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Sea Water – For Health? Really?

Matthew Hazen is well-known when it comes to human consciousness and intracellular detoxification. He is the CEO and founder at MasterPeace Human Consciousness Support. The company was established is May 2023.

Executive Contributor Matthew Hazen

The answer is yes! The benefits of seawater are exciting! What if you knew that there was a 100-year-old medical approach that has been supporting the health and well-being of others in a safe and effective way?

Master Plasma product.

Specific seawater, Original Quinton Marine Plasma, has done just that. Since the beginning of the modern use of marine plasma, Original Quinton Marine Plasma has lead the way of its development.

But what is “Original Quinton?” And what is “Marine Plasma?”

These answers, along with ten helpful tips, can make you a “Marine Plasma Expert” and give you an understanding of the benefits of sea water.

I have researched this topic and have outlined 5 Benefits of Sea Water that you need to know.

What is marine plasma?

The Definition – Marine plasma is marine liquid extracted from specific plankton blooms 10 meters under the ocean surface.

Original Quinton Isotonic is known as “Marine Plasma.”

There are two forms of Original Quinton Marine Plasma: Hypertonic and Isotonic.

Quinton Marine Plasma is not your ordinary seawater.

Summary Marine Plasma is extracted from specific plankton blooms under the ocean.

1. Supports the immune system

How do you strengthen the Immune System? The answer may surprise you.

Answer: The health of your immune system is in the gut. ¹

How it works – Marine Plasma supports the growth of intestinal probiotics. The term “probiotics” can be a bit confusing, but simply put; probiotics are “good bacteria” that eliminate and replace bad bacteria and pathogens in the gut.

Consistent supplementation of Marine Plasma encourages the growth of intestinal probiotics which will promote optimal growth of Probiotics in the gut. Probiotic growth can promote enhanced performance of your gastrointestinal health.

Gut Homeostasis describes a gut that is balanced with minerals, nutrients and beneficial bacteria. ² You can supply your through food, but the concentration of minerals in seawater makes it a healthy option to add to your healthy diet.

Remember, your gastrointestinal health is important. A healthy gut helps to promote a strong immune system that can fight off infection.

Summary Sea water promotes gut homeostasis. A strong gut equals a strong immune system.

Benefits of sea water

2. Contains minerals essential to health

How it works – Minerals promote health, energy and vibrancy. The more minerals, the better.

Marine plasma is dense in minerals essential to health: Chromium, Potassium, Calcium, Magnesium, Zinc and Vanadium. Because Marine Plasma is harvest 10 meters under the ocean, Photosynthesis has not destroyed a large amount of bioavailable minerals. This makes Original Quinton a powerhouse of concentrated minerals.

Health Tip – When the body is supplied with these minerals, it can heal itself and sustain higher performance and energy levels.

Summary Marine Plasma is dense in bioavailable nutrients as it is collected under the ocean where photosynthesis cannot deplete mineral levels.

3. Enhances mental clarity

The high content of electrolytes and magnesium can help clear brain fog and promote clear thinking.

Summary Marine Plasma can help clear brain fog.

4. Sore muscles? seawater can help

Have you ever had a workout that left you sore the next day?

Maybe it was difficult to sit without your legs burning or feeling an overall sense of weakness? This could be a sign that your body needs magnesium. It is important to understand Magnesium as it is a mineral that helps your muscles relax after a strenuous task or workout.

Case in point, your muscles love Magnesium. ³

How it works – Magnesium is a mineral as well as an electrolyte that balances muscle and nerve function. One study found that patients who received a magnesium injection of 580 mg saw symptom relief for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. Marine Plasma is a source of plasma that could help increase your levels of Magnesium. The calcium density in Marine Plasma can also promote bone health.

Health Tip  Magnesium is an anti-inflammatory.

Summary Magnesium is an anti-inflammatory that can help ease muscle soreness.

5. Promotes healthy sleep support

Did you know Marine Plasma has benefits for sleep?

How it works The mineral density in Marine Plasma can stabilize blood pressure to normal levels. Lower blood pressure helps the body fall and stay asleep.

Summary The body sleeps better when it is supplied with the minerals it needs to promote healthy sleep patterns.


I hope these benefits of Sea Water have enriched your life with helpful facts! Here is a recap of the 5 Benefits of Sea Water.

  1. Contains Minerals Essential to Health

  2. Supports the Immune System

  3. Enhances Mental Clarity

  4. Can Help Ease Sore Muscles

  5. Promotes healthy Sleep Patterns


Matthew Hazen, CEO and Founder of Human Consciousness Support

Matthew Hazen is a leader in human consciousness. He has since dedicated his life to helping others become the best version of themselves.

Our Mission Our intention is to align our thoughts, decisions, and actions for Human Consciousness Support and our products with the Highest and Best interests of all of Creation. We do our best, using the tools we have, to obtain the highest level of truth for research, development, and stewardship of products by Human Consciousness Support..


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