Written by: Pia Antico, Executive Contributor
Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.

The shadow side of 'Investing in yourself'
I was doing a money manifesting tapping meditation this morning and I realised that though I have believed in myself more & more over the past year by "investing" in my personal & professional growth; making ME the focus of my 'less guilt-ridden’ spending; the enjoyment of money remained elusive.

A super big deal is that I have spent my life from childhood 'not asking for what I wanted' & believing that I had to ‘beg for the basics’ in the context of being surrounded by opulence.
I know I have come a long way these past 4 years since divorce from abuser No.2
Ditched regrets
Stepped into my light
Claiming my authentic self
Speaking out & serving
This morning I realised I still had a little shadow to dispel, and I can see now that the Business Coaching fish bowl I've been swimming in, may have been unintentionally sending mixed signals.
In order to bypass the common self-limiting beliefs around SPENDING on oneself, the use of the term INVESTING is used instead.
The idea being, we invest time & money in things of interest & value to us; so investing in yourself is meant to be the pinnacle of self-belief & self-love, both energetically & physically.
We commonly expect a PAYOUT from our investments. The big difference between gambling & investing is that there is a greater expectation of obtaining a certain % of material results from an investment.
We can justify to ourselves an 'investment' because it is meant to be a 'sure bet' unlike gambling on the roll of a dice.
So rather than release any self-thinking around allowing yourself to spend money for the FUN of it with no expected result required.
In the coaching space, the focus has been to invite clients to invest in their growth, business, marriage, dreams etc. & thus actually hanging on to these experiences the pressure of goals & expectations of results in order to validate the investment.
Are you even viable if your investment in yourself doesn't pay off?
All this 'investment in myself' over the past five years rebuilding my life, personal growth, professional development, & fulfilling my desires; has brought me to this insight:
I have still been having some shadow thinking giving rise to flashes of fear, guilt & doubt ... hinging on a 'what if' I don't prove myself successful? I would've wasted my time, money & energy.
Yes, that crumby thinking can pop up from time to time...I am human.
But what immediately followed was the realisation that self-love is spending on my hopes, dreams & desires.
I don't have to make them legit by attaching results.
Especially NOT the success metrics of others.
So, to kick off SELF LOVE FEBRUARY
I am giving myself permission to focus my money, time & attention on myself without having to measure validity through results.
I am going to get better at celebrating SPENDING on myself for fun, on a whim, and without having to justify it as a goal-oriented, results-focused investment.
How are you going to love yourself this February?

Pia Antico, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine
“In the middle of a storm, it is possible to find peace & strength when we tap into our innate Spirit-led wisdom and step heartfully into the present moment.” - Pia Antico
Pia Antico is the Founder of Essential Awakening Mentoring, a Crone Life Joy Reboot Mentor/Coach/Trainer, International Public Speaker & Best Selling Author.
She intuitively helps single, empty nester, businesswomen over 40 ditch their regrets, live unapologetically, age disgracefully & quit being an unwilling bystander in their lives. Without getting stuck rehashing, analyzing & reframing trauma stories.
Embodying her unique 6 step AWAKEN the joy within©️ framework helps them to free themselves from limiting beliefs & create lives of fun through trusting the guidance of their carefree Higher Self Wisdom.
Pia holds three degrees in Psychology, Counseling Training, and Certification in the 3 Principles Paradigm & she brings into coaching a wealth of insights gained from a litany of growth experiences.
At 49, she is a 'three near deaths before 30, two abusive marriages, & major head injury life rebuilder' whose mission is to help single, emptynester businesswomen over 40 to effortlessly get past their darkest moments by tapping into their innate well-being.
So that they can shine the light of their radiant, joyful wisdom & step into their dreamed of future.
Pia wants single empty nester women over 40 to know in their bones that their past doesn't predict their future & now is the time to dream big