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ABCDEffective Path To Change

Written by: Janet Macaluso, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


Do you know what most people talk to me about? Change. Change. Change.

happy woman in eye glasses

It comes in the form of their wishing, dreaming, or complaining.

Sometimes I give a sassy reply:

Want solutions or are you just venting? Or... I'm getting bored hearing this again.

But I’ve recently started working on developing a "deep caring" capacity.

So I created a short video, the ABCDEffective Path for Transformational Change.

This rigorously-tested approach succeeds even with intractable cases like alcoholism, smoking, weight loss, and delinquency.

Try it out. Select something you want to develop and apply it to this:

  • AB - Active Blending

  • C - Cadence

  • D - Duration

  • E - Environment

Active Blending– Deliberately think about and apply new practices into your daily routine. Weave them into your choices, processes, or decisions 10-20% of your waking day. Transformation isn't a weekend workshop.

Cadence – Consistently learn at a regularly repeatable rhythm – at minimum, once per week. Deep change works more quickly and permanently in regularly-scheduled groups or a partnership – not alone.

Duration – Change can take three years to deeply internalize (in organizations). Fully integrating new patterns requires extended time to consciously replace hardwired autopilot thinking and behaviors with new ones.

Environment – If we're the average of our five closest friends (in weight, intellect, career, and finances...) it's because context is king. Work in a group or partnership and with a change agent who's journeyed the same path (AA or Weight Watchers) to recognize, reframe and confront when needed.

FYI… I continue to regenerate, and created this video on the ABCDEffecctive Path to Transformational Change.

Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Youtube and visit my website for more info!


Janet Macaluso, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

After a 25-year corporate career developing executives, teams, and organizations, Janet founded Learning2LEAD, a Regenerative Leadership Development practice based in Cambridge, USA, and Malaga, Spain.

No stranger to personal regeneration, Janet reinvented herself from a college dropout to a flight attendant and aerobic instructor to an award-winning coach and global executive with three academic degrees.

Janet created Learning2LEAD to reflect on the life, legacy, and impact she wants to leave. Applying modern science and ancient wisdom, Janet stewards successful mid-life change-makers, leaders, and rabble-rousers ready to transform their "1st-half" successes into "2nd-half" significance.

Whether in virtual workshops or leadership hiking retreats in Spain, Janet nudges clients to move toward their Best Future Self Now ‒ so they can do the same for their people and places. Her mission: To Ban Average!

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