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Kickstart 2024 – For Coaches Who Want To Crush Goals This Year

Written by: Stefan Peter, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.

Executive Contributor Stefan Peter

Hey coach! Cheers to 2023 and to a new year filled with promise, growth, and „Performance-Joy“! As we get ready for this new journey, let's take a moment to focus on the most crucial aspect of success: Self Leadership. This involves self-reflection and taking responsibility for our own journey first. So, grab a pen, some paper, and let's dive into setting personal goals for 2024!

Soccer coach mom with two sons during a training session

What self-leadership is and why you never have to motivate anyone ever again?

Because it's crucial for coaches to set the tone for the whole team. The captain can only steer the ship if he is on top of his own game-right? When you lead yourself well, you model the behavior you expect from your team. But those are only empty words for most people. What I say now might surprise you, but it’s absolutely not about being disciplined or staying motivated. If you need to push yourself to stay disciplined or motivated you don’t have a vision, you don’t have something to follow that is bigger than yourself. At Greenpeace you don’t need to motivate anyone, the purpose is bigger than anyone else and that keeps the fire burning.


That is why, having a super clear vision, a vision bigger than your ego/mind/empty goals comes from deep within you and elevates your own performance beyond anything you ever experienced before. This vision quest is the best first step and the most powerful one, in order to lead a team and help everyone on the team to become the best version of him or herself. 


Why do so few people have a clear vision that guides them through their life?

Everyone thinks they know what a clear vision is, yet almost no one has one. Why is that? First, let’s clarify what a vision is. Having a clear vision means having a super clear picture of what you want to achieve in the future. It's like having a roadmap for your goals, but more importantly also knowing your purpose and knowing what holds you back and how to change that. So it is also a compass that shows you the direction you want to go, based on what you need, in order to live a health, wealthy, happy and fulfilled life. A vision is a north star.


Most coaches and athletes I work with, find it tricky at first, because they might not be sure about what they really want, are scared of not making it, or simply follow meaningless goals hoping to be happy in the future. Some get confused by what everyone else thinks they should do. Sometimes, having too many options or feeling overwhelmed can also mess things up or our life changes, so priorities shift as well.

Plus, reflecting on yourself can be a bit uncomfortable I get it, but that’s what I help you with, step by step, in the process I call the "Emotionset Method“.


It is not selfish to create a vision for yourself

To tackle this, it helps to take it step by step, ask for advice, and know that it's okay if things don't go perfectly all the time. The key is to create a vision for yourself that's true to you and what matters most for yourself without being afraid of what others think or say.


Without this kind of self-leadership, it's like trying to guide a team without a compass – things might drift off course. So, to lead your soccer team effectively, you've got to lead yourself first.


Let me give you 5 concrete questions to get you a bit closer to your vision

The vision that we create together is not purely based on simple goals coming from the mind, but based on love and joy for yourself and everyone around you something that comes from the heart and feels bigger than yourself. This will create a pull towards reaching your goals with more ease and more joy along the way, without risking to burnout, or feeling empty inside after a while, something so many high performers know if their life only becomes a meaningless chase for goals and triumphs.


Question 1: Celebrate wins

First off, high-five yourself for the victories, big or small, in the past year. What made you feel awesome in those moments? Let’s not focus on what happened but how it made you feel inside. Write down those feelings; they're the secret sauce to repeating success! Really feel the gratitude in every cell of your body. It will act like a magnet for more positivity and success along the way.

Question 2: Correct wrongs

Now, that is already tricky for most people because they go like: "How can I change something that already happened?“ In your mind you can, and believe me and more importantly neuroscientists like Joe Dispenza, when I say: You can change the feeling of your past by writing the story completely new. I call this "Timeline-Reprograming“ and teach it to everyone I work with. 

Question 3: Find balance in work and life

Success isn't just about game wins; it's about juggling career goals with personal joy and happiness. How are you planning to mix work goals with self-care, like meditation, better eating, and your chill time? A happy coach is a winning coach! Block out daily times in your calendar, if you need to, where you only focus inwards without distraction. You could go for a walk or sit down with eyes closed while you focus on your breath for only 5 minutes, or you put away your phone, switch off the TV and prepare yourself a healthy meal and eat without distraction.

Question 4: Learn and grow

Stay ahead in the game by learning new stuff. What skills or areas are you gonna level up in 2024? It could be tactics, leadership, communication skills to improve your changing room speeches or some cool new coaching tricks. Time to step up your game step by step. I have created a unique personality test for coaches and players based on their position on the pitch and their behavior in certain soccer relevant situations, to help you identify areas for improvement. 

Question 5: Goals for 2024

Looking ahead, what's on your radar for 2024? Make sure your goals match your true self and what you're all about after creating your vision in the form of a vision board or vision movie. If you're still figuring out your own vision, no sweat – I'm here for a free coaching chat and explain to you how you can do it step by step.

Together we find out:

  • what holds you back and prevents you from reaching the next level

  • how to grow your comfort zone in a smooth way, without burning out

  • how to level up certain behavior on and off the pitch to feel more energy and perform better.

Do you want to know how to create more happiness and true fulfillment instantly? Become aware of your impact beyond the field

Success is more than just scores. Define how you measure success in your coaching journey and life? And maybe you will also see how important it is for you to make a positive impact on others this year? Think about the legacy you want to leave, both in soccer and beyond.

I love journaling and self-reflection exercises because they set my inner tone towards growth and contribution. That’s why I also want to encourage you to take a moment with your thoughts and a journal. Let these answers guide you through 2024.


Don’t forget to share this journey and questions with someone you want to inspire. Let's make 2024 a year of awesome wins, both on and off the field!


Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and visit my website for more info!

Stefan Peter Brainz Magazine

Stefan Peter, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Stefan Peter is an expert in personal development. He works mainly with international athletes and coaches in the fields of Soccer, Tennis, Basketball and American Football. His own experience with depression as a young athlete, after the death of his father, inspired him to become a coach and a mentor to athletes in similar situations. His major passion is to empower people to unlock their full performance potential and (re)discover inner fulfillment and performance joy. He is the creator of the 4 steps Emotionset-Method and holds a Masters Degree in Sports Health and Leadership.


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