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5 Tips For Reducing Christmas Season Stress

Written by: Jodie Konstantin, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


Do you remember Christmas morning as a kid the excitement of the morning going to see what Santa had delivered down the chimney, the good food, the toys, family?

I remember counting down the days to Christmas was the only thing on my to-do list as a kid I loved every minute of it. The advent calendar what joy it brought.

Then one day out of know where you have to do this adulting thing. I doubt I would have signed the adulting contract if I read the fine print forever a kid would have been way more fun.

Christmas suddenly didn't seem as fun anymore. Christmas went from fun and exciting to anxiety and overwhelm pretty darn quick. Trying to buy the perfect presents for everyone, what to cook Christmas day, oh and don't forget the Christmas party and the 200 events kids seem to need to attend for school and hobbies, juggling the extra social events all while trying to stick to that super tight budget.

Stress, anxiety, overwhelm creep in your chest tightens you feel that sick sinking feeling in the pit of your belly like something could overflow at any given moment and you may just explode.

Santa for Christmas I just want to put my feet up and have a drink is that too much to ask.

Preparing for the holiday season can cause stress having more to do, disruptions in your normal daily routine, less sleep, and dietary changes can put things seriously out of balance but it doesn't have to be that way.

Here are my top tips for reducing Christmas stress from a mum who has felt the need to make Christmas "perfect" and live up to others' expectations and has now learned to love Christmas again in a new and more peaceful way.

1. Make time for yourself each day to stop and be present with yourself spend time just "being" instead of "doing". if you are a doing person this will take some practice I've spent most of my life as a doer and slowing down has been challenging at times but so important especially during the holiday season. Mindfulness allows you to focus on what is happening in the present moment. Practicing mindfulness during the holiday season can be very beneficial in reducing stress and avoiding physical and emotional fatigue. Mindfulness helps to stop the feeling of that hamster just constantly running in your mind to find peace and clarity.

2. Stop and notice your breath, I practice this a few times a day notice where is it coming from... your chest, your nose, your stomach? do not try to manipulate your breathing just take the time to become aware and notice your emotions become aware of where your breath comes from when you feel different emotions. for example, you may notice when you feel stressed you take shorter breaths from your chest, when relaxed you take deeper longer breaths from your stomach you can then change your state the next time you feel stressed change the physical response of stress to the new chosen relaxed state of breathing. I find this a great little hack when I'm feeling anxious.

3. During this Holiday season learn to say "No" you can not be everywhere at once there is only one of you and you still need to take time for yourself, self-care and rest. Say "No" or leave events early to catch up on sleep it's important not to stretch yourself too far. It is important for both your physical and mental health to learn to set healthy boundaries and remember self-care is not selfish.

4. Remember you don't need to be "perfect" this Holiday season (or ever actually) gift-giving, party going, kids events, sending cards is there ways you can simplify this Christmas so it doesn't lose its essence and meaning behind the activities themselves if you are doing them out of obligation or wanting to be the "perfect" parent, partner, friend, employer or employee then take a long hard look at what you can change to bring more peace and joy into your life.

5. If you are having a year away from family the stress and isolation in these current times can be draining. As much as I recommend social, tv technology detoxes this is a time to make friends with technology. Get on skype, zoom, or facetime and have a virtual get-together. Check-in with loved ones, don't let physical distance stop you from having fun.

Bring snacks, drinks. No matter how far apart physically you maybe make time to connect.

Remember that above all the holiday spirit is kindness and compassion for yourself and others.

It is not all about who got the best presents, the cleanest house, the best meal or party dress its love, kindness compassion, giving, a time of rest, enjoying family and friends, and enjoying building memories.

Merry Christmas may you and yours have a safe and happy holiday season and a blessed new year.

Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin, and visit my website for more info!


Jodie Konstantin, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine Jodie Konstantin, is a heart-centered certified life coach and Holistic counsellor. After her journey from homelessness, illness, and heartbreak she has dedicated her life to helping others transform to live the lives they desire.

Jodie is the CEO and founder of Total Wellness Journey to Empower people to find balance of Mind, Body, and Spirit. Jodie is an Empathic coach, Entrepreneur, Blogger and Home-school mum on a mission to help people find their own power and passion for a free and happy life.

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