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The Power Of Self-Care – Elevating High-Achieving Women In Work And Life

Ana is a passionate and dedicated mentor and life coach, and she advocated for women's empowerment.

Executive Contributor Ana Salido

In today's fast-paced world, as high-achieving women, we often ourselves juggling multiple roles and responsibilities, from excelling in our careers to managing our personal lives. 


Woman in red head band putting face cleanser

While striving for success is admirable, and I am a huge believer in the idea that women can have it all, do you ever feel guilty if you’re not doing something productive?


But still feel like you’re burning the candle at both ends? Mastering the art of NOT being productive, is just as important as doing the things that get you results - neglecting self-care can have detrimental effects on both professional performance and personal well-being. 


Let’s be honest, for many of us, self-care is time-consuming and we think we will do it whenever we’ve got time. 


You and I both, know that the time may never come (or it comes too late when we already feel exhausted and depleted.)!


Let's explore how negatively it can impact every aspect of our lives but also how we can start prioritising ourselves to thrive in both our personal and professional lives, as this is what high-performers do so well.


The impact of self-care on our personal lives


Self-care is not selfish; it's a necessity. 


As High-achieving women, we are known for our relentless dedication and ambition, but this drive often comes at the expense of our own well-being. The idea of being perfect in all aspects of our lives is so strong that we neglect our own needs. 


You may see this playing out in your life like:

  • Strained relationships: Constantly prioritising work or external obligations over personal needs can strain relationships with family, friends, and partners. Neglecting quality time with loved ones can lead to feelings of resentment and disconnection.

  • Burnout: As High-achieving women, we are at a heightened risk of burnout when we neglect self-care. The relentless pursuit of goals without adequate rest or relaxation can result in physical and emotional exhaustion, leaving us feeling depleted and overwhelmed.

  • Diminished well-being: Ignoring self-care can have detrimental effects on physical and mental health. Lack of exercise, poor nutrition, and inadequate sleep can lead to increased stress levels, compromised immune function, and heightened susceptibility to illness.

  • Decreased happiness: Neglecting personal needs and desires in favour of work or other responsibilities can diminish overall happiness and life satisfaction. As High-achieving women, we may find ourselves feeling unfulfilled or empty despite external success.

  • Loss of identity: When personal needs take a backseat to professional obligations, high-achieving women may experience a loss of identity. We may struggle to differentiate ourselves from work or achievements, leading to a sense of emptiness or lack of fulfilment outside of our careers.

  • Emotional distance: The relentless pursuit of failing everyone’s needs either at work or at home at the expense of self-care can create emotional distance between high-achieving women and our partners and children. We may struggle to express or connect with our emotions, leading to a sense of disconnect in our relationships.

  • Role modelling behaviour: As High-achieving women, we serve as role models for our children, and our attitudes toward self-care can influence our children's behaviour and attitudes in the future. Neglecting self-care may inadvertently teach children that prioritising everyone’s needs is more important than taking care of our own well-being.

  • Relationship satisfaction: Ultimately, neglecting self-care can erode relationship satisfaction and intimacy between high-achieving women and our partners. When we feel overwhelmed or depleted, it can be challenging to maintain healthy, fulfilling relationships characterised by mutual support, understanding, and love.

The impact of self-care on our professional lives


Work holds profound importance for us as high-achieving women, providing us with a sense of identity, purpose, fulfilment, financial independence, professional growth, and opportunities to make a meaningful impact. It serves as a cornerstone of our lives, empowering us to pursue our aspirations, overcome challenges, and thrive in both personal and professional domains. But by not prioritising ourselves through creating more balance, control over your own time and owning your right to thrive unapologetically, this is how it can negatively impact our professional lives:


  • Decreased productivity: When as high-achieving women, we neglect self-care, we may experience decreased productivity and efficiency in our work. Fatigue, burnout, and stress can impair cognitive function and decision-making abilities, leading to reduced performance and lower job satisfaction.

  • Increased stress levels: Neglecting self-care often results in heightened stress levels, which can negatively impact job performance and overall well-being. Chronic stress can lead to physical and mental health issues, including anxiety, depression, and exhaustion, making it challenging to meet professional responsibilities effectively.

  • Impaired decision-making: Self-care is essential for maintaining mental clarity and cognitive function. When as high-achieving women, we neglect self-care, we may experience impaired decision-making abilities, difficulty concentrating, and lapses in judgment, which can compromise our effectiveness in the workplace.

  • Lack of work-life balance: Neglecting self-care often leads to a lack of work-life balance, with high-achieving women prioritising everything else but ourselves. This imbalance can contribute to feelings of overwhelm, exhaustion, and dissatisfaction, ultimately impacting job performance and career progression.

  • Decreased resilience: Self-care practices such as exercise, mindfulness, and relaxation techniques are crucial for building resilience and coping with workplace stressors. When as high-achieving women, we neglect self-care, we may become more susceptible to burnout, fatigue, and emotional exhaustion, hindering our ability to bounce back from challenges and setbacks.

  • Strained relationships: Neglecting self-care can lead to strained relationships with colleagues, managers, and clients. As High-achieving women, we may become irritable, impatient, or emotionally distant due to stress and burnout, negatively impacting teamwork, collaboration, and professional networking opportunities.

You can feel empowered and on top of your A-game if you simply give yourself permission to do things for yourself


Moreover, self-care is also about fostering personal growth and fulfilment. Taking time for self-reflection, relaxation, and hobbies nourishes the soul and enhances creativity and innovation. 

High-achieving women who prioritise self-care are better equipped to tap into their full potential, cultivate meaningful relationships, and lead more balanced and fulfilling lives.


In the professional sphere, self-care plays a crucial role in leadership and career advancement. As High-achieving women who prioritise their well-being, we are more effective leaders, as we lead by example and inspire others to prioritise self-care. We are also better equipped to make sound decisions, navigate challenges, and foster a positive work culture that values employee well-being.


Additionally, self-care empowers us as high-achieving women to set boundaries, assert ourselves, and advocate for our needs in the workplace. 

By honouring our own well-being, we demonstrate self-respect and command respect from others, ultimately leading to greater career satisfaction and success.


In conclusion, self-care is a non-negotiable aspect of success for high-achieving women. By prioritising our well-being, we can enhance our professional performance, nurture our personal growth, and lead more fulfilling lives. 


It's time for us as high-achieving women to embrace the power of self-care and unlock our full potential in work and life.


Ready to prioritise yourself and achieve your full potential, and let go of feelings of exhausted, resentful, and without energy but don’t know where to start? 


Book a free 30-minute session where we will tailor a personalised plan for you to start. 

Let's work together to unlock your inner power, overcome obstacles, and create a fulfilling life both personally and professionally. Send me an email at


Ana is a passionate and dedicated mentor and life coach, and she advocated for women's empowerment. With over 8 years of experience in the field, she has helped countless women reconnect with themselves, achieve their goals, and cultivate fulfilling relationships.

Driven by her journey of self-discovery and personal growth, Ana is deeply committed to guiding women on their path to self-love, authenticity and empowerment.

Known for her warmth, compassion and unwavering support, Ana creates a safe and nurturing space for women to explore their innermost desires, confront their fears and step into their full potential.


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