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5 Tips For Creating A Healthy Home

Written by: Lindsey Champney, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.

Executive Contributor Lindsey Champney

The typical person spends at least half their day inside their home. Did you know that the quality of indoor environments has been shown to impact people's mood as well as their health?

Modern designed green living room with vertical garden.

This article provides 5 tips for creating a healthy home, a living space that promotes both mental and physical well-being in your daily life

Air quality

The air we breathe inside the home is vital for our health. Several reports by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) have demonstrated that indoor air pollution levels in homes are typically 2-5 times higher than outdoor pollution levels and can quickly become 100 times worse than outdoor air pollution. Indoor air quality issues can impact work productivity and overall health. Dust, mold, and pet dander are just a few of the things that lurk around the house, causing air pollution.

Tips to keep indoor air clean and purified:

  • Invest in an air purifier for the bedrooms and busier parts of the home like the living room and kitchen.

  • Clean the house using safe, eco-friendly products. Many conventional cleaners use harsh chemicals and toxins that can potentially trigger allergies.

  • Add indoor plants to your living spaces. Indoor plants can positively affect our mental health and productivity.

  • Regularly change the home’s HVAC filter (usually every 6 months).

  • Open the windows periodically to ventilate the home.

Clean water

Having access to clean drinking water is essential to promoting wellness in the home. Water helps our body transport nutrients and waste, protects organs and tissues, and helps regulate temperature.

Lead and mercury in contaminated drinking water have been linked to developmental delays, learning disabilities, high blood pressure, and kidney problems. Additionally, organic contaminants like benzene and PCBs can be detected in drinking water, and these are linked to cancer, immune deficiencies, and nervous system difficulties.

Installing a water filter will ensure you have access to high-quality, safe, and healthy drinking water. Water filter systems remove contaminants from the home’s water supply for overall health and well-being. A whole house water filter is the most comprehensive but it is also the most expensive. If your budget is limited, consider investing in a water filter for the kitchen sink, baths, and showers.

Before installing, research the type of filtration system you need for your area. For example, if you have hard or chemically treated tap water, choose a system that will remove those contaminants.


Light has a considerable impact on one’s general well-being, from mood to physical health. Exposure to natural light offers measurable health benefits, such as a boost to vitamin D levels, improved sleep, and decreased depression.

Our bodies run on a 24-hour cycle called a circadian rhythm. We need exposure to both light and darkness to maintain healthy cycles and sleep. Ideally, you should get outside every morning and evening for the sunrise and sunset. This is a powerful message to the brain and it keeps the circadian clock on track.

About 75% of the world's population is exposed to artificial light at night and the majority of people also use electronic devices before bed. Even low amounts of light from the electronics at night can delay falling asleep and reduce melatonin production. Additionally, fluorescent lighting at night can incite a stress response in some people.

Tips for managing artificial light indoors:

  • Use soft, low-wattage bulbs and/or dim lights after sunset.

  • Limit or avoid fluorescent light bulbs.

  • Use blue blocker glasses after sunset.

  • Use a red reading light for reading books at night.

  • Limit screen time (phone, tablet, computer, TV) at least 1 hour before bed.

Wellness space

Between work, friends, and family, we all lead very busy lives. However, we must find balance in our hectic schedules with a little downtime. Be intentional about creating a wellness space in your home that has the sole purpose of allowing you to be comfortable, relaxed, and present with your hobbies. Whether the space is used for meditation, reading, writing, or art, the important thing is that it brings you a sense of calmness.

Tips for creating a wellness space:

  • Pick an area of the home that fits your intention (use a large table if your hobby includes puzzles/art or comfortable pillows for meditation).

  • Incorporate natural sunlight or soft lighting like a Himalayan salt lamp.

  • Eliminate distractions with a white noise machine or calming music.

  • Diffuse essential oils to awaken the senses.

  • Decorate with natural elements and add objects, photos, or art from past trips or favorite memories.

Fitness area

All homes should incorporate a space for movement whether it be indoors or outdoors. Creating a home workout space is an excellent way to promote wellness and fitness in the comfort of your own home. You can create a personalized workout routine that fits your schedule with the right equipment. A fitness area does not need to be big or spacious. It can be multi-functional if your space is limited.

Home fitness equipment purchases are expected to grow in the next five years. Online platforms like Peleton, Tonal, and Mirror have seen major increases since the pandemic. Several benefits include convenience, cost-effectiveness, time management, accessibility, and better focus on individual needs.

Tip to incorporate fitness into your home:

  • Designate a room or area in the home that is without distractions and fits your training needs.

  • Utilize resistance bands to keep your equipment compact if space is tight.

  • Use hooks, shelves, and baskets to keep the area neat and to store equipment easily.

  • A hard floor is ideal for stability. Floor tiles are quick and easy to install due to their interlocking design and lightweight. They reduce impact, dampen noise, and are easy to clean.

  • Start simple and add more equipment as needed.


Focusing on a healthy home can drastically improve both mental and physical well-being and create a warm and inviting environment. As you continue to work on your health, don’t overlook your home, as it can play a huge part in your wellness journey. Adopting even just a few of these tips can make a noticeable difference in improving your indoor living space and making it the healthiest it can be.

Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and visit my website for more info!

Lindsey Champney Brainz Magazine

Lindsey Champney, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Lindsey is a board certified Health and Wellness Coach, which ensures the highest standard of care, and a client lead approach to health and wellness goals. Lindsey loves to help others achieve their best self by partnering with clients to determine achievable health goals and specific action steps to get there. She is passionate about leading a healthy lifestyle through proper nutrition, optimal sleep, exercise, stress management, and emotional well-being.


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