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15 Healthy Habits To Start Now To Absolutely Boost Your Longevity

Written by: Wendy Traylor, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.

Executive Contributor Wendy Traylor

Be honest. When it comes to starting healthy habits, is this you right now?

Woman doing yoga with pink mat

1. The year just started, and I'm crushing my goals! How do I keep up the momentum?

2. I haven't done anything I said I'd do by now.

3. I want to do better but need to figure out where to start.

As this year unfolds, many of us reflect on the resolutions we set just a few weeks ago. You may relate to 1, 2, or 3 above, and I've written this post for you. Every moment presents an opportunity to recalibrate, reignite, and embark on a journey of self-improvement. And guess what? This is your moment! Whether picking yourself up after a stumble, setting your sights on newfound health and wellness goals, or focused on keeping a good thing going, this is your moment to take action.

In this post, I'm here to offer a fresh perspective—a chance to embrace 15 healthy habits to start right now. And here's the best part. The calendar doesn't bind these habits; they're timeless principles that can transform your life, regardless of when you begin. By incorporating these habits into your daily routine, you're not just making positive changes for today but laying the foundation for a future brimming with health, happiness, and longevity. If you've fallen off track, if you're starting, if you're looking to build onto what you've started, or if you crave a renewed sense of purpose, let's dive into a journey of growth, well-being, and the pursuit of a life lived to its fullest potential!

Before diving in, it's essential to recognize the three key pillars guiding us toward enhanced longevity: fitness, nutrition, and lifestyle. By establishing healthy habits within these categories, we'll pave the way for immediate improvements in our well-being and set the stage for a longer, fuller life. For instance, fitness routines strengthen our bodies, making us more resilient to illness and injury, while proper nutrition fuels our cells and supports vital bodily functions. Healthy lifestyle choices encompass everything from managing stress to fostering meaningful connections. Together, these pillars form the foundation upon which we can build a future filled with vitality, purpose, and the priceless gift of time. So, let's dive into these categories, exploring actionable steps to cultivate a healthy lifestyle that promotes longevity and empowers you to thrive in every aspect of your being.

Fitness: Healthy habits to start

1. Cardiovascular workouts: Trust me, you don't have to be a cardio fanatic to reap significant rewards with a small investment of time. Let me break it down. Cardio can do some amazing things for your body, such as helping to increase your body's metabolism. Second, cardio increases cardiovascular endurance and helps build a stronger heart. Third, when you exercise, your body releases endorphins. These are feel-good hormones that boost your mood for hours. Make a goal to rev up your heart rate 3-5 times a week for at least 30 minutes each session. If you find something you like, you'll have a better chance of making it a habit. So try different cardio formats and discover a new favorite!

2. Strength training: The list of strength training benefits is extensive, but here are just a few of my favorites: build muscle, increase your metabolism, help with weight management, increase bone density, release endorphins, and improve your mobility/flexibility. I could go on! You can lift dumbells or utilize machines, but your body weight can also help you reap these benefits. My recommendation: if you're new to strength training, choose cardiovascular workouts incorporating weights. It's a great way to multitask by doing compound movements. Plus, you'll likely burn more calories.

3. Balance and flexibility exercises: After a good workout, you must take care of your body and give it some TLC. Incorporating flexibility exercises into your fitness routine helps lengthen muscles, avoid injury, and recover properly. I recommend adding yoga and stretching exercises to your routine several times weekly. These sessions don't have to be long, but make them focused and purposeful so that you're stretching the muscles that you worked.

4. Stay active throughout the day: Our bodies were made to move! Sitting at a computer or driving in a car for prolonged periods can be hard on our bodies because it negatively impacts our posture and energy levels. By incorporating movement breaks throughout your day, you can keep your body moving and give your mind a much-needed break (especially if you've been sitting at a computer for a while). Set a standing goal on your smartwatch and use the alerts to remind yourself to walk around. Strive to hit your goal every day.

5. Rest day: As important as exercise is, your body does need rest. Recovery days are when your body recuperates and renews itself so you can do it all again with fresh muscles and a fresh mind! I recommend having at least one rest day a week in which you don't exercise. If you're starting a new workout regimen, incorporate rest days between your workout days.

Nutrition: Healthy habits to start

6. Balanced diet: Strive to consume a wide variety of whole foods, including fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats. Doing so will give your body the necessary vitamins, minerals, and nutrients to thrive and perform at its best. I recommend building the habit with a 3-Healthy Eating Habit Challenge. Over four weeks, you'll learn to incorporate more plants and protein into your diet while eating more mindfully.

7. Portion control: You can prevent overeating when you're more aware of your portion sizes. And knowing appropriate portion sizes is beneficial not only when you're eating at home but also when you're dining out. Because restaurants are notorious for serving more significant portions than necessary, it's essential to know what you should eat now and what you should save for later. My recommendation: when dining out, ask for a carryout container at the meal's start. Set aside the portion that you'll eat later.

8. Hydration: Most of us need to drink more water daily. Our bodies need water to function correctly; we can quickly become dehydrated without it. In addition, drinking water can help with weight management because it's a calorie-free way to help you feel fuller. I recommend buying a water bottle to help you measure your water. Then, drink water as soon as you wake up, before every meal, before, during, and after exercise. Last, switch things up by flavoring your water with slices of fruit.

9. Limit processed foods: Invest in your heart health by minimizing your intake of processed foods, added sugars, saturated fat, and trans fats. Become a detective and learn how to recognize them in your foods by reading nutrition labels. My recommendation: swap sugary treats for in-season fruit, swap your processed snacks for whole grains (i.e., unrefined grains and carbohydrate sources), and swap saturated fats for unsaturated fat (e.g., avocado oil, nuts, cold water fish, etc.)

10. Moderate alcohol consumption: Because alcohol itself doesn't provide any nutritional value, it's wise to consume it in moderation. Excessive alcohol consumption has been linked to cancer, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and other diseases and illness. My recommendation is to set limits for yourself when it comes to alcohol consumption. The Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommends a limit of no more than one standard drink per day for females and up to 2 standard drinks per day for males. But of course, less is better for your health. By the way, a standard drink is any alcoholic beverage that contains 0.6 ounces (or 14 grams) of pure alcohol.

Lifestyle: Healthy habits to start

11. Manage stress: There's a lot we can't control about our lives, and that lack of control often leads to stress. Try practicing stress-reduction techniques. Some ideas are exercise, meditation, deep breathing exercises, or spending time in nature. Experiment with different methods to see what works best for you. My recommendation: learn to recognize when you feel stressed, then take a 15-minute break to take your mind off whatever is stressing you. Use your favorite stress-reducing technique to clear your mind.

12. Adequate sleep: Skimping on sleep is never a good idea. Good quality sleep helps your body rejuvenate, prevent serious health issues, and slow aging. Aim for 7-9 hours of quality sleep per night to allow your body to rest and repair. I recommend keeping a consistent bedtime and wake-up time, limiting your device time before bed, and avoiding caffeinated drinks after 3 p.m. Check out more tips here.

13. Social connections: Cultivate meaningful relationships and stay socially connected with friends, family, and the community. You can establish these relationships at the gym, church, industry-related committees/clubs, or neighborhood. I recommend seeking ways to engage with others in real-life, face-to-face settings. Not only will this boost your social skills, but it's also good for your mental health.

14. Regular health check-ups: Be vigilant about your check-ups, friends! Schedule regular visits with healthcare providers for screenings and preventive care. If you must cancel an appointment, always reschedule it ASAP. My recommendation: schedule your check-ups around your birthday or another significant milestone so you'll be less likely to forget it.

15. Avoid harmful habits: Quit smoking and avoid exposure to secondhand smoke, as smoking is a known cause of cancer, heart disease, stroke, lung disease, diabetes, and COPD. Vaping is not good for your lung and heart health either. My recommendation: because smoking negatively affects almost all your organs, commit to kicking the habit. Protect your heart and prevent chronic disease by seeking advice from your medical provider about smoking cessation tools and programs.

As we conclude this deep dive into healthy habits to start for longevity, please remember that there's no time like the present to embark on a healthier, happier life. Whether starting fresh now, picking yourself up after a setback, or simply seeking to enhance your well-being, know that whenever you choose to begin, you're taking a decisive step toward a brighter future. By embracing the habits outlined here—fostering fitness, nourishing your body with wholesome nutrition, and cultivating a balanced lifestyle—you're not just making incremental changes but investing in a lifetime of wellness and vitality. No matter how seemingly insignificant, every small step you take today compounds over time, leading to profound transformations in your health and longevity. So, seize this moment, and let these habits guide you as you embark on a journey of self-discovery, growth, and the pursuit of a life lived to its fullest potential. Your future self will thank you for your investment in your health and well-being today!

By the way, do you like fitness and wellness tips like this? If so, be sure to sign up for my emails! You'll get my blog posts and newsletters in your inbox by signing up. They are always full of helpful fitness and nutrition tips to help you stay on track with your health and wellness goals. You can sign up here to never miss a thing!

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Wendy Traylor Brainz Magazine

Wendy Traylor, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

As a dedicated Fitness Instructor, NASM Certified Personal Trainer & Nutrition Coach, AFPA Certified Prenatal and Postnatal Fitness Specialist, and owner of Wellness With Wendy, Wendy Traylor empowers women to achieve their health and wellness goals. With a focus on providing actionable advice for positive lifestyle changes, she offers personalized guidance in fitness, nutrition, and wellness. Passionate about supporting women in all stages of life, she delivers tailored health and wellness tips for those who are physically active and striving to look and feel their best.


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