Written by: Lea Smith, Executive Contributor
Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.

Kicking off the celebration of National Women’s History Month with beautiful women from all around the globe! Women are long away from the traditional roles in our careers and not qualifying for executive promotions, head of the household status, bread-winning circles, and inequality of gender. For more than 100 years women are breaking barriers throughout the world and social well-being. Women are aligning themselves with their purpose and passion for togetherness. I attended the Awards Luxury Gala 2023 hosted by Samira’s Network at Universal Hilton Hotel located in Hollywood CA., and the party was a success. In a room filled with Grammy-winning Actors, Actresses, Producers, Fashion Designers and more we celebrated the Oscars. So many beautiful women were dressed in their finest gowns and dresses and did not come to play on the red carpet but let’s not forget the men who were dressed to impress too! In the spotlight happiness for acknowledgment of their wives in being their solid foundation, encouraging partner and patient while success leads the journey together was exemplified.

Entertainment for us as people have changed for various of reasons. Thanks to different trends, styles, culture and beliefs it’s reshaping our lives daily. As with any organization business must go on to get the job done but who receives the credit for generating the idea, planning, executing the plan and delivering results? We often praise the person delivering the goods but forget to consider the administrator, secretary and colleagues who participated in the process.
Expressing generosity, appreciation and thank you to the parties involved in success is essential in breaking barriers. Our emotions play a huge part in how we express care and concern for others. Quite often I ask “How does this make you feel,” when someone I know achieves their dreams or endure failures.
The reality of the circumstance is based on the individual's perspective of how to identify with achievements or failures. Many can all relate to the overwhelming feelings of the “I made it happen or That’s exactly what I wanted” moment. How you process your emotions, mental stability and environment is the key to how others will perceive you. When you walk into a room with a smile and open mind will you attract others who are conscious of their mood with the same delight? When taking risk do you unconsciously display your unwillingness to engage with others due to the fear of not knowing who they are, what they represent and where they are from?
Organizational inclusiveness are fundamental factors that bridges the gap in the workplace and therefore, in order to attract and maintain a diverse workforce diversity and inclusion are essential in developing groundbreaking history! We can all attest to the many organizations that are working to be supportive of different groups of individuals, including people of different races, ethnicities, religions, abilities, gender and sexual orientations. If having options is the spice of life and diversity is another word for option, how can we savor the flavor of the world? Diversity indicates the “what” and inclusion represents the “how,” employers are providing employees with an inclusive culture. Organizations that are diverse are able to respond quickly to challenges, win top-tier talent, and meet the needs of different customer bases. In recent times many organizations have restructured their policies and hiring practices to support employees, starting with equity the fair treatment for all people to ensure identity is not predictive of opportunities or workplace outcomes. Findings from the Women in the Workplace 2021 report included that women’s representation in the corporate pipeline and especially women of color in particular remain significantly underrepresented in leadership. For so long women of color lose ground to White women and men of color until now, America witnessed investment in all aspects of diversity, equity and inclusion.
We squirm in our seats to listen for the names of honorees winning the Oscars for their creativity and genius ideas. The crowd cheered on Jamie Lee Curtis, who took the stage with bravery in her walk and appreciation for winning AcademyAward for Best Actress in a Supporting Role. Radiant Jamie Lee Curtis, lived in the moment of feminine divinity and thanked her husband too. Jamie Lee Curtis speech was uplifting for all the fans, every team member and the hundreds of thousands of people who contributed to that very moment. This breathtaking moment that many people were waiting for finally arrived as Ruth E. Carter, becomes the First Black Woman to Win Two Oscars. The Afrofuturist costumes in “Black Panther: Wakanda Forever ”stole the hearts of African American culture. Ruth E. Carter also won a statue for the 2018 film “Black Panther,” and the first person to win for both the original and the sequel of a movie. Even though all of the nominees have a major impact on the entertainment industry, these ladies’ profound insight is remarkable! One thing for certain and two things for sure race, gender and culture did not appear to be an issue for choosing Oscar Winners. For the first time we watched diversity and inclusion become the centerpiece at the table for everyone to join and enjoy talent showcased for the world to see.

Lea Smith, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine
Courageous Lea, is the Founder of Alea's Helping Hand Inc., 501(c)(3) Non-Profit organization. The foundation of business is understanding concepts, processes and money. Lea’s ability to identify areas of strength and weaknesses to implement standards and changes in operation that optimize productivity, bottom line, cycle time and cost help business owners increase profits. Courageous Lea, is a progressive leader with strong strategic planning skills, effective in training, development, team building and problem solving. Through financial literacy we can improve our mental, emotional and spiritual growth with fundamentals that will break the generational curse of poverty, poor money management and habits.