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Are You A Powerful Woman Or Are You In Your Masculine?

Magda Kay is an intimacy expert, certified Tantra teacher, speaker, and author on a mission to help individuals around the world experience more love, pleasure, and intimacy. For almost a decade, her advice on relationship dynamics has helped countless singles and couples alike live more fulfilling and authentic lives in and outside of the bedroom.

Executive Contributor Magda Kay

In modern society, the concepts of masculine and feminine energy are too often misunderstood, although they can be invaluable assets to our personal and professional lives. All of us, regardless of gender, have access to both energies within. But why are career driven women tapping into their masculine energy more than their feminine?

photo of Magda Kay

Besides years of media conditioning and the cliche “powerwoman” role overplayed in pop culture, we’ve all felt it in our daily life. I know you’ve been there too. You push aside heavy emotions when you’re going through a personal crisis to avoid the risk of being labeled “unprofessional” at work.

When you’re at the height of your menstrual cycle – and your body is begging you to slow down – you don’t step back and instead “push harder”.

And you keep pushing harder in all areas of your life. Because that’s exactly what you’ve been taught, it takes to achieve your dreams.

In the process of going after what you want – by being empowered the way you’ve been taught – you end up burnt out, chronically stressed and unable to relax, and you even seem to push men away.

Because of our warped view of empowerment, most women who want to step into their power unconsciously cross over into their masculine energy. They “man up”.

But are you truly a powerful woman, or are you in your masculine?

The dual energies of success

Masculine energy is typically associated with assertiveness, competition, and rationality, qualities more commonly valued in the workplace. In most professional environments, especially those dominated by men, women will often find themselves stepping more into their masculine to get ahead. This includes being goal-oriented, competitive, and relentlessly pursuing career advancement. But on the downside, too much reliance on masculine energy can lead a woman to feel disconnected from her

feminine energy, which is just as powerful. Society simply has never taught us to associate femininity with power.

Feminine energy, connected with empathy, intuition, and collaboration offers us hidden strengths that are seriously underrated. To truly achieve our professional goals and improve overall satisfaction in our lives, we need to learn to balance and leverage both these energies.

Because the ability to shift between masculine and feminine energies as needed is a valuable skill, and once you master it, there is nothing you can’t achieve.

While focus and goal orientation (masculine traits) drive results in the workplace, embracing your feminine energy can lead to far more innovative and inclusive leadership. These are skills you will, of course, rely on when the situation calls for it, as they can be a fantastic complement to your innate strengths.

Think of feminine qualities like emotional intelligence, the ability to listen, and fostering cooperation; these can be your true secret weapon. These skills allow for creating an environment where team members feel valued and understood, promoting a collaborative spirit around them. Tapping into your feminine will allow you to receive solutions, lasting support and true loyalty instead of feeling that you’re in a battle on your own.

Impact on workplace dynamics

Being in your masculine power can feel like the world is against you, like you have to prove yourself constantly. Men are wired to compete with other men for alpha status, so when you enter your masculine, you enter the competition for the alpha male. But when you embrace your feminine power, men will instead want to support you.

Integrating your innate feminine energy in a male-dominated workplace can completely shift how you are perceived and interacted with. Rather than sparking competitive dynamics, leading with feminine energy can instead soften interactions and encourage collaboration. You will find this to be particularly effective in negotiations and conflict resolutions, where empathy and understanding can lead to more sustainable solutions.

Being feminine and respected

Contrary to what you’ve been taught, being feminine is not about diminishing your power but about being authentically you. It is about leveraging your natural strengths in a way that complements your professional skills. Women who maintain their femininity in business

settings often find that they don’t push men away but instead gain their respect and cooperation. Colleagues do not see them as competitors, but as leaders who bring a refreshing and necessary perspective to the table.

And the benefits of embracing your feminine energy extend far beyond the workplace.

Learning how to reconnect with your femininity – being present, open, and nurturing – can improve your intimate life and provide a necessary balance to the high demands of your career. And as an extra perk, when you’re in your feminine power, you won’t really be able to escape male attention.

Men will gravitate towards you, enchanted by your energy and inspired by your individuality.

You really can reach your most ambitious career goals and build a magnificent life without exhausting your nervous system. The answer is in the feminine.


Magda Kay, Intimacy Expert

Magda Kay is an intimacy expert, certified Tantra teacher, speaker, and author on a mission to help individuals around the world experience more love, pleasure, and intimacy. For almost a decade, her advice on relationship dynamics has helped countless singles and couples alike live more fulfilling and authentic lives in and outside of the bedroom. Magda embarked on a journey of sexual healing that led her to Bali, Nepal, India, and Thailand. She studied Tantra, conscious sexuality, yoga, bodywork, and energy healing, and today she helps to spread these vital Tantric teachings around the world. With a degree and background in business, Magda has a natural gift for translating esoteric concepts into practical,


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