Written by: Vishal Saxsena, Executive Contributor
Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.

Let’s understand first what is Happiness and its Frequency. Happiness has many different definitions that differ from person to person. In general, it is an emotional state that is expressed by a feeling of joy, contentment and fulfilment. We can also say it is a positive emotion that radiates satisfaction and you start to vibrate on a higher frequency i.e., 540 Hz. Whereas as per available studies, the natural frequency of a human standing body is around 7.5 Hz.

In other words, our frequency increases when we become happy. Our mind, body and intellect operate in complete alignment or we can call it “we understand ourselves completely”.
How do we understand ourselves?
We can understand ourselves completely only when we are in sync with our feeling of fulfilment. This feeling of fulfilment creates a state of emotion. This state raises our inner vibration which then brings a burst of emotions that is spread all over and it is only possible when you are in a positive state of mind.
When we are happy, we should enjoy this emotion and enhance it rather than be scared. So what is that makes it scary?
When you are vibrating at a higher frequency of 540hz (the frequency of happiness) it is very difficult for others to understand or raise to / maintain that frequency. So when your happiness is continuous, the people around you who are operating at a lower frequency will start to think that you have gone insane and they will start to criticize you.
Why do they criticize?
Because the people around you are confused. The first question that comes to their mind is how come you are happy by staying in the same environment. How can you radiate more energy and more positivity? For them, it is difficult to raise themselves to the frequency of happiness, even if they raise they cannot maintain it for long. What is the best option? It is to pull you down and bring you to the same level as theirs because the people around you want you to be like they want you to be. So they start criticizing you.
Since you are now operating from a higher level of understanding, it becomes very easy to understand that the people who are criticizing you are not happy at all, rather they are filled with jealousy which is a negative emotion that they try to throw at you or others who are happy only to get an acknowledgement or a yes as an answer so they can feel satisfied. Handling others' negative emotions and continuous criticism is scary.
This is where many people start to think ‒ happiness is scary and they start to compromise on their happiness.
How to deal with the criticism of these people?
If you are thinking of making them understand, it is waste of time. There is nothing to prove. You are who you are. There is no need to step down, rather it is for you to maintain or upgrade yourself by working more on your inner self by educating yourself with the right knowledge or by sitting with like-minded people or with people who are more knowledgeable than you. This knowledge will develop your inner strength to face these so-called critics. Your answers will be polite while you hold your ground.
How do we hold our ground?
Most important thing is to understand that these people who are criticising you are operating from their conditioning and their limiting belief system.
Now, when they see you happy, reflecting that high energy and frequency on regular basis they will start to think that there is more to life. They will start to observe peace in you. It is when they will like to be associated with you because now they are seeing in you your inner strength. A question will arise how can we be happy?
How can a person align with the frequency of happiness?
A person is solely responsible for his/her happiness.
If you want to be happy, your mental attitude or state of mind needs to be transformed or changed. You have to let go of all the self-doubts and confusion you have about yourself. Once this is removed you will develop the love within you for yourself. The more you love yourself more relaxed your mind will become.
To love yourself you need to focus on the language or the words that you are using for yourself as your mind operates only on what it hears.
This shift in language will bring self-love and will transform you and that is when your mind will align with the frequency of happiness and you will see life in a very different form and happiness will become a part of your life.
Happiness is not scary. Happiness is contagious and it has the power of transforming anyone's life.

Vishal Saxsena, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine
Vishal Saxsena an Author, Wellness & Transformation Coach. His journey in coaching started in the year 1997. While coaching individuals in groups or as individuals he noticed one common thing, i.e. Life Pattern of every individual keeps repeating and that keeps them stressed. He started to dig deeper into this issue and found that if the character of a child is designed in the conception & development stage these issues can be resolved & a child can become a better human being. This made him launch a unique program BELLY WITH A HEART where a pregnant lady can Design & Shape the character of her unborn child. He is the CEO & Founder of Design Your Destini & Academy of Spreading Happiness.