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How Artificial Intelligence Might Enhance Your Learning Experience

Written by: Ilse de la Cruz Gomez, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.

Executive Contributor Ilse de la Cruz Gomez

Since the emergence of ChatGPT, more and more people have developed an interest in the use and applications of Artificial Intelligence (AI), particularly generative AI. While this technology itself is not new (the term AI was coined in the 1950s), the popularity of this tool and its user-friendly nature have significantly increased interest in generative AI.

Robot hand ai artificial intelligence assistance human touching on big data network connection background

You are now probably wondering, but what is artificial intelligence?

There are discussions around the definition of artificial intelligence. An easy-to-digest definition is as follows:

Artificial intelligence is a machine’s ability to perform the cognitive functions we usually associate with human minds.”

And how can it benefit us?

There are various areas of life and work where this technology can be utilized. To learn more about them, feel free to explore the links provided at the bottom of this article. In this month's story, I will focus on the application of AI in the fields of education, learning, and development.

What are the benefits and examples of AI in the field of learning and development?

Below you will find a list of some benefits and examples of AI in the field of learning and development. In this way you can have an idea on the impact it might have for you as a learner:

Lifelong (and Personalized) Learning Opportunities: AI algorithms can analyze your individual preferences for learning topics and styles to offer you personalized learning experiences. You can compare this process to the recommendations you receive while using streaming services like Netflix or the suggestions provided by your favorite online store. In this case, however, the focus would be on tailored learning courses or educational content.

Adaptive (Performance) Feedback: AI-powered systems can offer immediate and adaptive feedback. They provide customized feedback based on your responses and performance. In this sense, it could support you to understand at your own pace where the mistakes are. Tools like Grammarly apply this logic.

Enhanced Accessibility: AI can improve accessibility in learning materials. Some examples are through speech recognition, text-to-speech conversion, etc. that make learning materials more accessible and understandable. Current examples are the automated closed captions in videos platforms (i.e. YouTube) or in MS-Teams Meetings.

Real-Time Language Translation: AI-powered language translation tools can break down language barriers and enable us to access educational content in our preferred language. You can already give it a try in the presented PowerPoint slides during your next MS-Teams Meeting! ☺

After reading these examples, you may already have had interactions with AI without even realizing it!

Undoubtedly, AI offers a wide range of applications in the field of education. However, in my professional opinion, human-to-human interaction will continue to be a crucial aspect in facilitating the learning process. Therefore, AI and human facilitators can complement each other rather than one replacing the other, leading to more effective learning outcomes.

If you want to learn more about AI in general and its applications in everyday life and work, I share some resources at the bottom of this article.

And remember, technology is advancing rapidly and will continue to evolve. Therefore, to stay updated, I would like to share with you a phrase that I frequently use:

Ilse de la Cruz Gomez poster

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Ilse de la Cruz Gomez Brainz Magazine

Ilse de la Cruz Gomez, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Ilse de la Cruz Gomez is a Sr. HR Global Expert with a strong focus on leadership and people development. Throughout her career, Ilse de la Cruz Gomez has worked in Germany, the United States, China, and Mexico, giving her a truly cross-cultural approach. She is also a Gallup Certified Strengths Coach and has earned various coaching certifications in Mexico, Germany, and Switzerland. Her mission is to connect global communities through education, new technologies, and coaching, and to empower leaders and professionals around the world. In 2022, she received the CREA Global Award from Sweden and the Outstanding Leadership Award in Dubai in recognition of her contributions to the field of education and learning.




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