, the benefits are not just about studying a quality program, but also about the wide range of opportunities for working, entrepreneurship and living on the island.

Reasons to study an MBA in Malta

Here are the main advantages of studying an MBA in Malta from my personal experience and after hearing the testimonials of many students that we have advised from Boom Studies, an educational consulting agency, of which I am CEO and co-founder.

  • Malta is a place rich in history and culture, with some of the oldest prehistoric temples in the world still standing.

  • It enjoys a privileged climate in Europe, where the sun shines 300 days per year.

  • Malta's multicultural atmosphere is a magnet for international students. I have met people from all over the world and have expanded my network of personal and professional contacts, something that always enriches my business perspective.

  • Malta has a low unemployment rate (2.9%), a growing job market full of opportunities and an environment that favors entrepreneurs with programs that support different initiatives and also provide the opportunity to reside in the island.

  • The return on investment in Malta's higher education programs is very high. Besides the fact that some academic institutions in Malta offer local MBA programs but with a UK degree, the Government also gives students the possibility of accessing a 70% refund in the form of tax credits.

  • You can obtain a UK degree with institutions such as Global Banking School Malta (GBS Malta), a UK college based in several countries, including Malta, which has an alliance with Bath Spa University that allows you to study an MBA and gain access to a high quality, internationally recognized program.

  • In this way, you have the opportunity to study, live and obtain a British degree of international prestige at a more affordable cost than if you were residing in the UK.

Opportunities while you are studying an MBA in Malta

While studying your MBA and after finishing the program, Malta offers different incentives for all those who wish to climb the career ladder.

  • You will be able to pursue higher education programs with student residency, to which you can apply directly from the island. Malta has a very low visa refusal rate.

  • As a non-European citizen, in Malta you can work part-time from the third month, while you are studying.

  • It is one of the cheapest destinations to study abroad and has one of the lowest living costs in the region.

  • Institutions such as GBS Malta have a personalized approach based on each student's aspirations. MBA students enjoy access to the professional development area, where they will receive one-on-one assistance to design a professional growth plan according to their individual profile and interests.

  • For students interested in developing business ideas and starting their own companies, GBS has an entrepreneurial support service and helps all students develop their network.

  • At GBS Malta the MBA is focused on leadership and you will receive personalized advice for job placement.

What happens when you finish your MBA?

Once I finished my MBA in Malta, I realized that I had discovered a niche to offer my skills and knowledge. This is how Boom Studies was born, the company I co-founded at the end of my MBA to give the best guidance to all those who dream of studying abroad.

In Malta, entrepreneurs are welcome with open arms. I had the opportunity to transform my passion into a profitable business, while helping numerous people achieve their academic and professional aspirations.

Thanks to the Maltese government's programs in search of foreign talent, Malta is also a seedbed for entrepreneurship and startups.

Once you finish your MBA in Malta, you will be able to access these visas offered by the Maltese government:

  • Job Seeker Visa: after finishing the program, you can get a 9-month visa to seek employment in Malta.

  • Get Qualified: a program that allows you to recover, in tax credit, up to 70% of the investment in higher education.

  • Start Up Residence: Malta is a country open to emerging and innovative companies, so it offers a residence permit for those who invest in creating startups: while you develop your company, you can reside on the island and receive several supports from the government. It is a program for people who do not belong to the European Union.

Studying abroad is a plan that has fewer barriers every day. If you want to explore the world and prepare yourself professionally to keep growing, here's why studying abroad is the best move in 2023.

While obtaining an internationally recognized British degree, you can immerse yourself in Malta’s culture and experience a high quality of life in this Mediterranean island that offers an ideal environment for professional growth.

This experience has transformed my life in ways I never imagined, and I am convinced it can do the same for you. Studying an MBA in Malta represents much more than an academic opportunity; it is a leap into a promising future full of possibilities.

I invite you to take this challenge, live the academic experience and be inspired by the entrepreneurial atmosphere of the island!

Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and visit my website for more info!

Joaquín Pinto Brainz Magazine

Joaquín Pinto, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

A serial entrepreneur, Joaquín led several enterprises ‒ including an editorial and a consultancy ‒ before co-founding Boom Studies in 2019, after identifying critical weaknesses in international students´experiences in Malta. Boom Studies is a travel to study agency which offers unique tailored support all along the customers´ journeys so that they have the best possible experience abroad.

As the CEO of Boom Studies, Joaquín has managed to grow this start-up despite having launched a few months before the pandemic. Rough seas make good sailors, and Joaquín and his team were able to establish Boom Studies as a leading agency in Malta, thanks to dedication and innovative thinking. We also expanded to new destinations (Canada, Ireland and Dubai) and have big plans for the future.

A political science graduate from Sciences-Po Paris, Joaquín has lived abroad for most of his life, and is an expert in engaging different people, from government to private sector, or civil society representatives. Joaquín is a cosmopolitan citizen of the world with a passion to help others and connect people. So launching Boom Studies came naturally, and leading this company whose mission is to help people accomplish their dreams is the most fulfilling role Joaquín could have.


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