Written by Lauren West, Branding Designer & Holistic Coach
Lauren West is a Branding & Website designer, Reiki Healer, and Spiritual Life and Business Coach. She is multi-skilled, certified, and has worked in the field with women and men at all stages of business.

Are you craving more creativity and success in your life? Do you want to feel like you’re “in the zone” and “in flow” instead of being sucked into the riptide of modernity? Have you ever wondered if you were capable of more? Are you at a pivot point in your career? Looking for new inspiration on how to start something new or move in a different direction?

There are many coaches, gurus, guides, experts, coaches, etc. who offer different programs and paths to success utilizing their systems and other people’s ideas. Do you feel overwhelmed and confused when you look at online tycoons and uber-successful people with ads and blue checkmarks? Are you looking for a solid starting point to launch your self-development and self-actualization processes and journeys?
What works for one person may or may not work for another one, so don’t let that discourage you. Some people will find immediate success. Some will find success later. In the digital frontier of connection, relations, and exchange, it can be difficult to discern what is what.
Behind the digital curtain, there is often a system of backend systems and AI and content repurposing that creates a marketing, advertising, and PR Oz-esque machine of illusion and shadows. This mixed with “spirituality” and manifesting muddies the waters of what success is and what it takes to get there.
Bridging the gap between online presence and IRL (in real life) presence and identity is often a difficult and tricky journey of authenticity and alignment. As consciousness expands within the collective, the concept of multi-dimensionality and multi-awareness will open the minds of many (especially the indigo and crystal children) to their own omniscience and psychic abilities. When this occurs at a mass scale, we will all realize the importance of symbiosis and how business and entrepreneurship can build bridges of connection, exchange, and innovation to improve the world at large.
When you feel what you do, it makes all the difference in the world. When you heal yourself, you heal the world.
The beginning and preliminary stages of spiritual awakening are often accompanied by strange occurrences, signs from the Universe, miraculous synchronicities, and feeling like everything is falling apart (…so it can all come together). I spared no expense on my healing, spiritual business coaching, and influencer journey. It has been a joy and an honor to coach, guide, and mentor other women and men on their heart-based business and branding journeys. While there will always be bumps in the road, hiccups, and challenges to overcome, it feels much better to know that you have a support system that’s there to help you learn, grow, and heal.
Starting something new on your own can feel very scary. Where do I start? What do I do?
I believe that laying a firm foundation for yourself is an integral part of ensuring your mental health so that the creation and birthing process of your dream business, side hustle, etc. can come to fruition smoothly and enjoyably. Your mindset and your energy are the magic and the building blocks of your current and future success. I’ve witnessed a massive difference in overall success when a client wants to start a business and invests in personal business and/or spiritual coaching versus those who don’t. The drive and authenticity are created internally and that energy radiates outwards to attract their ideal clients when they glow that way.
Building your confidence on-screen and off-screen is equally as important. Personal magnetism is felt and experienced in IRL and URL. Self-esteem and self-concept are also healed, re-seeded, and nurtured with the mindset work. You want people to feel you, your mission, and your brand. That is the invisible glue that keeps all of the moving parts and pieces of your business and yourself working cohesively with each other. A dynamic brand that encompasses everything. A moving tapestry of wholeness the good, the bad, and the ugly, that you alchemized into a brand, business, and experience that is uniquely you.
That’s badass!
How to seed your business ideas
What do you enjoy doing? What are you good at? Do people compliment you? What do they say?
Would you want to offer a service, or product, or become an influencer?
Do you enjoy being on the computer or do you prefer to be offline?
Do you see yourself with an online business or a brick and mortar?
What are your values and needs? Ex. Flexibility and Mobility vs. Location-Based and Traditional
If you could do anything in the world, what would you do?
When you look back at your life, what do you want to be able to say?
How to grow them
What are your fears, worries, and doubts?
What do you need to believe instead of your self-limiting beliefs?
What would it take for you to be able to have and be successful and content?
What are daily or weekly rituals, activities, and new habits that you can include, integrate, and practice in your everyday life that will help you get on and stay on the right track?
What is your self-care and self-love practice? What can you add? When you love yourself, that energy radiates outwards. The way you treat yourself is the way you ultimately treat others. How do you want other people to feel when they meet and leave you?
Find some podcasts, influencers, shows, books, etc. of new people that are related to your field or industry of interest, and be a sponge. You have the luxury of a Beginner’s Mind, so stay open and absorb all that you can so you can form your unique thoughts and ideas to contribute to that field so that you can stand out from the rest.
Embrace your uniqueness, eccentricities, and quirks. Your dreams and talents were given to you by The Universe and your ancestors. Write a letter to thank the ones who have walked before you and to open yourself to accept and receive your unique soul gifts. Incorporating a regular gratitude practice is like adding fuel to your fire.
How to find what you need
Know your needs: Do you need branding and website design? Do you want online ads? Do you need a marketing funnel? Do you need spiritual guidance? Do you need mindset coaching and business-building help? Strategy? Healing? All of It? Get clear.
Find a good fit: Finding a coach or professional who “gets you” is key. It’s the difference between a rocky and smooth process. Finding the right fit for you is ultimately more important than working with the “hottest IT” professional in the field. It’s not a one-size-fits-all process or journey for most. Don’t feel bad. It’s just part of the process.
Invest in quality: What feels like a good match for you? Do you require a high amount of 1:1 attention and time? Do you learn better alone, courses? Do you prefer a mix of both? Personalized coaching and online course materials?
Lauren loves working with aspiring and seasoned heart-based entrepreneurs, creatives, coaches, healers, lightworkers, leaders, and nature lovers. She loves bringing your branding
and website visions to life. It is a joy to spark creativity and excitement in the hearts and minds of those she works with to create the energetic ecosystem of success, trust, and faith in the unknown. She’s not afraid to start from scratch and brainstorm with you to create something from nothing. It’s always an adventure!
To learn more about working with Lauren or to listen to her podcast, High Vibes Only, connect with her via email: lauren@lwcworld.com.
She would love to hear from you!
Lauren West, Branding Designer & Holistic Coach
Lauren West is a Branding & Website designer, Reiki Healer, and Spiritual Life and Business Coach. She is multi-skilled, certified, and has worked in the field with women and men at all stages of business. Her intention is to bring harmony to all levels of life and business to create brands and businesses that change lives and bring good vibes. Lauren believes that balance is key to success and long-term growth.