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Some Like It Repurposed!

Written by: Kriti Surjan Thepade, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


The world of content is full of surprises, facts, beautiful phrases, catchphrases, and simple genius penned down as words!

Even though the roots of concept marketing can be traced back to at least 1732, when Benjamin Franklin began publishing Poor Richard’s Almanack to promote his printing business, it turned out to be a massive success yielding him a good profit in return!

This Almanack was a blend of the traditional calendar with astrology predictions, dates, weather, poems, etc., along with mathematical exercises, quotes, and sentences from Benjamin Franklin himself under the pseudonym of Richard Saunders. Its biggest USP was ´serialization!´ The whole thing was published in series, so people would buy it to know what happened in the next part!

Poor Richard´s Almanack is a brilliant and innovative example of content, marketing, and publishing of its times, and it still is a legend to this date!

While we have moved a long way ever since the 28th of December 1732, today, in the world of blogs, podcasts, infographics, social media, vlogs, youtube, and the endless list, content marketing in specific has evolved, branched out, and is super vital! In fact, blogs generate more leads for a business and help drive higher organic traffic to the website and convertible revenue.

But, apart from all this trivia, every content curator, marketeer, creator, or anyone related to the field of content, marketing, and advertising has a point in question staring in their faces, and that is, what do we do next to avoid stagnant organic traffic? The competition is relatively high, and it is a race every day to create some new, brilliant innovative stuff that leaves a lasting impact and can be monetized. But there are days where I´m sure even Benjamin Franklin would feel or have felt stuck. And when you are working with words, audio-visual media 24/7, you don’t have a dearth of material; you need to use and present it wisely!

Here´s where the sense of repurposing kicks in.

It is a concept quite popular between marketing, advertising, public relations, content, and communication professionals.

Repurposing of content means using old data, case studies, graphics, photos, blogs, etc. Again, but with a twist or spin or in a new avatar.

And if done rightly can boost visibility and enforce your brand while bringing in fresh clientele and revenue.

So, here are some of the most popular ways of repurposing the used or old content.

  1. Photographs, pictures, cartoons, memes, gifs, and caricatures can always be reused with hashtags for day-specific events, bringing up old memories like starting a course or a challenge and ending something similar.

  2. Blogs or their content can be used in books, podcasts, other blogs or publications, vlogs, and even reels, one of the biggest audience engagers. I have seen many professionals using their old content for new course material or e-books and blogs.

  3. Testimonials never go out of fashion. In my experience, they are one of the most popular ways of advertising and getting customer leads by professionals from coaching, health and fitness, hospitality, education, and event management backgrounds. They can be resued before a launch of an event or course or after the end of the same. This can be done time and again unless the service or business is faded out.

  4. Surveys, statistics, opinion polls, and case studies can be repurposed as infographics, vlogs, or blog format, or even updating an old blog with the relevant information. These also make great now and then posts or specific event-related posts.

  5. Interviews are a classic content generator. They can be compiled in a book, series, reused through clips, phrases, and quotes. They can be reshared as a milestone or an event from your timeline if they are in video format.

  6. Old slides, data, informatics can be included in designing online courses and introductions, which need background and general structures.

  7. Similarly, prerecorded and consented videos, lectures, or meetings can be used in webinars, webshops, and even on YouTube or other social media platforms.

  8. Old articles, awards, speeches, trivia make great catchphrases and content for email chains and newsletters.

  9. Old e-books, researches can be snipped and classified into various formats like ´What to, How to, Why, 10 things you need, etc., and can also serve as free giveaways and downloads.

  10. Checklists, inventory lists, templates, formats, social media content tables, time tables. Schedules and to-do lists - these all make great bonuses, repurposed content, and a concrete way of garnering attention and potential customers.

  11. Audio recordings or excerpts from experts are often reused in masterclasses or online sessions, where they can be highlighted as special bonuses or additions.

  12. Artists sometimes also collaborate on their old creations as tutorials, printables, or courses on their websites.

This is a small list of how old or published material can be and is being resued by entrepreneurs and content professionals alike. Like many other things, content is based on human wants, needs, and trends. It is something that can thrive or gain momentum if it hits the right nerve. Otherwise, massive fails have been known to happen too. So, it is all about understanding the mindset, niche, and what excites your most adored consumer. And I would like to look at it this way- the customer might be the king, the content might be the queen, but ultimately, the context of things and presentation rules.

Follow Kriti on her Facebook, Instagram, and Linkedin for more info!


Kriti Surjan Thepade, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Kriti Thepade is from India, residing in Oslo. She has been working in print and radio for 15 years in India and Hong Kong as a copywriter, editor, reporter, translator, educator, and business partnership manager. She is now a workshop organizer for art and craft (for children) and vision boards (for adults), a content creator, a book consultant, a speaker, and an advocate for body positivity and body neutrality. As an avid writer, her favorite subjects to write about are - politics, culture, food, and travel. When not writing- she likes to bake, photograph, and read. Kriti strongly believes that growth comes when you help others to flourish as well. Kriti holds a B. Com in Taxation, LL.B Laws of Taxation and Forensic Science, and Diploma in Cyber Law, Certification in Cyber Crime Investigation, Meditation, and a Life Coach Certification.

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