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4 Ways Your Body Image Is Hurting Your Career And What To Do About It

Written by: Anne-Sophie Reinhardt, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


More than 50% of women struggle with their body image, no matter how intelligent, driven, successful, or old. If you're one of them, I feel you. After all, women are supposed to look a certain way, and if we don't, well, we should at least be ashamed, right?

Young woman in a beige blouse touching her belly

Not only does this societal "norm" have a severe impact on your mental health, but it can also have a significant effect on your career. If you constantly feel negative about your body or weight, it can hold you back in ways you might not even realize. The good news is that these roadblocks are not set in stone. By building a positive relationship with your body, you can unleash your full potential in your career or life in general. Here are four ways that a negative body image can hold you back and how you can turn it around.

Lack of Confidence

Confidence is vital when you're a leader, and having a negative body image can seriously hinder your career. When you're preoccupied with your perceived flaws all the time, it is tough to feel confident in your abilities. This lack of self-trust can show up in many ways, such as not speaking up in meetings or avoiding challenging projects. The good news is you have the power to turn this around. You can build your self-esteem by doing activities that make you feel good about yourself (your wit, your strength, your friendliness, your caring heart) but also challenge you, or you could surround yourself with supportive friends. If you're struggling to find people who make you feel valued in your immediate circle, consider joining a virtual group of people with similar interests or finding a mentor or coach to help you improve your confidence.

Reduced Productivity

A negative body image can massively drag down your productivity at work. When you're stuck in the vicious cycle of constantly thinking about your shape or being scared of how others look at and judge you, it is sometimes almost impossible to focus on the task at hand. How can it not be? Try this thought-stopping technique when you are spiraling into one of those clouds of negative thoughts. It's easy, quick, and works wonders. Say "stop" out loud or visualize a red stop sign. Clap your hands together or stomp your foot for an extra visceral experience. This exercise helps to interrupt the negative thought pattern and redirects your focus to the present moment. If this doesn't help, take a break and take a sensory walk. Just a couple of minutes will help you feel grounded again. Find a nearby park and pay close attention to your five senses. Notice the sights, sounds, smells, textures, and tastes around you. This helps you shift your focus from your internal thoughts to the external world.

Avoiding awesome opportunities

If you'd rather hide at home because you never feel good in the clothes you wear or don't want to face a crowd, you'll miss out on opportunities that could advance your career. You might avoid networking events, public speaking engagements, or other options that put you in the spotlight and show the world how amazing you are. Learning to focus on your value and worth instead of what you feel is wrong with you starts with challenging your destructive thoughts. Every time you have a negative idea about your body or appearance, take a moment to challenge it and reframe it in a positive light. Is this thought true, or is it just a figment of your imagination? It's crucial here to not shame yourself but to practice self-compassion and allow yourself to heal what is likely a lifelong struggle.

To take it a step further, begin a journaling practice and write about your accomplishments and successes. Jot down everything, big or small, that you have achieved in your life, whether it's at work, in your personal life, or through hobbies and interests. Reflecting on your successes and accomplishments will allow you to see that even though you may not have felt great in your skin, you still achieved and created incredible things.

Being unaware of your values

A lack of self-awareness may sound like a juxtaposition as you are always hyper-aware of your body. Still, it is another reason a negative body image can impact your career. When you're overly focused on your weight, losing sight of your actual needs, wants, and values can be easy. Unfortunately, this can lead to decision-making that is different from what you truly desire and will result in a career or position you never wanted or liked.

Give yourself the opportunity to self-reflect regularly and get in touch with your values, aspirations, and goals.

Ask yourself questions like: What would I do if I didn't feel this way about myself? What limitations would I remove if I were truly confident in my abilities? What kind of person do I genuinely want to be, and what steps can I take today to step into this person – without having to change my body image? Allow yourself to have an open mind to gain a deeper understanding of your worth and start taking steps to cultivate a more positive, confident, and fulfilled self.

Yes, having a negative body image sucks. Not only does it make you feel miserable, but it impacts every area of your life ‒ even your career. However, you can always work on developing a positive relationship with your body ‒ no matter how long you've struggled or how old you are.

Trust me, if you embrace your body in a way you've never done before, you will unleash your full potential and reach new heights in your career and life. So, go ahead and let your confidence soar, open doors for yourself that you never thought possible, and don't let your perceived flaws hold you back.

Follow me on Instagram, LinkedIn, and visit my website for more info!


Anne-Sophie Reinhardt, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Anne-Sophie Reinhardt works with women who crave a deep sense of belonging – to themselves, their bodies and this life. Having worked as a Body-Mind and Life Coach since 2021, she has developed unique tools, insights and intuition (one of her superpowers) that allow her to quickly get to the root of her clients’ struggles, so they can clear their neurology, reconnect with their true essence and live their boldly magnificent life. An expert in her field, she has been quoted extensively on popular media and is a regular speaker drawing from her lived experience from no sense of self to deep self-love and the highest commitment to living her truth. Se is shining her light, so that others can do the same.


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