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4 Simple Ways To Prioritize Self-Care Even On Your Busiest Day

Written by: Jasmine Kelly-Stephens, Senior Level Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


If you are an entrepreneur, then you probably already know how easy it is to place self-care on the backburner. When you have a lot on your plate, doing all the things, and juggling a never-ending to-do list, slowing down is the last thing on your mind. If that’s not enough, everyone depends on you to get things done. No wonder you feel like there are not enough hours in the day, much less have enough time to take care of YOU. Foregoing well-needed sleep and rest has become a habit and your night has become your time for comfort eating. Although you know this lifestyle is not sustainable, you feel stuck and can’t seem to shake it off.

This is the time when self-care is crucial. Instead, many Christian women find it to be a huge struggle because they see self-care as an indulgent such as expensive retreats, extravagant beauty treatments or spa trips (not that these do not have their place). They may also see it as another chore added to their already busy schedule. But the mere fact that from the very beginning God concludes His beautiful masterpiece with a day of rest, signifies He was setting everything in motion by inviting us to do the same. He created us with the requirement of rest, not just physically, but also mentally and emotionally.

Self-care is simply making the daily decision to nourish yourself by creating attitudes and behaviors that replenish your mind, body, and soul. Self-care is not selfish. Instead, it involves the work God does in you rather than your doing the work in yourself. When you make yourself available for this to happen, you now have the tools to honor God, yourself and those around you. It is also an essential part of running a successful business and is critical to your performance and productivity. Taking time to rest and recharge is as essential as keeping an important appointment on your schedule. If you don’t take care of yourself, you’re limiting your potential.

The key to taking care of your body, mind and soul is SIMPLICITY…finding simple ways that work for your unique lifestyle, environment, circumstances and needs.

Here are four simple tips that will help you keep self-care front and center even on your busiest day.

1. Set Boundaries

Setting healthy boundaries is a form of self-care and a way to keep you at peace. It can help you manage stress, take care of your physical and emotional well-being, and create healthy relationships. When you set boundaries, you are sending the signal that you care enough for yourself, you know your limits, and you are going to do whatever it takes to make yourself a priority. The truth is, you can only support your loved ones, friends, and clients when your own cup is full and when you have the energy to do so.

Not having healthy boundaries can easily lead to a poor work-life balance. This means knowing when to say NO to taking on extra work, when to agree or disagree with certain social events, and when to address the emotional needs of others before catering for your own first. It’s not selfish ‒ it’s a necessary skill to learn to cultivate and maintain a healthy balance. Take some time to reflect on your personal boundaries and values and go forward to achieve a life you’ll be proud of! Remember, you cannot do it all and it is ok to communicate that.

2. Check in with yourself

When you’re juggling a million tasks and feeling stressed as a result, your body responds with physical and mental signals, urging you to slow down. If you’re experiencing frequent headaches, stomach aches, tight shoulders, a stiff neck, feelings of irritation with those around you, lack of sleep, feelings of depression, or a change in your appetite, it’s likely that your body is trying to compensate and deal with the stress you’re putting on it. Instead of avoiding stressors in your life, take some time to check in with yourself a few times throughout the day and take steps to confront those stressors accordingly. If you’re feeling stiff, you can do some quick stretches, or if you’re feeling irritated you can simply take a few minutes to slow down, have a cup of tea and say a quick prayer to reset your mind on the things of God. This will allow you to be fully present and savor the experience. Once you practice these methods of dealing with stress, it’ll become more routine, and eventually, you’ll create healthy habits for dealing with it.

3. Commit to ONE thing

Identify ONE thing you can do once, twice, or however many times your schedule will allow that makes you happy? It could be deep breathing, reading a few pages of a favorite book or going for a 20-minute walk. You don’t need to do all the things – just pick ONE. Once you identify that thing, decide to make it a non-negotiable priority. Your mental health depends on it.

Remember, self-care looks different for everyone, so do not compare yourself. Whatever that looks like for you, make the time and create the space. You, your family, and your business will reap the benefits!

4. Make gratitude a daily practice

Gratitude is not just for momentous occasions. It is something to be practiced daily.

Practicing gratitude keeps you feel more positive emotions, relish good experiences, improve your health, deal with adversity, and build strong relationships. Practicing and expressing gratitude is also an important part of coping with stress because it helps you build emotional resilience and optimism.

You can choose to implement the gratitude habit anyway you like. But it is important to commit to it each day. It does not take a long time to implement, and it will help grow the ability in your brain to notice the good and will go a long way to helping you stay confident about life in general. For example, consider sending a voice message to let someone know why you are grateful for them. You can also write down three things you're grateful for every day in a gratitude journal. There is always something to be grateful for, no matter how bad things get.

Self-care does not require a major overhaul. But it does require making small choices and building healthy non-negotiable habits that will replenish your body, mind, and soul. If you struggle in this area, I encourage you to seek wisdom from God. God’s plan is for you to take care of your temple and be at your very best, so you become fully equipped to serve in His Kingdom.

Follow Jasmine on Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin and visit her website for more information!


Jasmine Kelly-Stephens, Senior Level Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Jasmine Kelly-Stephens is a Holistic Health and Wellness Coach. She is a wife, mom, encourager, church ministries leader, just to name a few. Her latest accomplishment is becoming an Amazon 1 Best-Selling Author.

As one whose own struggles with stress eating, binge eating, overeating, and cravings date back to over thirty years, Jasmine is passionate about putting a stop to the emotional eating epidemic and helping women get back to a place of healing, restoration, and liberation.

Jasmine does not believe in the one-size-fits-all approach. She also believes that this epidemic can only be overcome with the truth of God’s word. Her mission is to help women break free from the stronghold of emotional eating through self-awareness and sound biblical truths so that they can heal their relationship with food and their bodies, once and for all.

She mainly works with Christian women entrepreneurs one-on-one but is also passionate about spreading this transformation with anyone who’s willing to listen.

Jasmine believes that when women are healed, it creates healthier environments for their families and communities, and they can show up with more confidence and energy in their God-given assignment.

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