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Managing Chronic Fatigue – Three Secrets To Renewed Energy

Written by: Fatima Pagtakhan, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.

Executive Contributor Fatima Pagtakhan

Have you ever woken up feeling like you did not sleep? As much as you want to pull the blanket back over your head, you gingerly roll off your bed, walk to your coffee maker, and turn on the TV. You know you need to snap out of the fog because your kids will wake up and you have to get everyone ready to go—you for work and your kids for school.

Sleepy tire woman in white pajama

This scenario is very common but it isn’t normal. Fatigue is so common today that it is accepted as part of modern-day life! It is so universal that it isn't considered a health problem. If you complain to your doctor that you are always tired, they will usually tell you that maybe you are working too much or you just need to go on a vacation.

Fatigue is often just the tip of the iceberg. It is often a symptom of much deeper imbalances that need attention so that major conditions do not develop later. (Source)

I know that productivity at work/business and keeping your relationships intact are important to you. So today, I am sharing three tips to help you manage your fatigue for renewed energy.

Sleep is important to restore energy


Sleeping 7-9 hours is very important to help your body rest and recover. I’m talking about going to bed by 9 P.M. (10 P.M. the latest). Here are some tips on how to create the best sleep environment and to help your body wind down for snooze time:

  • Stop scrolling on your phone, watching TV, or working on your computer at least 2 hours before bed. The artificial blue light tells your body it is daytime and messes with melatonin production.

  • Wear blue light-blocking glasses after sunset.

  • Invest in no-blue light bulbs so you create the ambiance of nighttime inside your house. (Think candles before electricity)

  • Don’t sleep next to your phone.

  • Keep a dark and cool room.

  • Get sunshine on your eyes first thing in the morning. (helps greatly with circadian rhythm)

When feeling the midday slump


When you get hit by the midday slump, your knee-jerk reaction is to get a cup of coffee or grab a sugary/salty snack. Stop your tracks and opt for mineral-rich spring water instead! Or if you can, sip on some bone broth… and grab a protein-rich snack like yogurt, jerky, cheese, or nuts. Drinking coffee midday only causes your body to have a hard time going to sleep that night.

All about the minerals

Your doctor might have told you to take a Vitamin B complex to help with energy… sure, it might help some but other times it can probably make you feel more agitated than energized. Here is the scoop on random supplementation—they do more harm than good and can further cause an imbalance in your body.

We have a very delicate mineral balancing system that is easily affected by supplementation, toxins, processed foods, chronic stress, and more. Minerals are the spark plugs of life. (Henry Schroeder,

M.D. (1906 - 1975)) With mineral imbalance in the cells, one may feel sad, tense, worried, tired, brain fogged, spacey, burnt out, or spiritually empty.


The best way to know the mineral status of your body is through a Hair Tissue Analysis. Make sure to find a practitioner who just doesn't read the results at face value and practice replacement therapy. The goal of mineral balancing is to bring everything back into balance so the body can function at optimal performance. With balanced minerals, your cells will have the energy to detox all the toxins (metals, parasites, bacteria overgrowth, etc.). By balancing your minerals, you will have increased energy which enhances your health, emotions, personality, and your ability to achieve success and happiness!

You don’t have to live life exhausted all the time. I hope these tips help and as always, look for the root cause of any symptoms you are experiencing! Let 2024 be the year you take your health and vitality back. You deserve a prosperous and joyful life!

Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and visit my website for more info!

Fatima Pagtakhan Brainz Magazine

Fatima Pagtakhan, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Fatima Pagtakhan is an Integrative Health Practitioner and advocate for a Toxic Free Lifestyle. She specializes in helping entrepreneurs overcome fatigue, anxiety, and insomnia by identifying the root causes of their symptoms and rebalancing their minerals. Her holistic approach enables clients to renew their health and restore their energy.


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