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Bridging The Gender Gap In AI – Empowering Women For A More Inclusive Future

Written by: Nina Szewczak, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


Artificial Intelligence (AI) is transforming the world, but there is a significant challenge: Currently, AI systems are predominantly developed, trained, and indexing content created by men, which leads to biased outcomes and reinforces existing inequalities. To build a more inclusive and equitable future, we need to address this issue head-on by empowering women to eradicate AI bias through leveraging AI technology in their businesses and lives.

Robot and young woman face to face.

The Urgency of Gender Equality in AI

The United Nations estimates that achieving gender equality will take nearly 300 years without significant investment. This is unacceptable in today's world. We need to remove barriers to technology for women and enable them to create technology that meets their unique needs. By doing so, we can bridge the gender gap, reduce poverty, and move towards a more inclusive world.

Despite progress in recent years, the current statistics highlight the persistent gender gap in entrepreneurship: Globally, women still represent only one in three high-growth and innovation entrepreneurs.

The business world has been designed based on male norms &behaviors, and stereotypes still limit women entrepreneurs’ access to resources.

Venture-capital-backed tech companies with all-male founding teams receive 93% of the capital invested, while 5% of capital goes to mixed teams, and only 2% to all-female teams. Moreover, 40% of women founders who set out to raise capital faced forms of harassment, and 48% of women entrepreneurs report that a lack of advisors and mentors limits their professional growth.

A strong support network is essential for success, and women entrepreneurs need it more than ever.

It’s Time for Women to Join Hands with Their AI Sisters

To make AI work for women, we need to address the gender gap in AI development and training. We need to encourage more women to pursue AI education, careers and to use it in their lives and businesses as well as supporting them with resources and mentorship and build communities where they can share knowledge and support each other. AI offers the biggest opportunity to create equality we have seen in the history of humanity, and we must act now. As with every evolution and new advancements in technology though there are some considerations and whispers of worries of ‘robots’ taking over from us, but instead of trying to polarize society with 'good' or 'bad' or drive fear by 'it's going to steal our jobs,' we need to ask ourselves how do we use it in a way that will enable us to get out of our survival mode and actually learn to LIVE again?

We can train and use AI to enable us to start truly living, by being and feeling alive, by loving our time here, and by being in love with our experience every day. We are the most comfortable generation there has ever been in the history of the world. We have more possibilities and opportunities than there have ever been on this planet. We have quicker and easier access to more resources than ever before, with the world literally at our fingertips. Yet we are more unhappy, stressed, anxious, worried, and depressed than ever before.AI can help, and it's in our hands to train it in a way that can benefit society and our lives on a much greater scale than anything ever before.

What’s the solution? You might be wondering.

Accessibility: enabling easier and faster access to Tech for women.Education: providing education and training.

Community: building a supportive and empowering community.

Movement: using our power, privileges and opportunities to move towards an equal and inclusive world.

To truly benefit from the potential of AI, we need to shift our focus from using it solely for productivity and efficiency gains, and instead focus on how it can enhance our lives, create more opportunities for fulfillment, and alleviate the stress and unhappiness that plague our society.

In fact, AI can play a crucial role in bridging the gender gap and creating a more inclusive world. By empowering women to harness the power of AI, we can create technology that meets their unique needs and addresses the biases and inequalities that have been perpetuated by the current male-dominated AI landscape.

According to a recent report by Goldman Sachs, 300 million full-time jobs could be impacted by the rise of generative AI, which is capable of creating text, images, videos, and code off the back of a prompt. While this may seem daunting, it also presents an opportunity to re-evaluate how we structure our workforce and the role that work plays in our lives.

Instead of clinging to outdated models of work and productivity, we can use AI to enable us to live more fulfilling lives by allowing us to focus on the things that truly matter: our families, our passions, our communities, and our own personal growth.

At the end of the day, the potential of AI is limited only by our own imagination and the choices we make as a society. Let's use this powerful tool to build a more inclusive, equitable, and fulfilling world where women are empowered to shape the future of AI and create a better tomorrow for us all.

Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and visit my website for more info!


Nina Szewczak, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Nina Szewczak is a force to be reckoned with in the realm of transformation and change. With over 17 years of experience and expertise in leadership, management, coaching, mentoring, HR, and wellbeing, she is a true Midlife Revolution Specialist.

Nina is dedicated to helping people overcome adversities and turn situations from tragic to magic. Having transformed her own life twice, she knows first-hand what it takes to get better, not bitter, and make life great again. With Nina by your side, you too can join the revolution and transform your life. Get ready to be wowed by her unparalleled expertise and passion for revolutionizing businesses and lives.

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