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30 Prompts You Can Use To Have An AI Assistant Help With Your Job Search

Written by: Jeff Altman, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.

Executive Contributor Jeff Altman

Job hunting can be a daunting and stressful process. You have to polish your resume, nail interviews, and network like crazy just to get a foot in the door. Now, advances in AI present intriguing new possibilities to give your job search a competitive edge. By prompting an AI assistant with targeted questions, you can get objective feedback to perfect your resume, gain insider tips to ace interviews, and identify openings suited to your goals.

AI codes

But should you hand your career hopes over to AI tools like ChatGPT, Bard, Bing, or, my personal favorite, Claude?

Consulting AI has risks

Generic or improper advice could derail your efforts. Overreliance on AI may make you miss organic opportunities or underperform what you claim to know. In addition, ethical issues exist around AI bias. Still, used judiciously, prompting an AI assistant can provide personalized guidance, industry insights, mock interviews, and career prep.

So be strategic. Experiment with amplifying your search with AI, but ultimately own the process. With the right balance, AI could be your secret weapon. But only you can truly build your best future.

Here are 30 prompts and brief explanations that I might suggest to clients using AI assistants like those I’ve mentioned to help with their job search:

  1. "Please review my resume and cover letter and suggest any improvements." The AI can provide an objective assessment to help polish these critical documents. Check its recommendations

  2. "What are the most in-demand skills for a [job title] right now?" Knowing key skills can help you tailor resumes and interviews or suggest additional training you should get.

  3. "What types of questions might I be asked in an interview for [job title]?" Practicing answers will lead to better interview performance.

  4. "Please act as a hiring manager and ask me some common interview questions for [job title]." More interview practice is always better.

  5. "What are some examples of good answers to the question 'Tell me about yourself' in an interview for [job title]?" A strong answer will set the framework for the interview.

  6. "What are some challenges facing the [industry] industry right now and in the next 5 years?" Being conversant on industry trends may impress and lead to follow-up conversations which may help lower their guard.

  7. "What advice would you give for choosing which companies to apply to for a [job title] role?" Focusing efforts on viable targets is important.

  8. "What networking or informational interviewing opportunities would you recommend for a [job title]?" Tapping networks builds connections. Statistically, networking fills the preponderant number of positions.

  9. "What trade associations, professional organizations, or networking groups would be worthwhile for me to join or follow as a [job title]?" Staying on top of a field is expected as you become more experienced.

  10. "What are the top 5 most important qualifications and skills I should highlight for a [job title]?" Tailoring your resume to each role is a must. Deficiencies in certain skills should be met by training to overcome a potential objection.

  11. "Could you review my LinkedIn profile and suggest ways to improve it?" A strong profile is an important tool. After all, you want to be hunted for roles, not just hunt for them. Review the recommendations before making changes to your profile. It may “hallucinate” when it makes recommendations.

  12. "What tips do you have for creating or updating my portfolio or work samples for [job title] applications?" Showcasing work attracts people to you and encourages them to interview you.

  13. "What self-assessment tests would you recommend I take to better understand my strengths and personality for job searches?" Self-awareness will help you when it comes time to decide between multiple job offers and help you decide the right fit for you.

  14. "What volunteer opportunities exist to help gain experience for a [job title]?" Experience matters when hiring. It also gives you a chance to showcase your experience

  15. "What local job fairs, networking events, professional association meetings, or conferences would you recommend I attend for [job title] opportunities?" Networking is important. Getting out and meeting new people and developing relationships with new acquaintances will help you for years to come.

  16. "Could you act as a mock interviewer so I can practice for [job title] interviews?" Practice allows you to make mistakes when you can correct them when there are no consequences. Speech recognition software makes this very easy and effective.

  17. "What tips do you have for following up after a [job title] interview?" Quality follow-ups make an impression. Banal ones do, too... but not the one you want.

  18. "What questions should I ask at the end of an interview for [job title]?" Smart questions show interest in the role and can often be used as a tiebreaker between similarly skilled people.

  19. "How should I evaluate different job offers in [industry]?" AI can help you broaden your thinking to consider different things than you may have considered.

  20. "What resources would you recommend for evaluating salaries for [job title]?" Knowing your worth helps you avoid leaving money on the table.

  21. "What advice do you have for deciding whether to accept an offer for [job title]?" With more input, it can help you weigh different alternatives

  22. "How should I craft a resignation letter when leaving my current [job title]?" It will help you write your letter of resignation.

  23. "What does my projected career trajectory look like if I gain experience as [job title]?" Don’t completely rely on AI for this. Different people have different opportunities in their horizons based on soft skills and factors beyond this question.

  24. "What skills that I currently have are most transferable if I want to switch to [new job title]?" What skills do you have that will help you be portable?

  25. "What training programs or education would you recommend to help me switch to [new job title]?" Continuing education should be a part of growing professionally. Asking will help you upskill strategically.

  26. "What are the pros and cons of hiring an (executive, leadership, job search) coach as I pursue [job title]?" You may not know how a coach can help you achieve your goals. Ask!

  27. "Could you act as a mock hiring manager conducting a phone screen for [job title] so I can practice?" A screening interview with a recruiter is different than interviewing with a hiring manager. Practice will help you improve.

  28. "What common mistakes should I avoid in the [job title] job search process?" Proactive awareness of possible mistakes will alert you to potential pitfalls in your job search technique(s)

  29. "How can I stand out from other applicants for [job title]?" If you look, sound, and behave like everyone else, you are not giving them a reason to choose you. Be different.

  30. "What else would you recommend I do to optimize my [job title] job search?" Constant improvement. This is the equivalent of the interview question, “Is there anything I haven’t asked you that I should?”

If the answers you receive seem too vague, ask it to elaborate on its answer. If you don’t understand it, ask it to explain it to you differently.

Job hunting has always required resilience, patience, and determination. After all, the skills needed to find a job are different from those needed to do a job. An AI assistant won't land you a job on its own, but it can help you put your best foot forward. Be judicious when crafting prompts that tap AI’s unique capabilities without over-relying on its advice. Focus on using AI to prepare, not replace human effort. Leverage the technology, but trust your own judgment.

True career satisfaction ultimately comes from within. Keep persevering even when progress stalls. Look beyond any single role to see possibilities unfold over the long arc of life. There are always new lessons to learn and ways to contribute no matter where you are.

You’ve accomplished hard things before and will again. An AI assistant can be one tool among many as you chart your next chapter.

P.S. Claude helped with about half the prompts

Follow Jeff on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, or visit his website for more info! Read more from Jeff!

Jeff Altman Brainz Magazine

Jeff Altman, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine People hire Jeff Altman to give them no bs job search advice and coaching globally because he makes getting a job much easier for people. He has written 11 books and guides to job search and hiring including "The Ultimate Job Interview Framework" and "The Right Answers to Tough Interview Questions” and is the host of No BS Job Search Advice Radio, the no. 1 podcast in Apple Podcasts for job search with more than 2600 episodes, as well as on YouTube.

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