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Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.

ILeana Romero

Executive Contributor

Family Dynamics Coach

ILeana Romero

Family Dynamics Coach

In the early days, Ileana grew up in a large extended family, at the younger end of a generation. Being first generation American, her family believed in the, it takes a village model of raising children. Where extended family member relationships are just as important as the nuclear unit. This belief also included familial friends and parents of friends to support the development of the child. Ileana traveled to a third-world country as a small child. This left a profound mark on her development. She attributes that experience as where she was granted the gift of empathy. She learned to see outside of herself, think from another’s perspective, assess her environment, and make decisions for the well-being of the community. This exposure afforded her the opportunity to step beyond her comfort zone, create room to broaden her perspective and recognize the insignificance of our existence in the universe. Which would serve as her strength as an adult.
Ileana has always had a strong affinity for children, somewhat of an energetic bond that has left her searching for meaning ever since. It always seemed obvious to her what can be learned from the little ones around us. She has been quoted as saying, “They operate with such purity of intent and freedom from consequence; they exude joy and love with no hesitation at all. Their sense of time is on another plane of being. It’s beautiful to see the world through their scope when we stop and take a moment to do so.” Ileana has held a strong conviction that children have it all figured out. “The simplicity of it all, the little things mean so much. It seems so counterintuitive that as adults we seem to abandon these concepts throughout our experiences.” This is where Ileana finds her work so deeply fulfilling. To be able to work with those to bring awareness, acceptance, a shift in mindset, action, support, habit creation, and lasting change, is the essence of her call to action.
Her curiosity strengthened during her undergraduate studies, she gained a degree in Social Science and Psychology from the University of Central Florida. All the while working in the college's on-campus daycare center, and other facilities since.
Her career in self-development began as a mentor for corporate trainers in sales and customer service. Although working with adults, helping others reach their truest potential, she quickly noticed to be her strength and passion. Cultivating relationships with those striving for betterment is an ideal that Ileana holds dear to her heart. It is her belief that we are never meant to stop learning, and throughout our experiences, we can only expand.
Becoming a parent in 2018 reshaped the course of her trajectory. Knowing so much about children and psychology still did not prepare her for life as a mom. Navigating this new role proved to be more difficult than expected. It sparked new curiosity into how little she knew about embodying pregnancy, delivery, and the angst of navigating America’s health care system.
It was in 2021 that her self-development journey intensified. One day enveloped in deep contemplation about the mother she wanted to be, she had the revelation. When she sat quietly and took the time to reflect on her life experiences, she then realized that her place to shine would come by returning to her roots. This inner knowledge that the strength one expresses as a child is the essence of purpose, is your truest calling. A true revelation, this would become a dream in the making, she knew that she would not be able to create lasting change for others until she began her healing journey first. It was from that thought that she took a leap of faith and enrolled in the Jay Shetty Certification School for Life Coaching. Upon enrollment, she created Sisu Coaching, LLC. A place where her love of children, psychology, and her new experiences as a mom could come to fruition. She deeply empathized with busy moms on the edge of burnout in her practice. She knew there was learning to be done.
After graduating, she dedicated her practice to helping families create their parenting rule books. By integrating her whole family approach into the intentional parenting model. With her technique, her clients have regained connection, strengthened bonds, deepened relationships, and broken generational bad habits within families, she has unlocked a source of stress for parents around the globe. This approach has shown benefit for the children as well, by providing them more inclusion into the process of their family dynamic, they feel more seen, better heard and supported by their families.
As deeply enriching as her one-on-one work has proven to be, she has cultivated a passion for sharing her knowledge. In early 2024 she created and released a podcast titled, Who’s the Baby? Available on Spotify. This podcast focuses on inner child work. As she has come to learn, all parents are ultimately simultaneously re-parenting themselves. Integrating this work into her coaching style has been the key to unlocking true transformation for parents.
If you are interested in working with Ileana, she currently offers online and in-person family coaching. She has created a 10-week Powered Up Parenting program, which enrolls the entire family unit on a path to success. Upon completion her services can continue with single sessions.

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CREA Global Awards presented to

ILeana Romero

Family Dynamics Coach

The CREA Global Awards is proudly presented to the honoree by the Brainz Magazine Selection Committee, in recognition for their creative and innovative ideas, adaptability in business, or for their contributions to sustainability and mental health projects.

Caroline Winkvist


Daniel Ålund

Selection Committee

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Brainz 500 Global Awards presented to

ILeana Romero

Family Dynamics Coach

Brainz 500 Global Awards is proudly presented to the honoree by the Brainz Magazine Selection Committee, in recognition of their entrepreneurial success, achievements, and dedication to helping others.

Caroline Winkvist


Fredrik Elfqvist

Selection Committee

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.

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