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One Simple Way To Be A More Productive Writer

Written by: Suzanne Lieurance, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


Here’s a tip that helps me (and the other writers I coach) be more productive. It’s simple – Just know what you need to do before you sit down to do it. That might be a bit confusing. But all it means is, plan ahead.

Smiling girl sitting at desk, making notes with pen in copybook.

Then, when it’s time to take action, all you have to do is take the action you planned to take. Here’s an example. Once I was coaching a client who wanted to get 12 queries and submissions out within the coming month. Rather than just write “send out 12 queries and submissions” on her marketing plan for the coming month, we made a list of 12 topics she could write either queries or articles about, along with each market she intended to send these queries or submissions to. Next, we used a calendar page – a big one for just a single month – and transferred each of these query or article topics to a date(s) on that calendar. That way, at a glance, she knew the topics she’d be writing about in the coming month, the markets or businesses she’d be submitting them to, and the dates she’d need to get each of her queries or articles started and completed. Believe me, the month was so much easier – and faster – for her to get 12 submissions out there when she already knew all this information.

She didn’t need to spend a single minute of her actual writing time that month figuring out what to query about or who to submit a query to.

She also didn’t have to spend precious writing time scheduling these queries or articles.

As you prepare your marketing plan for the next week – or the next month – be sure to plan your actions ahead in as much detail as possible.

That way, once you sit down to write, you’ll know exactly what you’ll be writing about, and you can get started writing it immediately.

Another Tip: If you aren’t working with a coach to create your marketing plan, do your planning for the coming week on Sunday evenings or Monday mornings, if possible.

And for more writing tips delivered to your e-mailbox every weekday morning, get your free subscription to The Morning Nudge now at

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Suzanne Lieurance, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Suzanne Lieurance is an award-winning author, freelance writer, ghost writer, writing coach, speaker, online content creator, and CEO of She has written over 40 published books and her articles and stories have appeared in various magazines, newsletters, and newspapers, such as Family Fun, Instructor, New Moon for Girls, KC Weddings, The Journal of Reading, and Children’s Writer to name a few. Her mission as a coach is to help those with a passion for writing become the writers they’ve always wanted to be.

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