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Embracing Our Characteristics – Moving Beyond Labels

Sabrina May is the brainz behind Unfolded Realities. A leading advocate for global sexual wellness and mental health empowerment. With extensive experience in coaching and advocacy, she champions diversity, inclusivity, and accessibility for individuals of all ages and abilities.

Executive Contributor Sabrina May

In a world filled with complex identities and societal expectations, the topic of labels versus characteristics often sparks debate and misunderstanding. Many individuals recoil at the mere mention of labels, associating them with stereotypes and limitations. However, beneath the surface, labels serve as tools for understanding and navigating the diverse tapestry of human experience.

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Journey of self-discovery

Our journey of self-discovery is an inherent aspect of the human condition. From an early age, we grapple with questions of identity, purpose, and belonging. In today's digital age, where information inundates us from all directions, the quest for self-understanding has taken on new dimensions. Social media platforms amplify voices and perspectives, yet they also perpetuate misinformation and oversimplifications.


The rise of self-diagnosis

One consequence of this digital landscape is the rise of self-diagnosis and the subsequent devaluation of labels. Individuals, armed with a plethora of online resources, attempt to decipher their own identities and experiences. However, without proper understanding or guidance, these self-diagnoses often lead to skepticism and dismissal from others.


Personal experience and the power of labels

I've personally experienced the stigma surrounding labels, particularly in relation to my son's diagnosis of ADHD. When I mention his condition, I'm met with a range of reactions, from skepticism to unwarranted judgment. Some question the validity of ADHD altogether, attributing his behavior to a lack of discipline rather than a neurodevelopmental disorder.


Interestingly, the reception changes when I use the term "autism" instead. Suddenly, there's a shift in tone, with expressions of sympathy and understanding. Yet, my son's essence remains unchanged; his characteristics are an integral part of who he is.


Embracing diversity

It's essential to recognize that labels are not inherently negative; rather, they provide a framework for understanding and interacting with others. Just as we adjust our communication when encountering someone who speaks a different language, we adapt our interactions based on the characteristics of those around us.


Celebrating individuality

Instead of viewing labels as restrictive boxes, we can embrace them as tools for empathy and connection. By acknowledging and understanding the diverse range of human experiences, we foster inclusivity and acceptance. Each label represents a unique set of characteristics, contributing to the rich tapestry of humanity.


Moving forward

In our quest for self-awareness (AKA inner-reflection, don’t judge the “self-awareness” label), let us move beyond the confines of labels and celebrate the multifaceted nature of our identities. By embracing our characteristics with curiosity and compassion, we cultivate a more inclusive and understanding society.


Reminder: Embracing our unique paths

As we navigate the complexities of human experience, let us remember that labels do not define us; rather, they serve as signposts on our journey of self-discovery. Let us embrace the diversity of human experience and celebrate the unique characteristics that make each of us who we are.

Read more from Sabrina May


Sabrina May, Leading Advocate for Global Sexual Wellness and Mental Health Empowerment

Sabrina May is a leading advocate for global sexual wellness and mental health empowerment. With a background in coaching and activism, she champions diversity, inclusivity, and accessibility for individuals of all ages and abilities. As the visionary behind Unfolded Realities, Sabrina is committed to empowering others to embrace their true identities and navigate life's challenges with confidence and resilience.


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