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The Missing Link in Entrepreneurial Success

Written by: Carmen Benton, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine


Awareness is the most important piece in the success journey, yet the most common missing link among entrepreneurs. Awareness is so important, because it brings you not only attention to a situation in your business that you need to solve or fix, but also it is like literally shining a spotlight into anything you need to make better, and allow your inner and outer resources to focus on amending the situation. In other words, without awareness of where you are today, it is impossible to get where you want to be, because without a clear starting point your goals, your tactics, and strategy can’t be effective to get you where you want to go.

Realization is how I like to call the act of being aware of the state of your business, and I invite you to fully realize or accept as a fact where you are in your business today and of course to realize where you want to be, and by becoming aware and fully realize the state, health and outcomes of your business, you will be then ready to start the journey towards success with the right foot.

Many studies suggest that lack of awareness as a business owner has more implications and limitations in entrepreneurial success, than previously imagined. For example, believe it or not a lack of realization in your strategy will cost you the ability to acquire the talent that will help you move towards success, and that’s true regardless of the size of your company, even if you are a one person shop currently, the reality is that eventually you will have to hire people to scale your business, and the lack of realization will inhibit your ability to get the right people on your side, which will end up costing you time, clients and money.

But closing this gap and finding the missing link of entrepreneurial success is not something sexy that famous people wake up one day and decide to chase, it is something you must do as an entrepreneur if you consider yourself a leader, because leadership is all about recognizing not only the areas of opportunity for your employees and your customers, but for yourself and your business, and that’s when you can leverage your inner and outer resources to ensure you perform at the best every time. Not just converting sales often, but keeping up a steady improvement using conversion rate optimization (CRO) to keep improving. After all, you are in business to guide your customers to a better destination, either with your products or your services, which inevitably means you are or at least want to be a leader in your area of expertise.

In this article I want to share with you three techniques to leverage your inner resources, and when it comes to awareness and realization, these are tools that are surprisingly common, and that I know you are familiar with but perhaps not as an entrepreneur, and maybe you haven’t stopped to apply them in your business.

The first tool is to do regular Brain Dumping sessions, which is not more than a complete transfer of your accessible knowledge about a particular subject from your brain to some other storage medium, such as paper or your computers hard drive. Then, the second tool you need to practice realization and awareness in your business is to create a categorization of that knowledge you got out of your brain and into a paper, so it’s easier to apply the third step which is creating an understanding of what is coming your way so you can be prepared.

As you can see these three tools are simple, easy and free for you to start implementing, and they are the first step of what I like to call Time Hacking Blueprint.

For the remaining steps on this process, stay tuned to my upcoming articles.

Carmen Benton, International Business Strategist
Carmen Benton, International Business Strategist

For more details and other business strategies for success, follow me on Facebook or Instagram, join my Facebook Community or visit my website


Carmen Benton,Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Carmen Benton is an International sought after Business Strategist, dedicated to help entrepreneurs around the world stop feeling overwhelmed and overworked, by showing them how to create a real growth strategy and powerful action that is proven to eliminate burnout from any business, including yours so that you can feel passionate about what you do again, and scale you business with ease.  Carmen is a Mechanical Industrial Engineer and she holds an MBA from a branch for Harvard Business School.  She has served in high management positions in large corporations in the US, and she also has helped companies of all shapes and sizes, create and established a concrete strategy that's actionable and profitable.


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