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Enhancing Well-Being – The Power Of Vagal Tone In Neurodiversity

Coach Fred, a specialist in special education and coaching, empowers neurodiverse individuals (ages 15-25) to achieve their full potential through personalized, evidence-based strategies at Be More Coaching, focusing on enhancing well-being and self-awareness in a supportive environment.

Executive Contributor Fred Block

Discover the crucial role of the vagus nerve in managing stress and promoting relaxation, especially for neurodiverse individuals sensitive to their surroundings. Enhance your well-being with our insights on improving vagal tone.

Woman relaxingly practicing meditation in the pine forest.

Understanding the vagus nerve and neurodiversity

The vagus nerve is the primary component of the parasympathetic nervous system, responsible for regulating internal organ functions, including digestion, heart rate, and respiratory rate. It serves as a communication pathway between the brain and the body, playing a critical role in response to stress and relaxation. Neurodiverse individuals often experience heightened sensitivity to their environments, making them more susceptible to stress. Thus, understanding and improving the vagal tone—the nerve's ability to function efficiently—can be especially beneficial for them.

The Importance of vagal tone for sensitive individuals

A healthy vagal tone is associated with a better capacity to relax after stress, quicker recovery from fear and anxiety, and overall emotional stability. For sensitive or neurodiverse individuals, a robust vagal tone can mean less overwhelm in daily life and improved ability to navigate social and environmental stimuli. This balance in the nervous system functioning is crucial for maintaining mental and physical health.

Practical ways to improve vagal tone

  • Singing and Humming: Engaging in activities like singing, humming, or even gargling stimulates the vagus nerve. These actions activate the muscles in the back of the throat, which are connected to the nerve, enhancing its tone and promoting relaxation.

  • Cold Showers: Brief exposure to cold water, such as taking a cold shower, can activate the vagus nerve. This practice has been shown to increase tolerance to stress and lead to a decrease in symptoms of depression.

  • Breathing Techniques: Slow, deep breathing exercises, particularly those that emphasize a longer exhale, directly stimulate the vagus nerve, inducing a state of calm and lowering heart rate and blood pressure.

  • Gut Health: The vagus nerve is directly linked to the gut-brain axis. A balanced diet rich in probiotics and fiber can improve gut health and, consequently, enhance vagal tone, showcasing the importance of nutrition in managing stress and emotional well-being.

  • Physical Connection: A simple act like hugging a friend or a loved one can trigger a positive vagal response. Physical touch increases the production of oxytocin, a hormone that has a calming effect on the brain and helps in strengthening the vagal tone.

  • Regular Exercise: Physical activity stimulates the production of various neurotransmitters that interact with the vagus nerve, enhancing its tone and improving stress resilience.

The coach's role: Guiding through the process

As a neurodiversity coach, I focus on empowering clients to integrate these practices into their daily lives, ensuring transformative change occurs between sessions. This consistent practice and self-care are vital for cultivating a lasting impact on vagal tone and overall well-being. Incorporating these practices into daily life can lead to significant improvements in how neurodiverse individuals process and respond to their environments. Enhancing vagal tone not only aids in immediate stress relief but also contributes to long-term health benefits, promoting a balanced and fulfilling life.


Improving vagal tone is key to better health and well-being for neurodiverse individuals. Simple daily practices can strengthen the vagus nerve function, leading to improved emotional regulation, reduced stress, and enhanced quality of life. With the guidance of a specialized coach, individuals can navigate this journey effectively, unlocking the full potential of their nervous system for a balanced and fulfilling life.

Explore further in Brainz Magazine:


Fred Block, Health & Wellness Coach

Coach Fred, with master's degrees in special education and coaching, excels in assisting teenagers and young adults who are neurodiverse. He employs an evidence-based methodology that combines special education knowledge with innovative coaching to offer customized strategies that enhance clients' self-awareness, daily functioning, and well-being. Through Be More Coaching, Fred provides a nurturing setting that focuses on the unique needs and strengths of neurodiverse clients, guiding them towards realizing their full potential and fostering a more fulfilling future.


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